string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1977' AND fasc_issn='01484184' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-18    

Articles table of contents

Results : 18

Authors: Parker, R. H.
Citation: H. Parker, R., Research needs in accounting history, Accounting historians journal , 4(2), 1977, pp. 1-28

Authors: Antoni, Tito
Citation: Antoni, Tito, Pisan document of Philadelphia; Carta Pisana di Filadelfia, Accounting historians journal , 4(1), 1977, pp. 1-8

Authors: Nishikawa, Kojiro
Citation: Nishikawa, Kojiro, Introduction of western bookkeeping into Japan, Accounting historians journal , 4(1), 1977, pp. 25-36

Authors: Jones, Thomas
Citation: Jones, Thomas, Analysis of bookkeeping as a branch of general education (1842), Accounting historians journal , 4(2), 1977, pp. 29-46

Authors: Costouros, George J.
Citation: J. Costouros, George, Development of an accounting system in ancient Athens in response to socieo-economic changes, Accounting historians journal , 4(1), 1977, pp. 37-54

Authors: Wells, M. C.
Citation: C. Wells, M., Some influences on the development of cost accounting, Accounting historians journal , 4(2), 1977, pp. 45-61

Authors: Martinelli, Alvaro
Citation: Martinelli, Alvaro, Business ventures in Genoa during the twelfth century (1156-1158), Accounting historians journal , 4(1), 1977, pp. 55-68

Authors: Kiger, Jack E. Williams, Jan R.
Citation: E. Kiger, Jack et R. Williams, Jan, Emerging concept of income presentation, Accounting historians journal , 4(2), 1977, pp. 63-77

Authors: Kojima, Osamu
Citation: Kojima, Osamu, Accounting textbooks in seventeenth century England, Accounting historians journal , 4(1), 1977, pp. 69-78

Authors: Dunlop, Anna B.G.
Citation: Dunlop, Anna B.g, Preservation of source materials, Accounting historians journal , 4(1), 1977, pp. 79-87

Authors: Lee, Geoffrey A.
Citation: A. Lee, Geoffrey, Coming of age of double entry: The Giovanni Farolfi ledger of 1299-1300, Accounting historians journal , 4(2), 1977, pp. 79-95

Authors: Potts, James Harrel
Citation: Potts, James Harrel, Evolution of budgetary accounting theory and practice in municipal accounting from 1870, Accounting historians journal , 4(1), 1977, pp. 89-100

Authors: Brief, Richard P.
Citation: P. Brief, Richard, Accountant's responsibility for disclosing bribery: An historical note, Accounting historians journal , 4(2), 1977, pp. 95-100

Authors: Grandell, Axel
Citation: Grandell, Axel, Reckoning board and tally stick, Accounting historians journal , 4(1), 1977, pp. 101-105

Authors: Seventer, A. Van
Citation: Seventer, A. Van, O. Ten Have (1899-1974), Accounting historians journal , 4(2), 1977, pp. 101-106

Authors: Stone, Williard E.
Citation: E. Stone, Williard, Managerial accounting on the U.S. 1758 frontier, Accounting historians journal , 4(1), 1977, pp. 107-111

Authors: Holmes, William
Citation: Holmes, William, 13th century audit case, Accounting historians journal , 4(2), 1977, pp. 107-111

Authors: Haulotte, Robert Stevelinck, Ernest
Citation: Haulotte, Robert et Stevelinck, Ernest, Bit of accounting history adding the pages in the journal, Accounting historians journal , 4(2), 1977, pp. 113-116
Results: 1-18