string(239) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ESSPER' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1989' AND fasc_issn='0012981X' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-13    

Articles table of contents

Results : 13

Authors: Eusepi, Giuseppe
Citation: Giuseppe Eusepi, Public Debt Burden: An Institutional Approach, Economia internazionale, (3/4), 1989, pp. 175

Authors: Hatzipanayotou, Panos Michael, Michael S.
Citation: Panos Hatzipanayotou et Michael S. Michael, Capital Flows, Tariffs, and the Host Country's Welfare, Economia internazionale, (3/4), 1989, pp. 191

Authors: Suliman, Osman
Citation: Osman Suliman, Inflation and Labor Unions: Empirical Evidence from the U.S., Economia internazionale, (3/4), 1989, pp. 198

Authors: Tovias, Alfred
Citation: Alfred Tovias, The Impact of the Entry of Spain into the EEC on the Prices of Factors of Production, Economia internazionale, (3/4), 1989, pp. 207

Authors: Turay, Abdul M. Hamdar, Bassam
Citation: Abdul M. Turay et Bassam Hamdar, The New International Debt Strategy for Indebted Nations: A Problem of Liquidity, Economia internazionale, (3/4), 1989, pp. 219

Authors: Ugolini, Gian Marco
Citation: Gian Marco Ugolini, Alcune considerazioni sull'importanza del turismo estero per la bilancia dei pagamenti italiana, Economia internazionale, (3/4), 1989, pp. 234

Authors: Walker, David A.
Citation: David A. Walker, Effects of Economic Reforms on the Banking System in China, Economia internazionale, (3/4), 1989, pp. 244

Authors: Stemp, Peter Wohar, Mark E.
Citation: Peter Stemp et Mark E. Wohar, The Indeterminacy of the Optimal Aggregate for Stabilization Policy under Rational Expectations, Economia internazionale, (3/4), 1989, pp. 258

Authors: Afxentiou Panayiotis, C.
Citation: C. Afxentiou Panayiotis, Basic Needs: Some Critical Issues, Economia internazionale, (1/2), 1989, pp. 1

Authors: Boggio, Luciano Tirelli, P.
Citation: Luciano Boggio et P. Tirelli, Economic Growth, Exports and International Competitiveness, Economia internazionale, (1/2), 1989, pp. 22

Authors: De Luzemberger, R.
Citation: R. De Luzemberger, Soluzioni di aspettative razionali e processi collettivi di scelta, Economia internazionale, (1/2), 1989, pp. 47

Authors: Hentschell, J.
Citation: J. Hentschell, The Changing Composition of Imports of Highly Indebted Countries, Economia internazionale, (1/2), 1989, pp. 79

Authors: Papi, L. Muscatelli, A.
Citation: L. Papi et A. Muscatelli, Un modello con aspettative razionali per la domanda di moneta: un giudizio critico, Economia internazionale, (1/2), 1989, pp. 90
Results: 1-13