string(238) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1986' AND fasc_issn='00029297' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 75 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>    

Articles table of contents

Results : 76-100/201

Authors: S. M. Hanash, J. V. Neel, L. J. Baier, B. B. Rosenblum, W. Niezgoda, and D. Mark
Citation: S. M. Hanash, J. V. Neel, L. J. Baier, B. B. Rosenblum, W. Niezgoda, And D. Mark, Genetic Analysis of Thirty-Three Platelet Polypeptides Detected in Two- Dimensional Polyacrylamide Gels., American journal of human genetics , 38(3), 1986, pp. 352-360

Authors: L. H. Pulliam and C. A. Huether
Citation: L. H. Pulliam And C. A. Huether, Translocation Down Syndrome in Ohio 1970-1981: Epidemiologic and Cytogenetic Factors and Mutation Rate Estimates., American journal of human genetics , 39(3), 1986, pp. 361-370

Authors: P. P. Moll, C. F. Sing, R. R. Williams, S. J. T. Mao, and B. A. Kottke
Citation: P. P. Moll, C. F. Sing, R. R. Williams, S. J. T. Mao, And B. A. Kottke, The Genetic Determination of Plasma Apolipoprotein A- Levels Measured by Radioimmunoassay: A Study of High-Risk Pedigrees., American journal of human genetics , 38(3), 1986, pp. 361-372

Authors: K. von Figura, F. Steckel, J. Conary, A. Hasilik, and E. Shaw
Citation: K. Von Figura, F. Steckel, J. Conary, A. Hasilik, And E. Shaw, Heterogeneity in Late-Onset Metachromatic Leukodystrophy. Effect of Inhibitors of Cysteine Proteinases., American journal of human genetics , 39(3), 1986, pp. 371-382

Authors: I. B. Borecki, D. C. Rao, J. L. H. C. Third, P. M. Laskarzewski, and C. J. Gluec
Citation: I. B. Borecki, D. C. Rao, J. L. H. C. Third, P. M. Laskarzewski, And C. J. Gluec, A Major Gene for Primary Hypoalphalipoproteinemia., American journal of human genetics , 38(3), 1986, pp. 373-381

Authors: A. V. S. Hill, D. K. Bowden, J. Flint, D. B. Whitehouse, D. A. Hopkinson, S. J.
Citation: . A. V. S. Hill, D. K. Bowden, J. Flint, D. B. Whitehouse, D. A. Hopkinson, S. J., A Population Genetic Survey of the Haptoglobin Polymorphism in Melanesians by DNA Analysis., American journal of human genetics , 38(3), 1986, pp. 382-389

Authors: R. E. Magenis, J. Gusella, K. Weliky, S. Olson, G. Haight, S. Toth-Fejel, and R.
Citation: R. R. E. Magenis, J. Gusella, K. Weliky, S. Olson, G. Haight, S. Toth-fejel, And, Huntington Disease-Linked Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Localized within Band p16.1 of Chromosome 4 by In Situ Hybridization., American journal of human genetics , 39(3), 1986, pp. 383-381

Authors: M. Palatnik and W. J. Schull
Citation: M. Palatnik And W. J. Schull, The ABO Blood Groups and the B Atypical Gene in Brazil: A Serologic and Population Genetic Approach to the Issue., American journal of human genetics , 38(3), 1986, pp. 390-394

Authors: H. S. Wang. C. R. Greenberg, J. Hewitt, D. Kalousek, and M. R. Hayden
Citation: H. S. Wang. C. R. Greenberg, J. Hewitt, D. Kalousek, And M. R. Hayden, Subregional Assignment of the Linked Marker G8 (D4S10) for Huntington Disease to Chromosome 4p16.1-16.3., American journal of human genetics , 39(3), 1986, pp. 392-396

Authors: H. W. Goedde, D. P. Agarwal, S. Harada, F. Rothhammer, J. O. Whittaker, and R. L
Citation: L. H. W. Goedde, D. P. Agarwal, S. Harada, F. Rothhammer, J. O. Whittaker, And R., Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Polymorphism in North American, South American, and Mexican Indian Populations., American journal of human genetics , 38(3), 1986, pp. 395-399

Authors: J. J. Wasmuth, L. R. Carlock, B. Smith, and L. L. Immken
Citation: J. J. Wasmuth, L. R. Carlock, B. Smith, And L. L. Immken, A Cell Hybrid and Recombinant DNA Library That Facilitate Identification of Polymorphic Loci in the Vicinity of the Huntington Disease Gene., American journal of human genetics , 39(3), 1986, pp. 397-403

Citation: , Book Reviews, American journal of human genetics , 38(3), 1986, pp. 400-406

