string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1990' AND fasc_issn='02558831' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-7    

Articles table of contents

Results : 7

Authors: Febo Guizzi
Journal: Imago musicae
Citation: Febo Guizzi, Visual message and music in cultures with oral tradition, Imago musicae , 7, 1990, pp. 7-23

Authors: Pier Maurizio Della Porta Ezio Genovesi
Journal: Imago musicae
Citation: Pier Maurizio Della Porta et Ezio Genovesi, The figure of the shepherd-musician from the late Middle Ages to the Reinaissance : some iconographical examples from Central Italy, Imago musicae , 7, 1990, pp. 25-39

Authors: Nicoletta Guidobaldi
Journal: Imago musicae
Citation: Nicoletta Guidobaldi, Images of music in Cesare Ripa's "Iconologia", Imago musicae , 7, 1990, pp. 41-68

Authors: Nico Staiti
Journal: Imago musicae
Citation: Nico Staiti, Satyrs and shepherds : musical instruments within mythological and sylvan scenes in Italian art, Imago musicae , 7, 1990, pp. 69-113

Authors: Febo Guizzi
Journal: Imago musicae
Citation: Febo Guizzi, The sounds of "povertà contenta" : cityscape, landscape, soundscape, and musical portraiture in Italian genre painting of the 17th and 18th centuries, Imago musicae , 7, 1990, pp. 115-147

Authors: Tilman Seebass
Journal: Imago musicae
Citation: Tilman Seebass, Idyllic Arcadia and Italian musical reality : experiences of German writers and artists (1770-1835), Imago musicae , 7, 1990, pp. 149-187

Authors: Alexandra Goulaki-Voutira
Journal: Imago musicae
Citation: Alexandra Goulaki-voutira, Neugriechischer Tanz und Musik aus europäischer Sicht, Imago musicae , 7, 1990, pp. 189-232
Results: 1-7