string(238) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1982' AND fasc_issn='00029297' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 25 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 >>    

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Results : 26-50/100

Authors: Ledbetter, D. H. Mascarello, J. T. Riccardi, V. M. Harper, V. D. Airhart, S. D. Strobel, R. J.
Citation: H. Ledbetter, D. et al., Chromosome 15 Abnormalities and the Prade-Willi Syndrome: A Follow-Up Report of 40 Cases, American journal of human genetics , 34(2), 1982, pp. 278-285

Authors: Uchida, I. A. Joyce, E. M.
Citation: A. Uchida, I. et M. Joyce, E., Activity of the Fragile X in Heterozygous Carriers, American journal of human genetics , 34(2), 1982, pp. 286-293

Authors: Cohen, M. M. Martin, A. O. Ober, C. Simpson, S. J.
Citation: M. Cohen, M. et al., A Family Study of Spontaneous Sister Chromatid Exchange Frequency, American journal of human genetics , 34(2), 1982, pp. 294-306

Authors: Shafer, D. A. Selles, W. D. Brenner, J. F:
Citation: A. Shafer, D. et al., Computer Image Analysis of Variance between Human Chromosome Replication Sequences and G-Bands, American journal of human genetics , 34(2), 1982, pp. 307-321

Authors: Bloomer, J. R. Morton, K. O. Reuter, R. J. Ruth, G. R.
Citation: R. Bloomer, J. et al., Bovine Protoporphyria: Documentation of Autosomal Recessive Inheritance and Comparison with the Human Disease through Measurement of Heme Synthase Activity, American journal of human genetics , 34(2), 1982, pp. 322-330

Authors: Lucarelli, P. Scacchi, R. Corbo, R. M. Benincasa, A. Palmarino, R.
Citation: P. Lucarelli, et al., Human Placental Alkaline Phosphatase Electrophoretic Alleles: Quantitative Studies, American journal of human genetics , 34(2), 1982, pp. 331-336

Authors: Santachiara-Benerecetti, A. S. Ranzani, G. N. Antonini, G. Beretta, M.
Citation: S. Santachiara-benerecetti, A. et al., Subtyping of Phosphoglucomutase Locus 1 (PGM1) Polymorphism in Som Populations of Rwanda: Description of Variant Phenotypes, "Haplotype" Frequencies, and Linkage Disequilibrium Data, American journal of human genetics , 34(2), 1982, pp. 337-348

Authors: Asmussen, M. A. and Clegg, M. T.
Citation: T. Asmussen, M. A. And Clegg, M., Use of Restriction Fragment Lenght Polymorphisms for Genetic Counseling: Population Genetic Considerations, American journal of human genetics , 34(3), 1982, pp. 369-380

Authors: Junien, C. Weil, D. Myers, J. C. Nguyen Van Con Chu, M. -L. Foubert, C. Gross, M. -S. Prockop, D. J. Kaplan, J. -C. Ramirez, F.
Citation: C. Junien, et al., Assignment of the Human PROa2(I) Collagen Structural Gene (COLIA2) to Chromosome 7 by Molecular Hybridization, American journal of human genetics , 34(3), 1982, pp. 381-387

Authors: Bird, T. D., Ott, J. and Giblett, E. R.
Citation: R. Bird, T. D., Ott, J. And Giblett, E., Evidence for Linkage of Charcot-Marie-Tooth Neuropathy to the Duffy Locus on Chromosome 1, American journal of human genetics , 34(3), 1982, pp. 388-394

Authors: Rotter, J. I. WOng, F. L. Samloff, I. M. Varis, K. Siurala, M. Ihamaki, T. Ellis, A. McConnell, R. B.
Citation: I. Rotter, J. et al., Evidence for a Major Dominance Component in the Variation of Serum Pepsinogen I Levels, American journal of human genetics , 34(3), 1982, pp. 395-401

Authors: Le Pendu, J. Lemieux, R. U. Lambert, F. Dalix, A. -M. Oriol, R.
Citation: J. Le Pendu, et al., Distribution of H Typer 1 and H Type 2 Antigenic Determinants in Human Sera and Saliva, American journal of human genetics , 34(3), 1982, pp. 402-415

