string(238) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1987' AND fasc_issn='00029297' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 50 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>    

Articles table of contents

Results : 51-75/119

Authors: Jabs, Ethylin wang Persico, M. Graziella
Citation: Jabs, Ethylin Wang et Persico, M. Graziella, Characterization of human centromeric regions of specific chromosomes by means of alphoid DNA sequences, American journal of human genetics , 41-I(3), 1987, pp. 374-389

Authors: K.B. Boylan Takahashi, N. Diamond, M. Hood, L.E. Prusiner, S.B.
Citation: K.b. Boylan et al., DNA lenght polymorphism located 5' to the human myelin basic protein gene, American journal of human genetics , 40(5), 1987, pp. 387-400

Authors: Durfy, Sharon J. Willard, Huntington F.
Citation: J. Durfy, Sharon et F. Willard, Huntington, Molecular analysis of a polymorphic domain of apha satellite from the human X chromosome, American journal of human genetics , 41-I(3), 1987, pp. 391-401

Authors: Scriver, C.R. Mahon, B. Levy, H.L. Clow, C.L. Reade, T.M. Kronick, J. Lemieux, B. Laberge, C.
Citation: Scriver, C.r et al., The hartnup phenotype: mendelian transport disorder, multifactorial disease, American journal of human genetics , 40(5), 1987, pp. 401-412

Authors: Endo, Fumio Nagata, Noriyuki Priest, Jean H. Longo, Nicola Elsas II, Louis J.
Citation: Endo, Fumio et al., Structural analysis of normal and mutant insulin receptors in fibroblasts cultured from families with leprechaunism, American journal of human genetics , 41-I(3), 1987, pp. 402-417

Authors: Schroeder, W.T. Chao, L.-Y. Dao, D.D. Strong, L.C. Pathak, S. Riccardi, V. Lewis, W.H. Saunders, G.F.
Citation: Schroeder, W.t et al., Nonrandom loss of maternal chromosome 11 alleles in wilms tumors, American journal of human genetics , 40(5), 1987, pp. 413-420

Authors: Escallon, M. H. Ferrell, R. E. Kamboh, M. I.
Citation: H. Escallon, M. et al., Genetic studies of low-abundance human plasma proteins. V. evidence for a second orosomucoid structural locus (ORM2) expressed in plasma, American journal of human genetics , 41-I(3), 1987, pp. 418-427

Authors: Hayden, M.R. Kirk, H. Clark, C. Frohlich, J. Rabkin, S. McLeod, R. Hewitt, J.
Citation: Hayden, M.r et al., DNA polymorphisms in and around the apo-a1-ciii genes and genetic hyperlipidemias, American journal of human genetics , 40(5), 1987, pp. 421-430

Authors: Trent, Jeffrey M. Flink, Irwin L. Morkin, Eugene Tuinen, Peter van Ledbetter, David H.
Citation: M. Trent, Jeffrey et al., Localization of the human thyroxine-binding globulin gene to the long arm of the X chromosome (Xq21-22), American journal of human genetics , 41-I(3), 1987, pp. 428-435

Authors: wiesner, m.r. bendel, c.m. olds, d.p. white, j.g. arthur, d.c. ball, d.w. king, r.a.
Citation: Wiesner, M.r et al., Hypopigmentation in the prader-willi syndrome, American journal of human genetics , 40(5), 1987, pp. 431-442

Authors: Kresse, Hans Rosthoj, Steen Quentin, Edelgard Hollmann, Jurgen Glössl, Josef Okada, Shintaro Tonnesen, Tonne
Citation: Kresse, Hans et al., Glycosaminoglycan-free small proteoglycan core protein is secreted by fibro- blasts from a patient with a syndrome resembling progeroid, American journal of human genetics , 41-I(3), 1987, pp. 436-453

Authors: beaty, t.h. boughman, j.a. yang, p. astemborski, j.a. suzuki, j.b.
Citation: Beaty, T.h et al., genetic analysis of juvenile periodontitis in families ascertained through an affected proband, American journal of human genetics , 40(5), 1987, pp. 443-452