Authors: D. Watkins and D. S. RosenblattD. Watkins and D. S. Rosenblatt
Citation: D. Watkins And D. S. Rosenblattd. Watkins And D. S. Rosenblatt, Failure of Lysosomal Release of Vitamin Bi2: A New Complementation Group Causing Methylmalonic Aciduria (CbIF)., American journal of human genetics , 39(3), 1986, pp. 404-408

Authors: K. Y. Ngo, G. Vergnaud, C. Johnsson, G. Lucotte, and J. Weissenbach
Citation: K. Y. Ngo, G. Vergnaud, C. Johnsson, G. Lucotte, And J. Weissenbach, A DNA Probe Detecting Multiple Haplotypes of the Human Y Chromosome., American journal of human genetics , 38(4), 1986, pp. 407-418

Authors: R. C. Williams, A. G. Steinberg, W. C. Knowler, and D. J. Pettitt
Citation: R. C. Williams, A. G. Steinberg, W. C. Knowler, And D. J. Pettitt, Gm 3;5,13,14 and Stated-Admixture: Independent Estimates of Admixture in American Indians., American journal of human genetics , 39(3), 1986, pp. 409-413

Authors: K. Tokunaga, G. Dewald, K. Omoto, and T. Juji
Citation: K. Tokunaga, G. Dewald, K. Omoto, And T. Juji, Family Study on the Polymorphisms of the Sixth and Seventh Components (C6 and C7) of Human Complement: Linkage and Haplotype Analyses., American journal of human genetics , 39(3), 1986, pp. 414-419

Authors: I. L. Gonzales and R. D. Schmickel
Citation: I. L. Gonzales And R. D. Schmickel, The Human 18S Ribosomal RNA Gene: Evolution and Stability., American journal of human genetics , 38(4), 1986, pp. 419-427

Citation: , Book Reviews, American journal of human genetics , 39(3), 1986, pp. 420-424

Authors: M. Leppert, W. Cavenee, P. Callahan, T. Holm, P. O'Connell, K. Thompson, G. M. L
Citation: L. M. Leppert, W. Cavenee, P. Callahan, T. Holm, P. O'Connell, K. Thompson, G. M., A Primary Genetic Map of Chromosome 13q., American journal of human genetics , 39(4), 1986, pp. 425-437

Authors: B. Carritt, H. M. Welch, and N. J. Parry-Jones
Citation: B. Carritt, H. M. Welch, And N. J. Parry-jones, Sequences Homologous to the Human DIS1 Locus Present on Human Chromosome 3., American journal of human genetics , 38(4), 1986, pp. 428-436

Authors: M. E. Goode, P. vanTuinen, D. H. Ledbetter, and S. P. Daiger
Citation: M. E. Goode, P. Vantuinen, D. H. Ledbetter, And S. P. Daiger, The Anonymous Polymorphic DNA Clone D1S1, Previously Mapped to Human Chromosome 1p36 by in Situ Hybridization, Is from Chromosome 3 and Is Duplicated on Chromosome 1., American journal of human genetics , 38(4), 1986, pp. 437-446

Authors: M. H. Hofker, M. I. Skraastad, A. A. B. Bergen, M. C. Wapenaar, E. Bakker, A. Mi
Citation: M. H. Hofker, M. I. Skraastad, A. A. B. Bergen, M. C. Wapenaar, E. Bakker, A. Mi, The X Chromosome Shows Less Genetic Variation at Restriction Sites Than the Autosomes., American journal of human genetics , 39(4), 1986, pp. 438-451

Authors: L. Bufton, G. A. P. Bruns, R. E. Magenis, D. Tomar, D. Shaw, D. Brook, and M. Li
Citation: L. Bufton, G. A. P. Bruns, R. E. Magenis, D. Tomar, D. Shaw, D. Brook, And M. Li, Four Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms Revealed by Probes from a Single Cosmid Map to Chromosome 19., American journal of human genetics , 38(4), 1986, pp. 447-460

Authors: F. Labidi and S. B. Cassidy
Citation: F. Labidi And S. B. Cassidy, A Blind Prometaphase Study of Prader-Willi Syndrome: Frequency and Consistency in Interpretation of del 15q., American journal of human genetics , 39(4), 1986, pp. 452-460

Authors: D. C. Wallace, J. Yang, J. Ye, M. T. Lott, N. A. Oliver, and J. McCarthy
Citation: D. C. Wallace, J. Yang, J. Ye, M. T. Lott, N. A. Oliver, And J. Mccarthy, Computer Prediction of Peptide Maps: Assignment of Polypeptides to Human and Mouse Mitochondrial DNA Genes by Analysis of Two-Dimensional- Proteolytic Digest Gels., American journal of human genetics , 38(4), 1986, pp. 461-481
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>