string(239) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ESSPER' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1982' AND fasc_issn='11200588' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-20    

Articles table of contents

Results : 20

Authors: Ruozi, Roberto
Citation: Roberto Ruozi, Factoring and Mercantile Credit, Economia aziendale, (3), 1982, pp. 265

Authors: Faccipieri, Sergio
Citation: Sergio Faccipieri, The Theory-Model Relationship in Strategic Decisions, Economia aziendale, (3), 1982, pp. 279

Authors: Rebora, Gianfranco
Citation: Gianfranco Rebora, Societal Strategy and the Large Firm: Some Notes on the 'Italian Case', Economia aziendale, (3), 1982, pp. 299

Authors: Amigoni, Franco
Citation: Franco Amigoni, From Management Control to Strategic Control: the Control of Dominance, Economia aziendale, (3), 1982, pp. 323

Authors: Mattessich, Richard
Citation: Richard Mattessich, On the Evolution of Inflation Accounting. With a Comparison of Seven Major Models, Economia aziendale, (3), 1982, pp. 349

Authors: Caprara, Ugo
Citation: Ugo Caprara, How the Modern Bank was Born and how it Should Work, Economia aziendale, (2), 1982, pp. 149

Authors: Rispoli, Maurizio
Citation: Maurizio Rispoli, Some Considerations on Strategic Management and the Theory of the Firm, Economia aziendale, (2), 1982, pp. 169

Authors: Bianchi, Tancredi
Citation: Tancredi Bianchi, Some Reflections on the Economic Value of Production Concern Capital, Economia aziendale, (2), 1982, pp. 185

Authors: Provasoli, Angelo
Citation: Angelo Provasoli, Balance Sheet Valuations in Times of Inflation: the Question of 'Participations', Economia aziendale, (2), 1982, pp. 197

Authors: Saita, Massimo
Citation: Massimo Saita, The Policy of Transfer Prices in the Economy of the Multinational Enterprise, Economia aziendale, (2), 1982, pp. 213

Authors: Airoldi, Giuseppe
Citation: Giuseppe Airoldi, The Evolution of Organization Design Functions: the Case of Italian Banks, Economia aziendale, (2), 1982, pp. 237

Authors: Colombo, Gianluca
Citation: Gianluca Colombo, Costs and Prices in Industrial Companies Operating to Order, Economia aziendale, (1), 1982, pp. 1

Authors: Ferrero, Giovanni
Citation: Giovanni Ferrero, Composite Model of Management Systemic Analysis, Economia aziendale, (1), 1982, pp. 11

Authors: Volpatto, Oreste
Citation: Oreste Volpatto, Public Administrations and their Management. Evolutions in Progress and Prospects of Reform, Economia aziendale, (1), 1982, pp. 23

Authors: Argenziano, Riccardo
Citation: Riccardo Argenziano, The Social Function of Audit Companies and its Recent Regulation in Italy, Economia aziendale, (1), 1982, pp. 47

Authors: Canziani, Arnaldo
Citation: Arnaldo Canziani, Measurements and Calculations in Accounting: a Note on Continental vs. Anglo-Saxon methodology, Economia aziendale, (1), 1982, pp. 57

Authors: Perotta, Riccardo
Citation: Riccardo Perotta, Consolidated Values Subsequent to a Merger and Published Financial Statements, Economia aziendale, (1), 1982, pp. 73

Authors: Bertoni, Alberto
Citation: Alberto Bertoni, Inflation and Bond Indexing in Recent Italian Experience, Economia aziendale, (1), 1982, pp. 95

Authors: Nacamulli, Raul C.D.
Citation: Raul C.D. Nacamulli, The Organizational Decentralization in the Business organizzation. Problems, Solutions and Models of Organizational Change for the Decentralized Organization, Economia aziendale, (1), 1982, pp. 119

Authors: Pivato, Sergio
Citation: Sergio Pivato, Marketing of Services, Economia aziendale, (1), 1982, pp. 133
Results: 1-20