Authors: hill, a.v.s. gentile, b. bonnardot, j.m. roux, j. weatherall, d.j. clegg, j.b.
Citation: Hill, A.v.s et al., polynesian origins and affinities: globin gene variants in eastern polynesia, American journal of human genetics , 40(5), 1987, pp. 453-463

Authors: Hecht, Jacqueline T. Francomano, Clair A. Horton, William A. Annegers, J. Fred
Citation: T. Hecht, Jacqueline et al., Mortality in Achondroplasia, American journal of human genetics , 41-I(3), 1987, pp. 454-464

Authors: Warburton, Dorothy Kline, Jennie Stein, Zena Hutzler, Michelle Chin, Annie Hassold, Terry
Citation: Warburton, Dorothy et al., Does the karyotype of a spontaneous abortion predict the karyotype of a subsequent abortion? - evidence from 273 women with two karyotyped spontaneous abortions, American journal of human genetics , 41-I(3), 1987, pp. 465-483

Authors: Gal, A. Weber, B. Neri, G. Serra, A. Muller, U. Schempp, W. Page, D.C.
Citation: A. Gal, et al., A 45, X Male with Y-specific DNA translocated onto Chromosome 15, American journal of human genetics , 40(6), 1987, pp. 477-488

Authors: Martin, R. H. Rademaker, A. W.
Citation: H. Martin, R. et W. Rademaker, A., The effect of age on the frequency of sperm chromosomal abnormalities in normal men, American journal of human genetics , 41-I(3), 1987, pp. 484-492

Authors: Bucher, K.D. Kaplan, E.B. Namboodiri, K.K. Glueck, C.J. Laskarzewski, P. Rifkind, B.M.
Citation: Bucher, K.d et al., Segregation analysis of low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the collaborative lipid research clinics program family study, American journal of human genetics , 40(6), 1987, pp. 489-502

Authors: Lundsteen, Cleas Gerdes, Tommy Maahr, Jan Philip, John
Citation: Lundsteen, Cleas et al., Clinical performance of a system for semiautomated chromosome analysis, American journal of human genetics , 41-I(3), 1987, pp. 493-502

Authors: Fisher, J.H. Kao, F.T. Jones, C. White, R.T. Benson, B.J. Mason, R.J.
Citation: Fisher, J.h et al., The coding sequence for the 32,000-Dalton pulmonary surfactant-associated protein A is located on chromosome 10 and identifies two separate restriction-fragment-lenght polymorphisms, American journal of human genetics , 40(6), 1987, pp. 503-511

Authors: Little, R.E. Sing, C.F.
Citation: Little, R.e et Sing, C.f, Genetic and environmental influences on human birth weight, American journal of human genetics , 40(6), 1987, pp. 512-526

Authors: Li, C. C.
Citation: C. Li, C., A genetical model for emergenesis: in memory of laurence H. Snyder, 1901-86, American journal of human genetics , 41-II(4), 1987, pp. 517-523

Authors: Rich, Stephen S. Wilkie, Patricia Schut, Lawrence Vance, Gail Orr, Harry T.
Citation: S. Rich, Stephen et al., Spinocerebellar ataxia: localization of an autosomal dominant locus between two markers on human chromosome 6, American journal of human genetics , 41-II(4), 1987, pp. 524-531

Authors: Lubahn, D.B. Lord, S.T. Bosco, J. Kirshtein, J. Jeffries, O.J. Parker, N. Levtzow, C. Silverman, L.M. Graham, J.B.
Citation: Lubahn, D.b et al., Population genetics of coagulant factor IX: frequencies of two DNA polymorphisms in five ethnic groups, American journal of human genetics , 40(6), 1987, pp. 527-536

Authors: Bayleran, Janet Hechtman, Peter Kolodny, Edwin Michael Kabacks
Citation: Bayleran, Janet et al., Tay-sachs disease with hexosaminidase A; characterization of the defeetive enzyme in two patients, American journal of human genetics , 41-II(4), 1987, pp. 532-548
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>