string(239) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ESSPER' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1987' AND fasc_issn='00355054' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-21    

Articles table of contents

Results : 21

Authors: Giavazzi, Francesco Carraro, Carlo
Citation: Francesco Giavazzi et Carlo Carraro, Policy Instruments and Coalitions in International Games, Ricerche economiche, (3/4), 1987, pp. 293

Authors: Tabellini, Guido
Citation: Guido Tabellini, Optimal Monetary Instruments and Policy Games, Ricerche economiche, (3/4), 1987, pp. 315

Authors: Backus, David Driffill, John
Citation: David Backus et John Driffill, Credible Disinflation in Closed and Open Economies, Ricerche economiche, (3/4), 1987, pp. 326

Authors: Hughes Hallett, Andrew J.
Citation: Andrew J. Hughes Hallett, How Robust Are the Gains to Policy Coordination to Variations in the Model and Objectives?, Ricerche economiche, (3/4), 1987, pp. 341

Authors: Dockner, Engelbert Neck, Reinhard
Citation: Engelbert Dockner et Reinhard Neck, Can the Gains from International Cooperation Be Secured without Policy Coordination?, Ricerche economiche, (3/4), 1987, pp. 373

Authors: Levine, Paul
Citation: Paul Levine, Three Themes from Game Theory and International Macroeconomic Policy Formation, Ricerche economiche, (3/4), 1987, pp. 392

Authors: Blackburn, Keith
Citation: Keith Blackburn, International Policy Games in a Simple Macroeconomic Model with Incomplete Information: Some Problems of Credibility, Secrecy and Cooperation, Ricerche economiche, (3/4), 1987, pp. 419

Authors: Laskar, Daniel
Citation: Daniel Laskar, The 'Rules of the Game' and Sterilization under a Fixed Exchange Rate System: A Strategic Argument, Ricerche economiche, (3/4), 1987, pp. 439

Authors: Saraceno, Pasquale
Citation: Pasquale Saraceno, La questione meridionale nel 1987, Ricerche economiche, (2), 1987, pp. 163

Authors: Akiba, Hiroya
Citation: Hiroya Akiba, Resource Allocation with Factor Price Differentials in a Simple Two-Sector Model with Production Risk, Ricerche economiche, (2), 1987, pp. 174

Authors: Blackburn, Keith Christensen, Michael
Citation: Keith Blackburn et Michael Christensen, Macroeconomic Policy Games and Reputational Equilibria in a Contracting Model, Ricerche economiche, (2), 1987, pp. 190

Authors: Carraro, Carlo
Citation: Carlo Carraro, Strategie punitive, annunci ottimali e politiche dei redditi, Ricerche economiche, (2), 1987, pp. 210

Authors: Cassetti, Mario
Citation: Mario Cassetti, Gli effetti moltiplicativi degli investimenti per settore di destinazione sulla produzione, sulle importazioni e sull'occupazione in Italia, dal 1970 al 1982. Un'analisi intersettoriale, Ricerche economiche, (2), 1987, pp. 231

Authors: Corsetti, Giancarlo
Citation: Giancarlo Corsetti, Taxes and Subsidies in Input-Output Analysis: A Comment, Ricerche economiche, (2), 1987, pp. 262

Authors: Bidard, Christian Franke, Reiner
Citation: Christian Bidard et Reiner Franke, On the Existence of Long-Term Equilibria in the Two-Class Pasinetti-Morishima Model, Ricerche economiche, (1), 1987, pp. 3

Authors: Bertocchi, Graziella
Citation: Graziella Bertocchi, Il debito pubblico in un modello generazionale, Ricerche economiche, (1), 1987, pp. 22

Authors: Reichlin, Lucrezia
Citation: Lucrezia Reichlin, Broken Trends and Random Walks: The Case of Italian Unemployment, Ricerche economiche, (1), 1987, pp. 41

Authors: Senn, Lanfranco Miglierina, Claudio
Citation: Lanfranco Senn et Claudio Miglierina, Empirical Texts of the Stochastic Estimation of Technical Coefficients, Ricerche economiche, (1), 1987, pp. 62

Authors: Del_Boca, Daniela
Citation: Daniela Del_Boca, Wage Discrimination: Empirical Findings from Direct and Reverse Regression, Ricerche economiche, (1), 1987, pp. 82

Authors: Van Der Borg, Jan Martellato, Dino
Citation: Jan Van Der Borg et Dino Martellato, The Economy of the Italian Labour Catching Areas, Ricerche economiche, (1), 1987, pp. 96

Authors: Trevisan Selmi, Giovanna
Citation: Giovanna Trevisan Selmi, Vitivinicoltura italiana e politica comunitaria delle strutture, Ricerche economiche, (1), 1987, pp. 123
Results: 1-21