string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1977' AND fasc_issn='00018678' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-41    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/41

Authors: Bartholomew D. J.
Citation: J. Bartholomew D., Maintaining a grade or age structure in a stochastic environment, Advances in applied probability , 9(1), 1977, pp. 1-17

Authors: Cohen Joel E.
Citation: E. Cohen Joel, Ergodicity of age structure in populations with markovian vital rates. ||. general states, Advances in applied probability , 9(1), 1977, pp. 18-37

Authors: Smythe R. T. Wieman John C.
Citation: T. Smythe R. et C. Wieman John, First passage percolation on the square lattice. |, Advances in applied probability , 9(1), 1977, pp. 38-54

Authors: Nash P. Gittins J. C.
Citation: P. Nash et C. Gittins J., A hamiltonian approach to optimal stochastic resource allocation, Advances in applied probability , 9(1), 1977, pp. 55-68

Authors: Pitmn James. W.
Citation: W. Pitmn James., Occupation measures for markov chains, Advances in applied probability , 9(1), 1977, pp. 69-86

Authors: Jacobs P. A. Lewis P. A. W.
Citation: A. Jacobs P. et W. Lewis P. A., A mixed autoregressive-moving average exponential sequence and point process (earma 1,1), Advances in applied probability , 9(1), 1977, pp. 87-104

Authors: Dufkova Vera
Citation: Dufkova Vera, On controlled one-dimensional diffusion processes with unknown parameter, Advances in applied probability , 9(1), 1977, pp. 105-124

Authors: Conolly B. W. Chan J.
Citation: W. Conolly B. et J. Chan, Generalized birth and death queueing processes: recent results, Advances in applied probability , 9(1), 1977, pp. 125-140

Authors: Neuts Marcel F.
Citation: F. Neuts Marcel, Some explicit formulas for the steady-state behavior of the queue with semi-markovian service times, Advances in applied probability , 9(1), 1977, pp. 141-157

Authors: Ott Teunis J.
Citation: J. Ott Teunis, The covariance function of the virtual waiting-time process in an M/G/1 queue, Advances in applied probability , 9(1), 1977, pp. 158-168

Authors: Ott Teunis J.
Citation: J. Ott Teunis, The stable M/G/1 queue in heavy traffic and its covariance function, Advances in applied probability , 9(1), 1977, pp. 169-186

Citation: , Sixth conference on stochastic processes and their applications, Advances in applied probability , 9(2), 1977, pp. 187-237

Authors: Antonelli Peter L. Strobeck Curtis
Citation: L. Antonelli Peter et Strobeck Curtis, The geometry of random drift |. Stochastic distance and diffusion, Advances in applied probability , 9(2), 1977, pp. 238-249

Authors: Antonelli Peter L. Chapin Jared Lathrop G. Mark Morgan Kenneth
Citation: L. Antonelli Peter et al., The geometry of random drift ||. The symmetry of random genetic drift, Advances in applied probability , 9(2), 1977, pp. 250-259

Authors: Antonelli Peter L. Morgan Kenneth Lathrop G. Mark
Citation: L. Antonelli Peter et al., The geometry of random drift ||. Recombination and diffusion, Advances in applied probability , 9(2), 1977, pp. 260-267

Authors: Sawyer Stanley
Citation: Sawyer Stanley, Asymptotic properties of the equilibrium probability of identity in a geographically structured population, Advances in applied probability , 9(2), 1977, pp. 268-282

Authors: Wieman John C.
Citation: C. Wieman John, First-passage percolation on the square lattice, ||, Advances in applied probability , 9(2), 1977, pp. 283-295

Authors: De Leve G. Federgruen A. Tijms H. C.
Citation: G. De Leve et al., A general Markov decision method |: model and techniques, Advances in applied probability , 9(2), 1977, pp. 296-315

Authors: De Leve G. Federgruen A. Tijms H. C.
Citation: G. De Leve et al., A general Markov decision method ||: applications, Advances in applied probability , 9(2), 1977, pp. 316-335

Authors: Luckas Eugene
Citation: Luckas Eugene, Stability theorems, Advances in applied probability , 9(2), 1977, pp. 336-361

Authors: Brémaud P. Jacod J.
Citation: P. Brémaud et J. Jacod, Processus ponctuel et martingales: résultats récents sur la modélisation et le filtrage, Advances in applied probability , 9(2), 1977, pp. 362-416

Authors: Harrison J. Michael
Citation: Harrison J. Michael, The premium distribution of a lévy process with no negative jumps, Advances in applied probability , 9(2), 1977, pp. 417-422

Citation: , Buffon bicentenary symposium on stochastic geometry and directional statistics, Advances in applied probability , 9(3), 1977, pp. 423-447

Authors: Faddy M. J.
Citation: J. Faddy M., Stochastic compartmental models as approximations to more general stochastic systems with the general stochastic epidemic as an example, Advances in applied probability , 9(3), 1977, pp. 448-461

Authors: Cohen Joel E.
Citation: E. Cohen Joel, Ergodicity of age structure in populations with markovian vital rates. |||: finite-state moments and growth rate; an illustration, Advances in applied probability , 9(3), 1977, pp. 462-475
Results: 1-25 | 26-41