Authors: Chuang, D. T. Ku, L. S. Kerr, D. S. Cox, R. P.
Citation: T. Chuang, D. et al., Detection of Heterozygotes in Maple-Syrup-Urine Disease: Measurements of Branched-Chain alpha -Ketoacid Dehydrogenase and Its Components in Cell Cultures, American journal of human genetics , 34(3), 1982, pp. 416-424

Authors: Mohrenweiser, H. W. Novotny, J. E.
Citation: W. Mohrenweiser, H. et E. Novotny, J., ACP_1^(GUA-1) - A Low-Activity Variant of Human Erythrocyte Acid Phosphatase: Association with Increased Glutathione Reductase Activity, American journal of human genetics , 34(3), 1982, pp. 425-433

Authors: Vidgoff, J. Buxman, M. M. Shapiro, L. J. dimond, R. L. Wilson, T. G. Hepburn, C. A. Tabei, T. Heinrichs, W. L.
Citation: J. Vidgoff, et al., Placental Steroid Sulfatase Deficiency: Association with Arylsufatase A Deficiency, American journal of human genetics , 34(3), 1982, pp. 434-443

Authors: Greenberg, D. A. Kaback, M. M.
Citation: A. Greenberg, D. et M. Kaback, M., Estimation of the Frequency of Hexosaminidase A Variant Alleles in the American Jewish Population, American journal of human genetics , 34(3), 1982, pp. 444-451

Authors: Sutherland, G. R.
Citation: R. Sutherland, G., Heritable Fragile Sites on Human Chromosome. VIII. Preliminary Population Cytogenetic Data onthe Folic-Acid-Sensitive Fragile Sites, American journal of human genetics , 34(3), 1982, pp. 452-458

Authors: Martin, R. H: Lin, C. C. Balkan, W. Burns, K.
Citation: Martin, R. H: et al., Direct Chromosomal Analysis of Human Spermatozoa: Preliminary Results from 18 Normal Men, American journal of human genetics , 34(3), 1982, pp. 459-468

Authors: Fung, L. W.-M. Ostrowski, M. S.
Citation: Fung, L. W.-m et S. Ostrowski, M., Spin Label Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) Studies of Huntington Disease Erythocyte Membranes, American journal of human genetics , 34(3), 1982, pp. 469-480

Authors: Myers, R. H. Madden, J. J. Teague, J. L. Falek, A.
Citation: H. Myers, R. et al., Factors Related to Onset Age of Huntington Disease, American journal of human genetics , 34(3), 1982, pp. 481-488

Authors: Morton, N. E. Williams, W. R. Lew, R.
Citation: E. Morton, N. et al., Trials of Structured Exploratory Data Analysis, American journal of human genetics , 34(3), 1982, pp. 489-500

Authors: Steel, M. W. Barnhill, B. M.
Citation: W. Steel, M. et M. Barnhill, B., Lack of Impact of Undergraduate Genetic Courses on the Teaching of Medical Genetics, American journal of human genetics , 34(3), 1982, pp. 501-506

Authors: Michels, V. V. Medrano, C. Venne, V. L. Riccardi, V. M.
Citation: V. Michels, V. et al., Chromosome Translocations in Couples with Multiple Spontaneous Abortions, American journal of human genetics , 34(3), 1982, pp. 507-513

Authors: Chakravarti, A. Nei, M.
Citation: A. Chakravarti, et M. Nei,, Utility and Efficiency of Linked Marker Genes for Genetic Counselling. II. Identification of Linkage Phase by Offspring Phenotypes, American journal of human genetics , 34(4), 1982, pp. 531-551

Authors: Jacobs, P. A. Hunt, P. A. Mayer, M. Wang, J. -C. Boss, G. R. Erbe, R. W.
Citation: A. Jacobs, P. et al., Expression of the Marker(X)(e28) in Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines, American journal of human genetics , 34(4), 1982, pp. 552-557
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 >>