string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1979' AND fasc_issn='00018678' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-45    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/45

Citation: , Symposium on mathematical genetics, Advances in applied probability , 11(1), 1979, pp. 1-13

Authors: Watterson G. A.
Citation: A. Watterson G., Estimating and testing selection: the two-alleles, genie selection diffusion model, Advances in applied probability , 11(1), 1979, pp. 14-30

Authors: Pakes A. G.
Citation: G. Pakes A., Limit theorems for the simple branching process allowing immigration |. The case of finite offspring mean, Advances in applied probability , 11(1), 1979, pp. 31-62

Authors: Barbour Andrew D. Pakes Anthony G.
Citation: D. Barbour Andrew et G. Pakes Anthony, Limit theorems for the simple branching process allowing immigration ||. The case of infinite offspring mean, Advances in applied probability , 11(1), 1979, pp. 63-72

Authors: Levy Joshua B.
Citation: B. Levy Joshua, Transience and recurrence of state-dependent branching processes with an immigration component, Advances in applied probability , 11(1), 1979, pp. 73-92

Authors: Lindgren Georg
Citation: Lindgren Georg, Prediction of level crossings for normal processes containing deterministic components, Advances in applied probability , 11(1), 1979, pp. 93-117

Authors: Anderson B. D. O. Kailath T.
Citation: O. Anderson B. D. et T. Kailath, Forwards and backwards models for finite-state Markov processes, Advances in applied probability , 11(1), 1979, pp. 118-133

Authors: Albright Christian S. Winston Wayne
Citation: S. Albright Christian et Winston Wayne, A birth-death model of advertising and pricing, Advances in applied probability , 11(1), 1979, pp. 134-152

Authors: Proemi Leigh S.
Citation: S. Proemi Leigh, The asymptotic distribution for the time to failure of a fiber bundle, Advances in applied probability , 11(1), 1979, pp. 153-187

Authors: Schweitzer P. J. Federgruen A.
Citation: J. Schweitzer P. et A. Federgruen, Geometric convergence of value-iteration in multi chain Markov decision problems, Advances in applied probability , 11(1), 1979, pp. 188-217

Authors: Melamed Benjamin
Citation: Melamed Benjamin, On poisson traffic processes in discrete-state markovian systems with applications to queueing theory, Advances in applied probability , 11(1), 1979, pp. 218-239

Authors: Hokstad Per
Citation: Hokstad Per, On the steady-state solution of the M/G/2/ queue, Advances in applied probability , 11(1), 1979, pp. 240-255

Citation: , Eighth conference on stochastic processes and their applications, Advances in applied probability , 11(2), 1979, pp. 257-309

Authors: Griffiths R. C.
Citation: C. Griffiths R., A transition density expansion for a multi-allele diffusion model, Advances in applied probability , 11(2), 1979, pp. 310-325

Authors: Griffiths R. C.
Citation: C. Griffiths R., Exact sampling distributions from the infinite neutral alleles model, Advances in applied probability , 11(2), 1979, pp. 326-354

Authors: Durrett Richard
Citation: Durrett Richard, An infinite particle system with additive interactions, Advances in applied probability , 11(2), 1979, pp. 355-383

Authors: Lorenzen Thomas J.
Citation: J. Lorenzen Thomas, Generalizing the secretary problem, Advances in applied probability , 11(2), 1979, pp. 384-396

Authors: Yadin M. Syski R.
Citation: M. Yadin et R. Syski, Randomization of intestines in a Markov chain, Advances in applied probability , 11(2), 1979, pp. 397-421

Authors: Melamed Benjamin
Citation: Melamed Benjamin, Characterizations of poisson traffic streams in Jackson queueing networks, Advances in applied probability , 11(2), 1979, pp. 422-438

Authors: Sonderman David
Citation: Sonderman David, Comparing multi-server queues with finite waiting rooms, |: same number of servers, Advances in applied probability , 11(2), 1979, pp. 439-447

Authors: Sonderman David
Citation: Sonderman David, Comparing multi-server queues with finite waiting rooms, ||: different numbers of servers, Advances in applied probability , 11(2), 1979, pp. 448-455

Authors: Nagasawa Masao Maruyama Takeo
Citation: Nagasawa Masao et Maruyama Takeo, An application of time reversal of Markov processes to a problem of population genetics, Advances in applied probability , 11(3), 1979, pp. 457-478

Authors: Karlin Samuel Liberman Uri
Citation: Karlin Samuel et Liberman Uri, A natural class of multilocus recombination processes and related measures of crossover interference, Advances in applied probability , 11(3), 1979, pp. 479-501

Authors: Antonelli Peter L.
Citation: L. Antonelli Peter, The geometry of random drift V. Axiomatic derivation of the wfk diffusion from a variational principle, Advances in applied probability , 11(3), 1979, pp. 502-509

Authors: Mergenthaler Wolfgang
Citation: Mergenthaler Wolfgang, A sufficient criterion for particles performing a diffusive motion with state-dependent death rate to die with probability one, Advances in applied probability , 11(3), 1979, pp. 510-526
Results: 1-25 | 26-45