string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1989' AND fasc_issn='08887993' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-12    

Articles table of contents

Results : 12

Authors: Loeb, Stephen E
Citation: E. Loeb, Stephen, Ethics Committees and Consultants in Public Accounting Firms?, Accounting horizons , 3(4), 1989, pp. 1-10

Authors: Lewis, Eldon C
Citation: C. Lewis, Eldon, Specialization: Have We Reached True Professional Maturity?, Accounting horizons , 3(4), 1989, pp. 11-23

Authors: Wallace, Wanda A
Citation: A. Wallace, Wanda, A Historical View of the SEC's Reports to Congress on Oversight of the Profession's Self-Regulatory Process, Accounting horizons , 3(4), 1989, pp. 24-39

Authors: Norton, Curtis
Citation: Norton, Curtis, Transition to New Accounting Rules: The Case of FAS 87, Accounting horizons , 3(4), 1989, pp. 40-48

Authors: Nurnberg, Hugo
Citation: Nurnberg, Hugo, Deferred Tax Assets Under FASB Statement No. 96, Accounting horizons , 3(4), 1989, pp. 49-56

Authors: Cron, William R Hayes, Randall B
Citation: R. Cron, William et B. Hayes, Randall, The Dollar Value LIFO Pooling Decision: The Conventional Wisdom Is Too General, Accounting horizons , 3(4), 1989, pp. 57-70

Authors: Pany, Kurt Wheeler, Stephen
Citation: Pany, Kurt et Wheeler, Stephen, Materiality: An Inter-Industry Comparison of the Magnitudes and Stabilities of Various Quantitative Measures, Accounting horizons , 3(4), 1989, pp. 71-78

Authors: Wilson, Arlette C Colbert, Janet
Citation: C. Wilson, Arlette et Colbert, Janet, An Analysis of Simple and Rigorous Decision Models as Analytical Procedures, Accounting horizons , 3(4), 1989, pp. 79-83

Authors: Simmons, John K
Citation: K. Simmons, John, AAA Presidential Address, Accounting horizons , 3(4), 1989, pp. 84-90

Authors: Schipper, Katherine
Citation: Schipper, Katherine, Earnings Management, Accounting horizons , 3(4), 1989, pp. 91-102

Authors: Sommer, A A, Jr
Citation: Sommer, A A, Jr, The Challenge of the Mergers, Accounting horizons , 3(4), 1989, pp. 103-106

Authors: Kirk, Donald J
Citation: J. Kirk, Donald, Jurisdictional Conflicts and Conceptual Differences in Standard Setting: FASB And GASB, Accounting horizons , 3(4), 1989, pp. 107-113
Results: 1-12