string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1981' AND fasc_issn='00177377' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-7    

Articles table of contents

Results : 7

Authors: Vardan Zorenc
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Vardan Zorenc, H. Petros V. Ter Polosean, Handes amsorya , 95(1-12), 1981, pp. 1-12

Authors: Moreno Morani
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Moreno Morani, Armeno e problema satem, Handes amsorya , 95(1-12), 1981, pp. 13-30

Authors: Anasean, Y. S.
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: S. Anasean, Y., Vecerord matean amenic greancn Aristoteli (Lukas Vrd. Xarberdecu targmanutiwnneric), Handes amsorya , 95(1-12), 1981, pp. 31-74

Authors: Sahak Cemcemean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Sahak Cemcemean, Triesti Mxitarean tparane, Handes amsorya , 95(1-12), 1981, pp. 75-110

Authors: Rafik Hambarjumean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Rafik Hambarjumean, Uruagcer 20rd fari lehahay galuti, Handes amsorya , 95(1-12), 1981, pp. 111-142

Authors: Sekulean, H. O.
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: O. Sekulean, H., Ancanot ej me hay tatroni patmutean mej, Handes amsorya , 95(1-12), 1981, pp. 143-148

Authors: Sekulean, H. O.
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: O. Sekulean, H., Cucak hayeren jeragrac Mxitarean matenadaranin i Vienna, hator G. tiw 2048-2246, Handes amsorya , 95(1-12), 1981, pp. 161-496
Results: 1-7