string(238) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1980' AND fasc_issn='00031305' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 25 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-48    

Articles table of contents

Results : 26-48/48

Authors: Kennedy, William J.
Citation: J. Kennedy, William, New Developments in Statistical Computing, American statistician , 34(2), 1980, pp. 115-121

Authors: Pierce, David A.
Citation: A. Pierce, David, A Survey of Recent Developments in Seasonal Adjustment, American statistician , 34(3), 1980, pp. 125-134

Authors: Pittenger, Donald B.
Citation: B. Pittenger, Donald, Some Problems in Forecasting Population for Government Planning Purposes, American statistician , 34(3), 1980, pp. 135-139

Authors: Gibbons, Jean D. Freund, Rudolf J.
Citation: D. Gibbons, Jean et J. Freund, Rudolf, Organizations for Statistical Consulting at Colleges and Universities, American statistician , 34(3), 1980, pp. 140-145

Authors: Hoaglin, David C.
Citation: C. Hoaglin, David, A Poissonness Plot, American statistician , 34(3), 1980, pp. 146-149

Authors: Driscoll, Michael F.
Citation: F. Driscoll, Michael, Instructional Uses of Approximate Convolutions and Their Graphs, American statistician , 34(3), 1980, pp. 150-154

Authors: Blyth, Colin R.
Citation: R. Blyth, Colin, Expected Absolute Error of the Usual Estimator of the Binomial Parameter, American statistician , 34(3), 1980, pp. 155-157

Authors: Asok, C.
Citation: C. Asok,, A Note on the Comparison between Simple Mean and Mean Based on Distinct Units in Sampling with Replacement, American statistician , 34(3), 1980, pp. 158-158

Authors: Muller, Mervin E.
Citation: E. Muller, Mervin, Aspects of Statistical Computing: What Packages for the 1980's Ought to Do, American statistician , 34(3), 1980, pp. 159-168

Authors: Dawson, Ree Klensin, John C. Yntema, Douwe B.
Citation: Dawson, Ree et al., The Consistent System, American statistician , 34(3), 1980, pp. 169-176

Authors: Kennedy, William J.
Citation: J. Kennedy, William, New Developments in Statistical Computing, American statistician , 34(3), 1980, pp. 177-189

Authors: Andrews, Horace P. Snee, Ronald D. Sarner, Margaret H.
Citation: P. Andrews, Horace et al., Graphical Display of Means, American statistician , 34(4), 1980, pp. 195-199

Authors: González, María Elena
Citation: González, María Elena, Characteristics of Formulas and Data Used in the Allocation of Federal Funds, American statistician , 34(4), 1980, pp. 200-211

Authors: McCabe Jr., George P.
Citation: P. Mccabe Jr., George, The Interpretation of Regression Analysis Results in Sex and Race Discrimination Problems, American statistician , 34(4), 1980, pp. 212-215

Authors: Searle, S. R. Speed, F. M. Milliken, G. A.
Citation: R. Searle, S. et al., Population Marginal Means in the Linear Model: An Alternative to Least Squares Means, American statistician , 34(4), 1980, pp. 216-221

Authors: Chervany, Norman L. Benson, P. George Iyer, Raja K.
Citation: L. Chervany, Norman et al., The Planning Stage in Statistical Reasoning, American statistician , 34(4), 1980, pp. 222-226

Authors: Wolde-Tsadik, Girma
Citation: Wolde-tsadik, Girma, Sample Sizes in the Interval Estimation of the Correlation Coefficient, American statistician , 34(4), 1980, pp. 227-228

Authors: Brogan, Donna R. Kutner, Michael H.
Citation: R. Brogan, Donna et H. Kutner, Michael, Comparative Analyses of Pretest-Posttest Research Designs, American statistician , 34(4), 1980, pp. 229-232

Authors: Lehmann, E. L.
Citation: L. Lehmann, E., Efficient Likelihood Estimators, American statistician , 34(4), 1980, pp. 233-235

Authors: Hawkins, Douglas M.
Citation: M. Hawkins, Douglas, A Note on Fitting a Regression without an Intercept Term, American statistician , 34(4), 1980, pp. 233-233

Authors: Posten, Harry O.
Citation: O. Posten, Harry, Accent on Teaching Materials, American statistician , 34(4), 1980, pp. 236-237

Authors: Chambers, John M.
Citation: M. Chambers, John, Statistical Computing: History and Trends, American statistician , 34(4), 1980, pp. 238-243

Authors: Kennedy, William J.
Citation: J. Kennedy, William, New Developments in Statistical Computing, American statistician , 34(4), 1980, pp. 244-248
Results: 1-25 | 26-48