string(238) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1978' AND fasc_issn='00029297' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 25 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-57    

Articles table of contents

Results : 26-50/57

Authors: Chakravarti Aravinda Chakraborty Ranajit
Citation: Chakravarti Aravinda et Chakraborty Ranajit, Elevated Frequency of Tay-Sachs Disease among Ashkenazic Jews Unlikely by Genetic Drift Alone, American journal of human genetics , 30(3), 1978, pp. 256-261

Authors: Wagener Diane Cavalli-Sforza Luigi L. Barakat Richard
Citation: Wagener Diane et al., Ethnic Variation of Genetic Disease: Roles of Drift for Recessive Lethal Genes, American journal of human genetics , 30(3), 1978, pp. 262-270

Authors: Mulivor Richard A. Mennuti Michael Zackai Elaine H. Harris Harry
Citation: A. Mulivor Richard et al., Prenatal Diagnosis of Hypophosphatasia: Genetic, Biochemical and Clinical Studies, American journal of human genetics , 30(3), 1978, pp. 271-282

Authors: Fishman Philip M. Reich Theodore Suarez Brian James John W.
Citation: M. Fishman Philip et al., A Note on the Essential Parameters of the Two-Allele Autosomal Locus Model, American journal of human genetics , 30(3), 1978, pp. 283-292

Authors: Paul T. D. Brandt I. K. Elsas L. J. Jackson C. E. Mamunes P. Nance C. S. Nance W. E.
Citation: D. Paul T. et al., Phenylketonuria Heterozygote Detection in Families with Affected Children, American journal of human genetics , 30(3), 1978, pp. 293-301

Authors: Muensch Helmut Yoshida Akira Altland Klaus Jensen Walter Goedde Heinz-Werner
Citation: Muensch Helmut et al., Structural Difference at the Active Site of Dibucaine Resistant Variant of Human Plasma Cholinesterase, American journal of human genetics , 30(3), 1978, pp. 302-307

Authors: Fishman Philip M. Suarez Brian Hodge Susan E. Reich Theodore
Citation: M. Fishman Philip et al., A rebust Method for the Detection of Linkage in Familial Disease, American journal of human genetics , 30(3), 1978, pp. 308-321

Authors: Kitagawa T. Owada M. Sakiyama T. Aoki K. Kamoshita S. Amenomori Y. Kobayashi T.
Citation: T. Kitagawa et al., In Utero Diagnosis of Gaucher Disease, American journal of human genetics , 30(3), 1978, pp. 322-327

Authors: Rinaldi Antonietta Velivasakis Maria Latte Bachisio Filippi Giorgio Saniscalco Marcello
Citation: Rinaldi Antonietta et al., Triplo X Constitution of Mother Explains Apparent Occurence of Two Recombinants in Sibship Segregating at Two Closely X-Linked Loci (G6PD and Deutan), American journal of human genetics , 30(4), 1978, pp. 339-345

Authors: Turner Bryan M. Hirschhorn Kurt
Citation: M. Turner Bryan et Hirschhorn Kurt, Properties of ß-Hlucosidase in Cultural Skin Fibroblasts from Controls and Patients with Gaucher Disease, American journal of human genetics , 30(4), 1978, pp. 346-358

Authors: Kueppers F. Christopherson M. J.
Citation: F. Kueppers et J. Christopherson M., Alpha-Antitrypsin: Further Genetic Heterogeneity Revealed by Isoelectric Focusing, American journal of human genetics , 30(4), 1978, pp. 359-365

Authors: Ellis Walter S. Starmer William T.
Citation: S. Ellis Walter et T. Starmer William, Inbreeding as Measured by Isonymy, Pedigrees, and Population Size in Toerber, Schwitzerland, American journal of human genetics , 30(4), 1978, pp. 366-376

Authors: Reed T. Uchida I. A. Norton J. A. Jr. Christian J. C.
Citation: T. Reed et al., Comparisons of Dermatoglyphic Patterns in Monochorionic and Dichorionic Monozygotic Twins, American journal of human genetics , 30(4), 1978, pp. 383-391

Authors: Bryant E. M. Crouch E. Bornstein P. Martin G. M. Johnston P. Hoehn H.
Citation: M. Bryant E. et al., Regulation of Growth and Gene Activity in Euploid Hybrids between Human Neonatal Fibroblasts and Epithelioid Amniotic Fluid Cells, American journal of human genetics , 30(4), 1978, pp. 392-405

Authors: Matsunaga Ei
Citation: Matsunaga Ei, Hereditary Retinoblastoma: Delayed Mutation or Host Resistance?, American journal of human genetics , 30(4), 1978, pp. 406-425

Authors: Wolf Barry Hsia Edward Y. Rosenberg Leon E.
Citation: Wolf Barry et al., Biochemical Differences between Mutant Propionyl-CoA Carboxylases from Two Complementation Groups, American journal of human genetics , 30(5), 1978, pp. 455-464

Authors: Neel James V.
Citation: V. Neel James, Rare Variants, Private Polymorphisms, and Locus Heterozygosity in Amerindian Populations, American journal of human genetics , 30(5), 1978, pp. 465-490

Authors: Sing Charles F. D. Orr John
Citation: F. Sing Charles et D. Orr John, Analysis of Genetic and Environmental Sources of Variation in Serum Cholesterol in Tecumseh, Michigan. IV. Separation of Polygene from Common Enviroment Effects, American journal of human genetics , 30(5), 1978, pp. 491-504

Authors: Holmes Earle W. O' Brien John S.
Citation: W. Holmes Earle et S. O' Brien John, Feline Gmi Gangliosidosis: Characterization of the Residual Liver Acid ß-Galactosidase, American journal of human genetics , 30(5), 1978, pp. 505-515

Authors: Rao D. C. Keats B. J. B. Morton N. E. Yee S. Lew R.
Citation: C. Rao D. et al., Variability of Human Linkage Data, American journal of human genetics , 30(5), 1978, pp. 516-529

Authors: Winsor E. J. T. Welch J. P.
Citation: T. Winsor E. J. et P. Welch J., Genetic and Demographic Aspects of Nova Scotia Niemann-Pick Disease (Type D), American journal of human genetics , 30(5), 1978, pp. 530-538

Authors: Sensabaugh G. F. Golden V. L.
Citation: F. Sensabaugh G. et L. Golden V., Phenotype Dependence in the Inhibition of Red Cell Acid Phosphatase (ACP) by Folates, American journal of human genetics , 30(5), 1978, pp. 533-560

Authors: Ferrell Robert E. Bertin Terry Young Russell Barton Sara A. Murillo Federico Schull William J.
Citation: E. Ferrell Robert et al., The Anymara of Western Bolivia. IV. Gene Frequencies for Eight Blood Groups and 19 Protein and Erythrocyte Enzyme Systems, American journal of human genetics , 30(5), 1978, pp. 539-549

Authors: Paigen Beverly Ward Elizabeth Steenland Kyle Houten Lorne Gurtoo Hira L. Minowada Jun
Citation: Paigen Beverly et al., Aryl Hydrocarbon Hydroxylase in Cultured Lymphocytes of Twins, American journal of human genetics , 30(5), 1978, pp. 561-571

Authors: Yutaka Tohru Fluharty Arvan L. Stevens Richard L. Kihara Hayato
Citation: Yutaka Tohru et al., Idronate Sulfatase Analysis of Hair Roots for Identification of Hunter Syndrome Heterozygotes, American journal of human genetics , 30(6), 1978, pp. 575-582
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-57