string(238) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1989' AND fasc_issn='00029297' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 75 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
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Results : 76-100/195

Authors: Bieber, Frederick R. Hoffman, Eric P. Amos, Jean A.
Citation: R. Bieber, Frederick et al., Dystrophin analysis in duchenne muscular dystrophy: use in fetal diagnosis and in genetic counseling, American journal of human genetics , 45-I(3), 1989, pp. 362-367

Authors: Wigderson, Meir Firon, Nurit Horowitz, Zeev Wilder, Sylvia Frishberg, Yaakov Reiner, Orly Horowitz, Mia
Citation: Wigderson, Meir et al., Characterization of mutations in gaucher patients by cDNA cloning, American journal of human genetics , 44(3), 1989, pp. 365-377

Authors: T. Grimm, and B. Müller, M. Dreier, E. Kind, T. Bettecken, G. Meng, C. R. Müller
Citation: T. Grimm, And et al., Hot spot of recombination within DXSI64 in the duchenne muscular dystrophy gene, American journal of human genetics , 45-I(3), 1989, pp. 368-372

Authors: Voss, Ruth Ben-Simon, Elena Avital, Avraham Godfrey, Simon Zlotogora, Joel Dagan, Judith Tikochinski, Yaron Hillel, Jossi
Citation: Voss, Ruth et al., Isodisomy of chromosome 7 in a patient with cystic fibrosis: could uniparental disomy be common in humans?, American journal of human genetics , 45-I(3), 1989, pp. 373-380

Authors: Brown, Barbara I. Brown, David H.
Citation: I. Brown, Barbara et H. Brown, David, Branching enzyme activity of cultured amniocytes and chorionic villi: prenatal testing for type iv glycogen storage disease, American journal of human genetics , 44(3), 1989, pp. 378-381

Authors: vanderSpek, Johanna C Wyandt, Herman E. Skare, James G. Milunsky, Aubrey Oppenheim, Frank G. Troxler, Robert F.
Citation: C. Vanderspek, Johanna et al., Localization of the genes for mistatins to human Chromosome 4q13 and tissue distribution of the mRNAs, American journal of human genetics , 45-I(3), 1989, pp. 381-387

Authors: Hertzberg, M. Jahromi, K. Ferguson, V. Dahl, H. H. M. Mercer, J. Mickleson, K. N. P. Trent, R. J.
Citation: M. Hertzberg, et al., Phenylalanine hydroxylase gene haplotypes in polynesians: evolutionary origins and absence of alleles associated with severe phenylketonuria, American journal of human genetics , 44(3), 1989, pp. 382-387

Authors: Weber, James L. May, Paula E.
Citation: L. Weber, James et E. May, Paula, Abundant class of human dna polymorphisms which can be typed using the polymerase chain reaction, American journal of human genetics , 44(3), 1989, pp. 388-396

Authors: Sit, K. H.
Citation: H. Sit, K., Comparing observed average numbers of affected sibs with those expected under geometric ascertainment bias in an extended range in both simplex and multiplex sibships, American journal of human genetics , 45-I(3), 1989, pp. 388-400

Authors: Litt, Michael Luty, Jeffrey A.
Citation: Litt, Michael et A. Luty, Jeffrey, A hypervariable microsatellite revealed by in vitro amplification of a dinucleotide repeat within the cardiac muscle actin gene, American journal of human genetics , 44(3), 1989, pp. 397-401

Authors: Chen, Jia-de Halliday, Francis Keith, Gregory Sheffield, Leslie Dickinson, Pamela Gray, Roger Constable, lan Denton, Michael
Citation: Chen, Jia-de et al., Linkage heterogeneity between X-linked retinitis pigmentosa and a map of I0 RFLP loci, American journal of human genetics , 45-I(3), 1989, pp. 401-411

Authors: Bigbee, William L. Langlois, Richard G. Swift, Michael Jensen, Ronald H.
Citation: L. Bigbee, William et al., Evidence for an elevated frequency of in vivo somatic cell mutations in ataxia telangiectasia, American journal of human genetics , 44(3), 1989, pp. 402-408

