string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1986' AND fasc_issn='00029297' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/201

Authors: Kazazian, H. H. Jr.
Citation: Kazazian, H. H. Jr, The William Allan Memorial Award Presentation, American journal of human genetics , 38(1), 1986, pp. 1-3

Authors: J. Overhauser, M. S. Golbus. S. A. Schonberg, and J. J. Wasmuth
Citation: J. Overhauser, M. S. Golbus. S. A. Schonberg, And J. J. Wasmuth, Molecular Analysis of an Unbalanced Deletion of the Short Arm of Chromosome 5 That Produces No Phenotype., American journal of human genetics , 39(1), 1986, pp. 1-10

Authors: Kan, Y. W.
Citation: W. Kan, Y., The William Allan Memorial Award Address: Thalassemia: Molecular Mechanism and Detection, American journal of human genetics , 38(1), 1986, pp. 4-12

Authors: A. J. Jeffreys, V. Wilson, S. L. Thein, D. J. Weatherall, and B. A. J. Ponder
Citation: A. J. Jeffreys, V. Wilson, S. L. Thein, D. J. Weatherall, And B. A. J. Ponder, DNA "Fingerprints" and Segregation Analysis of Multiple Markers in Human Pedigrees., American journal of human genetics , 39(1), 1986, pp. 11-24

Authors: Hirschhorn, R. and Ellenbogen, A.
Citation: A. Hirschhorn, R. And Ellenbogen,, Genetic Heterogeneity in Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) Deficiency: Five Different Mutations in Five New Patients with Partial ADA Deficiency., American journal of human genetics , 38(1), 1986, pp. 13-25

Authors: F. L. Wong, R. M. Cantor, and J. I. Rotter
Citation: F. L. Wong, R. M. Cantor, And J. I. Rotter, Sample-Size Considerations and Strategies for Linkage Analysis in Autosomal Recessive Disorders., American journal of human genetics , 39(1), 1986, pp. 25-37

Authors: C. Huerre-Jeanpierre, M.-G. Mattei, D. Weil, K. H. Grzeschik, M.-L. Chu, F. O. S
Citation: S. C. Huerre-jeanpierre, M.-g. Mattei, D. Weil, K. H. Grzeschik, M.-l. Chu, F. O., Further Evidence for the Dispersion of the Human Fibrillar Collagen Genes., American journal of human genetics , 38(1), 1986, pp. 26-37

Authors: B. S. Emanuel, B. T. Sellinger, L. J. Gudas, and J. C. Mvers
Citation: B. S. Emanuel, B. T. Sellinger, L. J. Gudas, And J. C. Mvers, Localization of the Human Procollagen al(IV) Gene to Chromosome 13q34 by in Situ Hybridization., American journal of human genetics , 38(1), 1986, pp. 38-44

Authors: L. Simard, W. E. O' Brien, and R. R. Mclnnes
Citation: L. Simard, W. E. O' Brien, And R. R. Mclnnes, Argininosuccinate Lyase Deficiency: Evidence for Heterogeneous Structural Gene Mutations by Immunoblotting., American journal of human genetics , 39(1), 1986, pp. 38-51

Authors: Shimizu, T. Harano, K. Harano, S. Miwa, Y. Amenomori, Y. Ohba, F. Kutlar, and T.
Citation: T. Shimizu, T. Harano, K. Harano, S. Miwa, Y. Amenomori, Y. Ohba, F. Kutlar, And, Abnormal Arrangements in the a- and y-Globin Gene Clusters in a Relatively Large Group of Japanese Newborns. K, American journal of human genetics , 38(1), 1986, pp. 45-58

Authors: D. R. Eyre. M. P. Upton, F. D. Shapiro, R. H. Wilkinson, and G. F. Vawter
Citation: D. R. Eyre. M. P. Upton, F. D. Shapiro, R. H. Wilkinson, And G. F. Vawter, Nonexpression of Cartilage Type II Collagen in a Case of Langer-Saldino Achondrogenesis., American journal of human genetics , 39(1), 1986, pp. 52-67

Authors: T. P. Dryja, J. M. Rapaport, J. Epstein, A. M. Goorin, R. Weichselbaum, A. Koufo
Citation: T. P. Dryja, J. M. Rapaport, J. Epstein, A. M. Goorin, R. Weichselbaum, A. Koufo, Chromosome 13 Homozygosity in Osteosarcoma without Retinoblastoma., American journal of human genetics , 38(1), 1986, pp. 59-66

