string(239) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ESSPER' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1988' AND fasc_issn='00355054' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-32    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/32

Authors: Rampa, Giorgio
Citation: Giorgio Rampa, Dynamic Determination of the General Level of Activity in a Multisectorial Model, Ricerche economiche, (4), 1988, pp. 559

Authors: Dirindin, Nerina
Citation: Nerina Dirindin, Effetti redistributivi fra generazioni in un sistema sanitario finanziato a ripartizione, Ricerche economiche, (4), 1988, pp. 582

Authors: Zaninotto, Enrico Pozzana, Roberto
Citation: Enrico Zaninotto et Roberto Pozzana, Technical Efficiency and Market Structure for Retail Firms: A Nonparametric Approach, Ricerche economiche, (4), 1988, pp. 606

Authors: Lubian, Diego
Citation: Diego Lubian, Are Exchange Rates Too Volatile?, Ricerche economiche, (4), 1988, pp. 630

Authors: Checchi, Daniele
Citation: Daniele Checchi, Il coordinamento internazionale delle politiche economiche. Una rassegna della letteratura recente, Ricerche economiche, (4), 1988, pp. 652

Authors: Main, Ombretta
Citation: Ombretta Main, Lifting Trade Barriers in Non-Homogeneous Industries, Ricerche economiche, (4), 1988, pp. 678

Authors: Cella, Guido
Citation: Guido Cella, 'The Measurement of Interindustry Linkages' by Harrigan and McGilvray: A Comment, Ricerche economiche, (4), 1988, pp. 695

Authors: Flaschel, Peter Semmler, Willi
Citation: Peter Flaschel et Willi Semmler, On the Integration of Dual and Cross-Dual Adjustment Processes in Leontief Systems, Ricerche economiche, (3), 1988, pp. 403

Authors: Cella, Guido
Citation: Guido Cella, The Supply Side Approaches to Input-Output Analysis: An Assessment, Ricerche economiche, (3), 1988, pp. 433

Authors: Rodano, Giorgio Saltari, Enrico
Citation: Giorgio Rodano et Enrico Saltari, Futures Markets, Average Opinion and Rational Learning, Ricerche economiche, (3), 1988, pp. 452

Authors: Apostolakis, Bobby E.
Citation: Bobby E. Apostolakis, Imports Demand and Food Production in India: A Flexible Cost Function Approach 1950-1986, Ricerche economiche, (3), 1988, pp. 470

Authors: Peracchi, Franco
Citation: Franco Peracchi, Semi-Parametric and Robust Estimators in Econometrics: An Overview, Ricerche economiche, (3), 1988, pp. 489

Authors: Tarsitano, Agostino
Citation: Agostino Tarsitano, Measuring the Asymmetry of the Lorenz Curve, Ricerche economiche, (3), 1988, pp. 507

Authors: Codognato, Giulio
Citation: Giulio Codognato, Teoria dei giochi ed equilibrio economico generale: alcuni aspetti, Ricerche economiche, (3), 1988, pp. 520

Authors: Batten, David F. Martellato, Dino
Citation: David F. Batten et Dino Martellato, Modelling Interregional Trade within Input-Output Systems, Ricerche economiche, (2), 1988, pp. 204

Authors: Andersson, Ake E. Zhang, Wei Bin
Citation: Ake E. Andersson et Wei Bin Zhang, The Two-Dimensional Continuous Spatial Input-Output System, Ricerche economiche, (2), 1988, pp. 222

Authors: Lahiri, Sajal
Citation: Sajal Lahiri, Scale-Dependent Input-Output Analysis: A Survey and an Application to Interregional Modelling, Ricerche economiche, (2), 1988, pp. 243

Authors: Muller, Frederik
Citation: Frederik Muller, Flexible Coefficients for Interregional Input-Output Models, Ricerche economiche, (2), 1988, pp. 257

Authors: Roson, Roberto Costa, Paolo
Citation: Roberto Roson et Paolo Costa, Transport Margins, Transportation Industry and the Multiregional Economy. Some Experiments with a Model for Italy, Ricerche economiche, (2), 1988, pp. 273

Authors: Blair, Peter D. Miller, Ronald E.
Citation: Peter D. Blair et Ronald E. Miller, Measuring Spatial Linkages, Ricerche economiche, (2), 1988, pp. 288

Authors: Round, Jeffery I.
Citation: Jeffery I. Round, Multipliers and Feedback Effects in Interregional Input-Output Models, Ricerche economiche, (2), 1988, pp. 311

Authors: Harrigan, Frank J. McGilvray, James
Citation: Frank J. Harrigan et James McGilvray, The Measurement of Interindustry Linkages, Ricerche economiche, (2), 1988, pp. 325

Authors: Batey, Peter W.J. Madden, Moss
Citation: Peter W.J. Batey et Moss Madden, The Treatment of Migration in an Extended Input-Output Modelling Framework, Ricerche economiche, (2), 1988, pp. 344

Authors: Vali, Shapoor
Citation: Shapoor Vali, Economic Structure and Errors in Multiregional Input-Output Model, Ricerche economiche, (2), 1988, pp. 367

Authors: Carraro, Carlo
Citation: Carlo Carraro, Regression and Kalman Filter Methods for Time-Varying Econometric Models, Ricerche economiche, (1), 1988, pp. 3
Results: 1-25 | 26-32