string(238) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1979' AND fasc_issn='00029297' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 50 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-66    

Articles table of contents

Results : 51-66/66

Authors: Mohandas T. Sparkes R.S. Sparkes M.C. Shulkin J.D. Toomey K.E. Funderburk S.J.
Citation: T. Mohandas et al., Regional Localization of Human Gene Loci on Chromosome 9: Studies of Somatic Cell Hubrids Containing Human Translocations, American journal of human genetics , 31(5), 1979, pp. 586-600

Authors: Kravitz K. Skolnick M. Cannings C. Carmelli D. Baty B. Amos B. Johnson A. Mendell N. Edwards C. Cartwright G.
Citation: K. Kravitz et al., Genetic Linkage between Hereditary Hemochromatosis and HLA, American journal of human genetics , 31(5), 1979, pp. 601-619

Authors: Anderson M.W. Bonne-Tamir B. Carmelli D. Thompson E.A.
Citation: Anderson M.w et al., Linkage Analysis and the Inheritance of Arches in a Habbanite Isolate, American journal of human genetics , 31(5), 1979, pp. 620-629

Authors: Lewis M. Kaita H. Allderdice P.W. Bartlett S. Squires W.G. Huntsman R.G.
Citation: M. Lewis et al., Assignment of the Red Cell Antigen, Targett (Rh40), to the Rh Blood Group System, American journal of human genetics , 31(5), 1979, pp. 630-633

Citation: , Human Infertility, Probably Genetically Determined, Due to Defective Meiosis and Spermatogenic Arrest, American journal of human genetics , 31(5), 1979, pp. 634-641

Authors: Elston R.C.
Citation: Elston R.c, Major Locus Analysis for Quantitative Traits, American journal of human genetics , 31(6), 1979, pp. 655-661

Authors: Bird Thomas D. Hamernyc Peggy Nutter Janet Y. Labbe Robert F.
Citation: D. Bird Thomas et al., Inherited Deficiency of Delta-Aminolevulinic Acid Dehydratase, American journal of human genetics , 31(6), 1979, pp. 662-668

Authors: Gravel R.A. Lowden J.A. Callhan J.W. Wolfe L.S. Yin Kin N.M.K. Ng
Citation: Gravel R.a et al., Infantile Sialidosis: A Phenocopy of Type Gm1 Gangliosidosis Distinguished by Genetic Complementation and Urinary Oligosaccharides, American journal of human genetics , 31(6), 1979, pp. 669-679

Authors: Rao D.C. Keats B.J. Lalouel J.M. Morton N.E. Yee S.
Citation: Rao D.c et al., A MAximum Likelihood Map of Chromosome 1, American journal of human genetics , 31(6), 1979, pp. 680-696

Authors: Boisen Eric
Citation: Boisen Eric, Testicular Size and Shape of 47,XYY and 47,XXY Men in a Double-Blind, Double.Matched Population Survey, American journal of human genetics , 31(6), 1979, pp. 697-703

Authors: Jackson Charles E. Block Melvin A. Greenawald Kenneth A. Tashjian H. Jr
Citation: E. Jackson Charles et al., The Two-Multinational-Event Theory in Medullary Thyroid Cancer, American journal of human genetics , 31(6), 1979, pp. 704-710

Authors: Jones Marshall B.
Citation: B. Jones Marshall, Years of Life Lost Due to Huntington Disease, American journal of human genetics , 31(6), 1979, pp. 711-717

Authors: Rowley Peter T. Fisher Lawrence Lipkin Mack Jr.
Citation: T. Rowley Peter et al., Screening and Genetic Counseling for ..Thalassemia Trait in a Population Unselected for Interest: Effects on Knowledge and Mood, American journal of human genetics , 31(6), 1979, pp. 718-730

Authors: Bhatia K.K. Blake N.M. Kirk R.L.
Citation: Bhatia K.k et al., The Frequency of Private Electrophoretic Variants in Australian Aborigines and Indirect Estimates of Mutation Rate, American journal of human genetics , 31(6), 1979, pp. 731-740

Authors: Gladstien Keith Shapiro Larry J. Spence Anne M.
Citation: Gladstien Keith et al., Estimating Sex Ratio Biases in X-Linked Disorders: Is There an Excess of Males in Families with X-Linked Ichthyosis?, American journal of human genetics , 31(6), 1979, pp. 741-746

Authors: Omoto Keiichi
Citation: Omoto Keiichi, Carbonic Anhydrase-I Polymorphism in a Philippine Aboriginal Population, American journal of human genetics , 31(6), 1979, pp. 747-750
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-66