string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1978' AND fasc_issn='00029297' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-57    

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Results : 1-25/57

Authors: Willard Huntington F. Mellman Ira S. Rosenberg Leon E.
Citation: F. Willard Huntington et al., Genetic Complementation among Inherited Deficies of Methymalonyl-CoA Mutase Activity: Evidence for a New Class of Human Cobalamin Mutant, American journal of human genetics , 30(1), 1978, pp. 1-13

Authors: Scott Edward M. Wright Rita C.
Citation: M. Scott Edward et C. Wright Rita, Purification and Substrate Specificity of Polymorphic Forms of Esterase D from Human Erythrocytes, American journal of human genetics , 30(1), 1978, pp. 14-18

Authors: Hook Ernest B. Lindsioe Agneta
Citation: B. Hook Ernest et Lindsioe Agneta, Down Syndrome in Live Births by Single Year Maternal Age Interval in a Swedish Study: Comparison with Results from a New York State Study, American journal of human genetics , 30(1), 1978, pp. 19-27

Authors: Go R. C. P. Elston R. C. Kaplan E. B.
Citation: P. Go R. C. et al., Efficiency and Robustness of Pedigree Segregation Analysis, American journal of human genetics , 30(1), 1978, pp. 28-37

Authors: Lowden J. A. Ives E. J. Keene D. L. Burton A. L. Skomorowski M.A. Howard F.
Citation: A. Lowden J. et al., Carrier Detection in Sandhoff Disease, American journal of human genetics , 30(1), 1978, pp. 30-38

Authors: Gerrard J. W. Rao D. C. Morton N. E.
Citation: W. Gerrard J. et al., A Genetic Study of Immunoglobulin E, American journal of human genetics , 30(1), 1978, pp. 46-58

Authors: Schaap Tamar Gapany-Gapanavicius Boris
Citation: Schaap Tamar et Gapany-gapanavicius Boris, The Genetics of Otosclerosis. I. Distorted Sex Ratio, American journal of human genetics , 30(1), 1978, pp. 59-64

Authors: Salmon D. B. Brocteur J.
Citation: B. Salmon D. et J. Brocteur, Probability of Paternity Exclusion When Relatives Are Involved, American journal of human genetics , 30(1), 1978, pp. 65-75

Authors: Lau Y. F. Pfeiffer R. A. Arrighi F. E. Hsu T. C.
Citation: F. Lau Y. et al., Combination of Silver and Fluorescent Staining for Metaphase Chromosomes, American journal of human genetics , 30(1), 1978, pp. 76-79

Authors: Edgell Cora-Jean Kirkman Henry N. Clemons Evelyn Buchanan Philip D. Miller Connie H.
Citation: Edgell Cora-jean et al., Prenatal Diagnosis by Linkage: Hemophilia A and Polymorphic Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase, American journal of human genetics , 30(1), 1978, pp. 80-84

Authors: Metaxotou Catherine Kalpini-Mavrou Ariadni Panagou Maria Tsenghi Christina
Citation: Metaxotou Catherine et al., Polymorphism of Chromosome 9 in 600 Greek Subjects, American journal of human genetics , 30(1), 1978, pp. 85-89

Authors: McKusick Victor A.
Citation: A. Mckusick Victor, The William Allan Memorial Award Lecture: Genetic Nosology: Three Approaches, American journal of human genetics , 30(2), 1978, pp. 105-122

Authors: Motulsky A. G.
Citation: G. Motulsky A., Medical Human Genetics 1977: Trends and Directions, American journal of human genetics , 30(2), 1978, pp. 123-131

Authors: Reuser A. J. J. Koster J. F. Hoogeveen A. Galjaard H.
Citation: J. Reuser A. J. et al., Biochemical, Immunological, and Cell Genetic Studies in Glycogenosis Type II, American journal of human genetics , 30(2), 1978, pp. 132-143

Authors: Angell Roslyn R. Jacobs Patricia A.
Citation: R. Angell Roslyn et A. Jacobs Patricia, Lateral Asymmetry in Human Constitutive Heterochromatic Frequency and Inheritance, American journal of human genetics , 30(2), 1978, pp. 144-152

Citation: , Compound Lateral Asymmetry in Human Chromosome 6: BrdU-Dye Studies of 6q12->6q14, American journal of human genetics , 30(2), 1978, pp. 153-159

Authors: Nelson William B. Swint Micheal J. Caskey Thomas
Citation: B. Nelson William et al., An Economic Evaluation of a Genetic Screening Program for Tay-Sachs Disease, American journal of human genetics , 30(2), 1978, pp. 160-166

Authors: Goldstein Samuel Moerman Elena J.
Citation: Goldstein Samuel et J. Moerman Elena, Heat-Labile Enzymes in Circulating Erythrocytes of a Progeria Family, American journal of human genetics , 30(2), 1978, pp. 167-173

Authors: Shih Vivian E. Berson Eliot L. Mandell Roseann Schmidt Susan Y
Citation: E. Shih Vivian et al., Ornithine Ketoacid Transaminase Deficiency in Gyrate Atrophy of the Choroid and Retina, American journal of human genetics , 30(2), 1978, pp. 174-179

Authors: Lange K. Gladstien K. Zatz M.
Citation: K. Lange et al., Effects of Reproductive Compensation and Genetic Drift on X-Linked Lethals, American journal of human genetics , 30(2), 1978, pp. 180-189

Authors: Omoto Keiichi Misawa Shogo Harada Shoji Sumpaico Joaquin S. Merado Pacifico M. Ogonuki Hiroshi
Citation: Omoto Keiichi et al., Population Genetic Studies of the Phillipine Negritos. I. A Pilot Survey of Red Cell Enzyme and Serum Protein Groups, American journal of human genetics , 30(2), 1978, pp. 190-201

Authors: Daiger Stephen P. Labowe Mark L. Parsons Marilyn Wang Louse Cavalli-Sforza L. L.
Citation: P. Daiger Stephen et al., Detection of Genetic Variation with Radioactive Ligands. III. Genetic Polymorphism of Transcobalamin II in Human Plasma, American journal of human genetics , 30(2), 1978, pp. 202-214

Authors: Gallango M. L. Suinaga R.
Citation: L. Gallango M. et R. Suinaga, Uridine Monophosphate Kinase Polymorphism in Two Venezuelan Populations, American journal of human genetics , 30(2), 1978, pp. 215-218

Authors: Spielman Richard S. Harris Harry Mellman William J. Gershowitz Henry
Citation: S. Spielman Richard et al., Dissection of a Continuous Distribution: Red Cell Galactokinase Activity in Blacks, American journal of human genetics , 30(3), 1978, pp. 237-248

Authors: Fluharty Arvan L. Stevens Richard L. Davis Laurel L. Shapiro Larry J. Kihara Hayato
Citation: L. Fluharty Arvan et al., Presence of Arylsulfatase A (ARS A) in Multiple Sulfatase Deficiency Disorder Fibroblats, American journal of human genetics , 30(3), 1978, pp. 249-255
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-57