Authors: N. T. Bech-Hansen and D. W. Cox
Citation: N. T. Bech-hansen And D. W. Cox, Duplication of the Human Immunoglobulin Heavy Chain Gamma2 Gene., American journal of human genetics , 38(1), 1986, pp. 67-74

Authors: N. Risch, Z. Stein, J. Kline, and D. Warburton
Citation: N. Risch, Z. Stein, J. Kline, And D. Warburton, The Relationship between Maternal Age and Chromosome Size in Autosomal Trisomy., American journal of human genetics , 39(1), 1986, pp. 68-78

Authors: M. Farrall, P. Scambler, P. North, and R. Williamson
Citation: M. Farrall, P. Scambler, P. North, And R. Williamson, The Analysis of Multiple Polymorphic Loci on a Single Human Chromosome to Exclude Linkage to Inherited Disease: Cystic Fibrosis and Chromosome 4, American journal of human genetics , 38(1), 1986, pp. 75-83

Authors: T. L. Yang-Feng, G. Opdenak- ker, G. Volckaert, and U. Francke
Citation: T. L. Yang-feng, G. Opdenak- Ker, G. Volckaert, And U. Francke, Human Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator Gene Located Near Chromosomal Breakpoint in Myeloproliferative Disorder., American journal of human genetics , 39(1), 1986, pp. 79-87

Authors: M. T. Akbari, S. S. Papiha, D. F. Roberts, and D. D. Farhud
Citation: M. T. Akbari, S. S. Papiha, D. F. Roberts, And D. D. Farhud, Genetic Differentiation among Iranian Christian Communities., American journal of human genetics , 38(1), 1986, pp. 84-98

Authors: D. L. Van Dyke, W. L. Flejter, M. J. Worsham, J. R. Roberson, J. V. Higgins, H.
Citation: . D. L. Van Dyke, W. L. Flejter, M. J. Worsham, J. R. Roberson, J. V. Higgins, H., A Practical Metaphase Marker of the Inactive X Chromosome., American journal of human genetics , 39(1), 1986, pp. 88-95

Authors: M. H. Cazes
Citation: M. H. Cazes, Genetic Origins of the Dogon Population in the Arrondissement of Boni (Mali)., American journal of human genetics , 39(1), 1986, pp. 96-111

Citation: , Book Reviews, American journal of human genetics , 38(1), 1986, pp. 99-108

Authors: Vergnaud, G. , Page, D. C. , Simmler, M. -C. , Brown, L. , Rouyer, F. , Noel, B.
Citation: B. Vergnaud, G. , Page, D. C. , Simmler, M. -c. , Brown, L. , Rouyer, F. , Noel,, A Deletion Map of the Human Y Chromosome Based on DNA Hybridization, American journal of human genetics , 38(2), 1986, pp. 109-124

Authors: R. C. Elston
Citation: R. C. Elston , Probability and Paternity Testing., American journal of human genetics , 39(1), 1986, pp. 112-122

Authors: M. R. Mic- key, D. W. Gjertson, and P. I. Terasaki
Citation: M. R. Mic- Key, D. W. Gjertson, And P. I. Terasaki, Empirical Validation of the Essen-Möller Probability of Paternity., American journal of human genetics , 39(1), 1986, pp. 123-132

Authors: V. Sundaram, P. Rumbolo, J. Grubb, P. Striscinglio, and W. S. Sly
Citation: V. Sundaram, P. Rumbolo, J. Grubb, P. Striscinglio, And W. S. Sly, Carbonic Anhydrase Il Deficiency: Diagnosis and Carrier Detection Using Differential Enzyme Inhibition and Inactivation., American journal of human genetics , 38(2), 1986, pp. 125-136

Authors: J. P. Pandey, P. Ebbesen, S. Bülow, L. B. Svendsen, and H. H. Fudenberg
Citation: J. P. Pandey, P. Ebbesen, S. Bülow, L. B. Svendsen, And H. H. Fudenberg, IgG Heavy-Chain (Gm) Allotypes in Familial Polyposis Coli., American journal of human genetics , 39(1), 1986, pp. 133-136
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>