string(239) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ESSPER' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1987' AND fasc_issn='00261424' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-37    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/37

Authors: Regazzini, E.
Journal: Metron
Citation: E. Regazzini, Probability theory in Italy between the two World Wars. A brief historical review, Metron, (3/4), 1987, pp. 5

Authors: Benedetti, Carlo
Journal: Metron
Citation: Carlo Benedetti, Some little known Italian contributions to the methodology of statistics, Metron, (3/4), 1987, pp. 43

Authors: Brannas, Kurt
Journal: Metron
Citation: Kurt Brannas, Linear regression with grouped data on the dependent variable, Metron, (3/4), 1987, pp. 63

Authors: Luna Del Castillo, J. D. Mart¡n, Andrés A.
Journal: Metron
Citation: J. D. Luna Del Castillo et Andrés A. Mart¡n, A new randomization test for 2 x 2 tables, Metron, (3/4), 1987, pp. 81

Authors: Ballatori, Enzo
Journal: Metron
Citation: Enzo Ballatori, Generalizing Fisher's exact text, Metron, (3/4), 1987, pp. 99

Authors: Banshali, R.J.
Journal: Metron
Citation: R.J. Banshali, The discrimination between autoregressive and moving average models from the estimated inverse correlations, Metron, (3/4), 1987, pp. 115

Authors: Pallini, A. Giorgi, G.M.
Journal: Metron
Citation: A. Pallini et G.M. Giorgi, On the speed of convergence to the normal distribution of some inequality indices, Metron, (3/4), 1987, pp. 137

Authors: Karakosta, K.X.
Journal: Metron
Citation: K.X. Karakosta, On the convexity of the autocorrelation function of an AR(p) process, Metron, (3/4), 1987, pp. 151

Authors: Tiago De Oliveira, J.
Journal: Metron
Citation: J. Tiago De Oliveira, Fundamentals of finite multiple decision: application to statistical choice of models, Metron, (3/4), 1987, pp. 159

Authors: Serrecchia, Augusto
Journal: Metron
Citation: Augusto Serrecchia, The method of maximum likelihood as a generalization of the method of moments, Metron, (3/4), 1987, pp. 177

Authors: Chen, K.W.
Journal: Metron
Citation: K.W. Chen, A minimax bivariate normal model selection, Metron, (3/4), 1987, pp. 189

Authors: Vernizzi, Achille
Journal: Metron
Citation: Achille Vernizzi, On the problem of estimation with approximative linear restrictions, Metron, (3/4), 1987, pp. 195

Authors: Montanari, Giorgio Eduardo
Journal: Metron
Citation: Giorgio Eduardo Montanari, Variance reduction through location shifts in unequal probability sampling, Metron, (3/4), 1987, pp. 213

Authors: Rathie, Pushpa N. Rohrer, H.G.
Journal: Metron
Citation: Pushpa N. Rathie et H.G. Rohrer, The exact distribution of products of independent random variables, Metron, (3/4), 1987, pp. 235

Authors: Barigelli, Bruno Orlandoni, R.
Journal: Metron
Citation: Bruno Barigelli et R. Orlandoni, Alcune osservazioni sul cosiddetto 'paradosso di Stein', Metron, (3/4), 1987, pp. 247

Authors: Shankar, G. Singh, H. R.
Journal: Metron
Citation: G. Shankar et H. R. Singh, Analytical solution of single sampling plan for variability, Metron, (3/4), 1987, pp. 253

Authors: Aggarwal, M. L. Shamsuddin, M. D.
Journal: Metron
Citation: M. L. Aggarwal et M. D. Shamsuddin, Construction of Row-Column Confounded Symmetrical Factorial Designs, Metron, (1/2), 1987, pp. 5

Authors: Khan, A.H. Khan, I.A.
Journal: Metron
Citation: A.H. Khan et I.A. Khan, Moments of Order Statistics from Burr Distribution and its Characterizations, Metron, (1/2), 1987, pp. 21

Authors: Ferreri, Carlo
Journal: Metron
Citation: Carlo Ferreri, On Some Methods of Assessing Dirichlet Prior Parameters, Metron, (1/2), 1987, pp. 31

Authors: Green, Jack Ragab, Aisha
Journal: Metron
Citation: Jack Green et Aisha Ragab, Optimal Predictive Method for Estimating the Inverse Gaussian Density, Metron, (1/2), 1987, pp. 51

Authors: Rizzi, Alfredo
Journal: Metron
Citation: Alfredo Rizzi, Data Analysis and Induction, Metron, (1/2), 1987, pp. 63

Authors: Rosado, Fernando
Journal: Metron
Citation: Fernando Rosado, Outliers in exponential Populations, Metron, (1/2), 1987, pp. 85

Authors: Lionetti, Lidia
Journal: Metron
Citation: Lidia Lionetti, Dipendenza ed indipendenza nei fenomeni spaziali: il caso del telerilevamento da satellite, Metron, (1/2), 1987, pp. 93

Authors: Accardi, L. Cabrera, J. Watson, G.S.
Journal: Metron
Citation: L. Accardi et al., Some Stationary Markov Processes in Discrete Time for Unit Vectors, Metron, (1/2), 1987, pp. 115

Authors: Sharma, Subhash C.
Journal: Metron
Citation: Subhash C. Sharma, On the Consistency Property of OLS Variance Estimator when Errors are Autocorrelated, Metron, (1/2), 1987, pp. 135
Results: 1-25 | 26-37