string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1972' AND fasc_issn='00031305' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-52    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/52

Authors: Hogg, Robert V.
Citation: V. Hogg, Robert, On Statistical Education, American statistician , 26(3), 1972, pp. 8-11

Authors: Good, I. J.
Citation: J. Good, I., Statistics and Today's Problems, American statistician , 26(3), 1972, pp. 11-19

Authors: Eckler, A. Ross
Citation: Eckler, A. Ross, Some Comments on .Federal Statistics. (Report of the President's Commission on Federal Statistics-Volume I), American statistician , 26(2), 1972, pp. 11-14

Authors: Bancroft, T. A.
Citation: A. Bancroft, T., The Statistical Community and the Protection of Privacy, American statistician , 26(4), 1972, pp. 13-16

Authors: Bancroft, T. A.
Citation: A. Bancroft, T., On Teaching of Service Courses in Statistics, American statistician , 26(2), 1972, pp. 14-16

Authors: Krutchoff, Richard G.
Citation: G. Krutchoff, Richard, Empirical Bayes Estimation, American statistician , 26(5), 1972, pp. 14-16

Authors: Rathbun, Daniel B.
Citation: B. Rathbun, Daniel, The Report of the President's Commission on Federal Statistics, American statistician , 26(1), 1972, pp. 15-18

Authors: Fuentes, Sonia Pressman
Citation: Fuentes, Sonia Pressman, The Law against Sex Discrimination in Employment and its Relationship to Statistics, American statistician , 26(2), 1972, pp. 16-21

Authors: Shelton, William C.
Citation: C. Shelton, William, Majorities and Pluralities in Elections, American statistician , 26(5), 1972, pp. 17-19

Authors: Thomas, J. Boardman, Eileen C.
Citation: J. Thomas, et C. Boardman, Eileen, ASA 1971 Publications Survey.Summary of Findings, American statistician , 26(4), 1972, pp. 17-22

Authors: Fisher, Lloyd
Citation: Fisher, Lloyd, The Behavior of Bayesians in Bunches, American statistician , 26(5), 1972, pp. 19-20

Citation: , Preparation for Graduate Work in Statistics: A Report of the CUPM Panel on Statistics, American statistician , 26(1), 1972, pp. 19-25

Authors: Blyth, Colin R.
Citation: R. Blyth, Colin, Subjective vs. Objective Methods in Statistics, American statistician , 26(3), 1972, pp. 20-22

Authors: Gokhale, D. V.
Citation: V. Gokhale, D., A Formula for Sample Size Required for Specified Tolerance, American statistician , 26(5), 1972, pp. 21-21

Authors: Friedman, Herbert
Citation: Friedman, Herbert, Trial by Jury: Criteria for Convictions, Jury Size and Type I and Type II Errors, American statistician , 26(2), 1972, pp. 21-23

Authors: Nelson, Wayne
Citation: Nelson, Wayne, Statistical Methods for the Ratio of Two Multinomial Proportions, American statistician , 26(3), 1972, pp. 22-27

Authors: Hunter, Jeffrey J.
Citation: J. Hunter, Jeffrey, Independence, Conditional Expectation, and Zero Covariance, American statistician , 26(5), 1972, pp. 22-24

Authors: Harris, Lawrence
Citation: Harris, Lawrence, A Note on the Decision Process of the Official Statistician, American statistician , 26(2), 1972, pp. 23-24

Authors: Benjamin, Bernard
Citation: Benjamin, Bernard, Teaching Statistics and Operational Research to Civil Servants, American statistician , 26(4), 1972, pp. 23-26

Authors: Mullet, Gary M.
Citation: M. Mullet, Gary, A Graphical Illustration of Simple (Total) and Partial Regression, American statistician , 26(5), 1972, pp. 25-27

Authors: Sclove, Stanley L.
Citation: L. Sclove, Stanley, On Missing Value Estimation in Experimental Design Models, American statistician , 26(2), 1972, pp. 25-26

Authors: Lurie, D. Hartley, H. O.
Citation: D. Lurie, et O. Hartley, H., Machine-Generation of Order Statistics for Monte Carlo Computations, American statistician , 26(1), 1972, pp. 26-27

Authors: Cramer, Elliot M.
Citation: M. Cramer, Elliot, Significance Tests and Tests of Models in Multiple Regression, American statistician , 26(4), 1972, pp. 26-30

Authors: Wong, C. K.
Citation: K. Wong, C., A Note on Mutually Independent Events, American statistician , 26(2), 1972, pp. 27-28

Authors: Wiorkowski, John J.
Citation: J. Wiorkowski, John, A Curious Aspect of Knockout Tournaments of Size 2m, American statistician , 26(3), 1972, pp. 28-30
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-52