string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1974' AND fasc_issn='00031305' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-41    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/41

Authors: Kruskal, William
Citation: Kruskal, William, The Ubiquity of Statistics, American statistician , 28(1), 1974, pp. 3-6

Authors: Mandel, B. J.
Citation: J. Mandel, B., Statistical Science Training for Government Employees, American statistician , 28(1), 1974, pp. 7-9

Authors: Snee, Ronald D.
Citation: D. Snee, Ronald, Graphical Display of Two-way Contingency Tables, American statistician , 28(1), 1974, pp. 9-12

Authors: Joiner, Brian L.
Citation: L. Joiner, Brian, Critical Evaluation of Numerical Data, American statistician , 28(1), 1974, pp. 14-16

Authors: Speed, F. M.
Citation: M. Speed, F., An Application of the Generalized Inverse to the One-Way Classification, American statistician , 28(1), 1974, pp. 16-18

Authors: Barrett, James P.
Citation: P. Barrett, James, The Coefficient of Determination.Some Limitations, American statistician , 28(1), 1974, pp. 19-20

Authors: Addelman, Sidney
Citation: Addelman, Sidney, Computing the Analysis of Variance Table for Experiments Involving Qualitative Factors and Zero Amounts of Quantitative Factors, American statistician , 28(1), 1974, pp. 21-22

Authors: Arnold, Barry C.
Citation: C. Arnold, Barry, Schwarz, Regression, and Extreme Deviance, American statistician , 28(1), 1974, pp. 22-23

Authors: Holshouser, Eugene C.
Citation: C. Holshouser, Eugene, Computing the Posterior Variance in the Normal Case, American statistician , 28(1), 1974, pp. 23-24

Authors: Keats, John B.
Citation: B. Keats, John, Some Pascal Generalizations, American statistician , 28(1), 1974, pp. 24-25

Authors: Rabinowitz, M. Berenson, M. L.
Citation: M. Rabinowitz, et L. Berenson, M., A Comparison of Various Methods of Obtaining Random Order Statistics for Monte Carlo Computations, American statistician , 28(1), 1974, pp. 27-29

Authors: Lehman, John W.
Citation: W. Lehman, John, Report on the ASA Conference on Surveys of Human Populations, American statistician , 28(1), 1974, pp. 30-34

Authors: Weiner, Neil S.
Citation: S. Weiner, Neil, The Report of the President's Commission on Federal Statistics: A Summary of Recommendations, Views and Counterviews, American statistician , 28(2), 1974, pp. 42-46

Authors: Orleans, Leo A.
Citation: A. Orleans, Leo, Chinese Statistics: The Impossible Dream, American statistician , 28(2), 1974, pp. 47-52

Authors: Gelfand, Alan E. Thomas, D. L.
Citation: E. Gelfand, Alan et L. Thomas, D., Confidence Coefficients for Approximate Binomial Interval Estimates under Hypergeometric Models, American statistician , 28(2), 1974, pp. 52-55

Authors: Hawkins, Douglas M.
Citation: M. Hawkins, Douglas, A Note on the Distribution of Times Reported by a Low Resolution Interval Timer, American statistician , 28(2), 1974, pp. 56-57

Authors: Roy, Roch Lepage, Yves Moore, Marc
Citation: Roy, Roch et al., On the Power Series Expansion of the Moment Generating Function, American statistician , 28(2), 1974, pp. 58-59

Authors: Johnson, B. R.
Citation: R. Johnson, B., An Effective Method for Teaching the Lehmann-Scheffé Technique for Obtaining a Minimal Sufficient Statistic, American statistician , 28(2), 1974, pp. 59-60

Authors: Green, Richard D. Doll, John P.
Citation: D. Green, Richard et P. Doll, John, Dummy Variables and Seasonality.A Curio, American statistician , 28(2), 1974, pp. 60-62

Authors: Swindel, Benee F.
Citation: F. Swindel, Benee, Instability of Regression Coefficients Illustrated, American statistician , 28(2), 1974, pp. 63-65

Authors: Hanushek, Eric A.
Citation: A. Hanushek, Eric, Efficient Estimators for Regressing Regression Coefficients, American statistician , 28(2), 1974, pp. 66-67

Authors: Searle, S. R. Rounsaville, T. R.
Citation: R. Searle, S. et R. Rounsaville, T., A Note on Estimating Covariance Components, American statistician , 28(2), 1974, pp. 67-68

Authors: Broffitt, James D.
Citation: D. Broffitt, James, An Example of the Large Sample Behavior of the Midrange, American statistician , 28(2), 1974, pp. 69-70

Authors: Johnson, D. Gale
Citation: Johnson, D. Gale, Population, Food and Economic Adjustment, American statistician , 28(3), 1974, pp. 89-93

Authors: Siddiqui, M. M.
Citation: M. Siddiqui, M., The Visiting Lecturer Program in Statistics, American statistician , 28(3), 1974, pp. 94-96
Results: 1-25 | 26-41