string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1979' AND fasc_issn='00029297' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-66    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/66

Authors: Lowden J. A. O' Brien John S.
Citation: A. Lowden J. et S. O' Brien John, Sialidosis: A Review oh Human Neuraminidase Deficiency, American journal of human genetics , 31(1), 1979, pp. 1-18

Authors: Friedmann T.
Citation: T. Friedmann, Rapid Nucleotide Sequencing of DNA, American journal of human genetics , 31(1), 1979, pp. 19-28

Authors: Pearson G. Mann J. D. Bensen J. Bull R. W.
Citation: G. Pearson et al., Inversion Dubplication of Chromosome 6 with Trisomic Codominant Expression of HLA Antigens, American journal of human genetics , 31(1), 1979, pp. 29-34

Authors: Raum Donald Glass David Carpenter Charles B. Schur Peter H. Alper Chester A.
Citation: Raum Donald et al., Mapping of the Structural Gene for the Second Component of Complement with Respect to the Human Major Histocompatibility Complex, American journal of human genetics , 31(1), 1979, pp. 35-41

Authors: Nwokoro Ngozi Neufeld Elizabeth F.
Citation: Nwokoro Ngozi et F. Neufeld Elizabeth, Detection of Hunter Heterozygotes by Enzymatic Analysis of Hair Roots, American journal of human genetics , 31(1), 1979, pp. 42-49

Authors: Kubilus Joseph Tarascio Andrew J. Baden Howard P.
Citation: Kubilus Joseph et al., Steroid-Sulfatase Deficiency in Sex-Linkes Ichthyosis, American journal of human genetics , 31(1), 1979, pp. 50-53

Authors: Pagon Roberta A. Hall Judith G. Davenport L. H. Aase Jon Norwood Thomas H. Hoehn Holger W.
Citation: A. Pagon Roberta et al., Abnormal Skin Fibroblast Cytogenetics in Four Dysmorphic Patients with Normal Lymphocyte Chromosomes, American journal of human genetics , 31(1), 1979, pp. 54-61

Authors: Elston R.C. Sobel E.
Citation: Elston R.c et E. Sobel, Sampling Considerations in the Gathering and Analysis of Pedigree Data, American journal of human genetics , 31(1), 1979, pp. 62-69

Authors: Auerbach Arleen D. Warburton Dorothy Bloom Arthur D. Chaganti R. S. K.
Citation: D. Auerbach Arleen et al., Prenatal Detection of the Fanconi Anemia Gene by Cytogenetic Methods, American journal of human genetics , 31(1), 1979, pp. 77-81

Authors: Beutler Ernest
Citation: Beutler Ernest, The Biochemical Genetics of the Hexosaminidase System in Man, American journal of human genetics , 31(2), 1979, pp. 95-105

Authors: Passarge Eberhard
Citation: Passarge Eberhard, Emil Heitz and the Concept of Heterochromatin: Longitudinal Chromosome Differentation was Recognized Fifty Years Ago, American journal of human genetics , 31(2), 1979, pp. 106-115

Authors: Board P.G.
Citation: Board P.g, Genetic Polymorphism of the A Subunit of Human Coagulation Factor XIII, American journal of human genetics , 31(2), 1979, pp. 116-124

Authors: Sutherlamnd Grant R.
Citation: R. Sutherlamnd Grant, Heritable Fragile Sites on Human Chromosomes Affecting Expression in Lymphocyte Culture, American journal of human genetics , 31(1), 1979, pp. 125-135

Authors: Sutherlamnd Grant R.
Citation: R. Sutherlamnd Grant, Heritable Fragile Sites on Human Chromosomes II. Distribution, Phenotypic Effects, and Cytogenetics, American journal of human genetics , 31(2), 1979, pp. 136-148

Authors: Peakman David C. Moreton Marylin F. Corn Barbara J. Robinson Arthur
Citation: C. Peakman David et al., Chomosomal Mosaicism in Amniotic Fluid Cell Cultures, American journal of human genetics , 31(2), 1979, pp. 149-155

Authors: Slatkin Montgomery Thomson Glenys Sawyer Stanley
Citation: Slatkin Montgomery et al., Genetic Drift in Sex-Linked Lethal Disorders, American journal of human genetics , 31(1), 1979, pp. 156-160

Authors: Ott Jurg
Citation: Ott Jurg, Maximum Likelihood Estimation by Counting Methods Under Polygenic and Mixed Models in Human Pedigrees, American journal of human genetics , 31(2), 1979, pp. 161-175

Authors: Cloninger Robert C. Rice John Reich Theodore
Citation: C. Cloninger Robert et al., Multifactorial Inheritance with Cultural Trasmission and Assortative Mating II. A General Model of Combined Polygenic and Cultural Inheritance, American journal of human genetics , 31(2), 1979, pp. 176-198

Authors: Siervogel R.M. Elston R. C. Lester R.H. Graham J.B.
Citation: Siervogel R.m et al., Major Gene Analysis of Quantitative Variation in Blood Clotting Facrtor X Levels, American journal of human genetics , 31(2), 1979, pp. 199-213

Authors: Howard-Peebles Patricia N. Stoddard Gayle R. Mims Mildred G.
Citation: N. Howard-peebles Patricia et al., Familial X-Linked Mental Retardation, Verbal Disability, and Marker X Chromosomes, American journal of human genetics , 31(2), 1979, pp. 214-222

Authors: Barton Childs
Citation: Barton Childs, The William Allan Memorial Award, American journal of human genetics , 31(3), 1979, pp. 239-242

Authors: Scriver Charles R.
Citation: R. Scriver Charles, The William Allan Memorial Award Adress: OnPhosphate Transport and Genetic Screening. "Understanding Backward" - Living Forward" in Human Genetics, American journal of human genetics , 31(3), 1979, pp. 243-263

Authors: Gabor Miklos George L. John Bernard
Citation: L. Gabor Miklos George et John Bernard, Heterochromatin and Satellite DNA in Man: Properties and Prospects, American journal of human genetics , 31(3), 1979, pp. 264-280

Authors: Lowden J. A.
Citation: A. Lowden J., Evidence for a Hybrid Hexosaminidase Isoenzyme in Heterozygotes for Sandhoff Disease, American journal of human genetics , 31(3), 1979, pp. 281-289

Authors: Dancis Joseph Hutzler Joel Cox Rody P.
Citation: Dancis Joseph et al., Familial Hyperlysinemia: Enzyme Studies, Diagnostic Methods, Comments on Terminology, American journal of human genetics , 31(3), 1979, pp. 290-299
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-66