Authors: Leitersdorf, Eran Chakravarti, Aravinda Hobbs, Helen H.
Citation: Leitersdorf, Eran et al., Polymorphic DNA haplotypes at the LDL receptor locus, American journal of human genetics , 44(3), 1989, pp. 409-421

Authors: Partha P. Majumder
Citation: Partha P. Majumder, Strategies and sample-size considerations for mapping a two-locus autosomal recessive disorder, American journal of human genetics , 45-I(3), 1989, pp. 412-423

Authors: Robbins, Carolyn Theilmann, Jane Youngman, Sandra Haines, Jonathan Altherr, Michael J. Harper, Peter S. Payne, Cynthia Junker, Ann Wasmuth, John Hayden, Michael R.
Citation: Robbins, Carolyn et al., Evidence from family studies that the gene causing huntington disease is telomeric to D4S95 and D4S90, American journal of human genetics , 44(3), 1989, pp. 422-425

Authors: Sims, Katherine B. Ozelius, Laurie Corey, Timothy Rinehart, William B. Liberfarb, Ruth Haines, Jonathan Chen, Wei lane Norio, Reijo Sankila, Eeva de la Chapelle, Albert Murphy, Dennis L. Gusella, James Breakefield, Xandra O.
Citation: B. Sims, Katherine et al., Norrie disease gene Is distinct from the monoamine oxidase genes, American journal of human genetics , 45-I(3), 1989, pp. 424-434

Authors: Galbraith, Gillian M. P. Pandey, Janardan P.
Citation: P. Galbraith, Gillian M. et P. Pandey, Janardan, Kml allotype association with one subgroup of alopecia areata, American journal of human genetics , 44(3), 1989, pp. 426-428

Authors: Christian, loe C. Yu, Pao-Lo Slemenda, Charles W. Johnston, C. Conrad jr.,
Citation: C. Christian, Loe et al., Heritability of bone mass: a longitudinal study in aging male twins, American journal of human genetics , 44(3), 1989, pp. 429-433

Authors: Gencic, Simonida Abuelo, Dianne Ambler, Mary Hudson, Lynn D.
Citation: Gencic, Simonida et al., Pelizaeus-merzbacher disease: An X-linked neurologic disorder of myelin metabolism with a novel mutation in the gene encoding proteolipid protein, American journal of human genetics , 45-I(3), 1989, pp. 435-442

Authors: Smith, David I. Golembieski, William Drabkin, Harry Kiousis, Sam
Citation: I. Smith, David et al., Identification of two cosmids derived from within chromosomal band 3p21.1 that contain clusters of rare restriction sites and evolutionarily conserved sequences, American journal of human genetics , 45-I(3), 1989, pp. 443-447

Authors: Koeberl, Dwight D. Bottema, Cynchia D. K. Buerstedde, Jean-Marie Sommer, Steve S.
Citation: D. Koeberl, Dwight et al., Functionally important regions of the factor 1X gene have a low rate of polymorphism and a high rate of mutation in the dinucleotide CpG, American journal of human genetics , 45-I(3), 1989, pp. 448-457

Authors: Ludwig, Erwin H. Friedl, Walter McCarthy, Brian J.
Citation: H. Ludwig, Erwin et al., High-resolution analysis of a hypervariable region in the human apolipoprotein B gene, American journal of human genetics , 45-I(3), 1989, pp. 458-464

Authors: Pellestor, F. Sèle, B. Jalbert, H. Jalbert, P.
Citation: F. Pellestor, et al., Direct segregation analysis of reciprocal translocations: a study of 283 sperm karyotypes from four carriers, American journal of human genetics , 44(4), 1989, pp. 464-473

Authors: Borecki, I. B. Rao, D. C. Yaouanq, J. Lalouel, J. M.
Citation: B. Borecki, I. et al., Segregation of genetic hemochromatosis indexed by latent capacity of transferrin, American journal of human genetics , 45-I(3), 1989, pp. 465-470

Authors: Saxon, Paul J. Schultz, Roger A. Stanbridge, Eric J. Friedberg, Errol C.
Citation: J. Saxon, Paul et al., Human chromosome 15 confers partial complementation of phenotypes to xeroderma pigmentosum group F cells, American journal of human genetics , 44(4), 1989, pp. 474-485
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>