string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1990' AND fasc_issn='08887993' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-10    

Articles table of contents

Results : 10

Authors: Kinney, William R, Jr",Maher,"Michael W Wright, David W
Citation: W. Kinney, William R, Jr",maher,"michael et W. Wright, David, Assertions-Based Standards for Integrated Internal Control, Accounting horizons , 4(4), 1990, pp. 1-8

Authors: Selling, Thomas I Stickney, Clyde P
Citation: I. Selling, Thomas et P. Stickney, Clyde, Disaggregating the Rate of Return on Common Shareholders' Equity: A New Approach, Accounting horizons , 4(4), 1990, pp. 9-17

Authors: Wiseman, Donald E
Citation: E. Wiseman, Donald, Holding Loss/Gain as an Alternative to EPS Dilution, Accounting horizons , 4(4), 1990, pp. 18-34

Authors: Roberts, Michael L Samson, William D Dugan, Michael T
Citation: L. Roberts, Michael et al., The Stockholders' Equity Section: Form Without Substance?, Accounting horizons , 4(4), 1990, pp. 35-46

Authors: Weil, Roman L
Citation: L. Weil, Roman, Role of the Time Value of Money in Financial Reporting, Accounting horizons , 4(4), 1990, pp. 47-67

Authors: O'Keefe, Wm Timothy Wetzel, T Sterling Engstrom, John H
Citation: O'Keefe, Wm Timothy et al., An Examination of the Relations Between Audit Scope and Procedures in Audits of Municipalities, Accounting horizons , 4(4), 1990, pp. 68-77

Authors: Schroeder, Nicholas Gibson, Charles
Citation: Schroeder, Nicholas et Gibson, Charles, Readability of Management's Discussion and Analysis, Accounting horizons , 4(4), 1990, pp. 78-87

Citation: , Information Transfers, Accounting horizons , 4(4), 1990, pp. 97-107

Authors: Kirk, Donald J
Citation: J. Kirk, Donald, FASB Voting Requirements, Accounting horizons , 4(4), 1990, pp. 108-113

Authors: Burton, John C Sack, Robert J
Citation: C. Burton, John et J. Sack, Robert, Standard Setting Process in Trouble (Again), Accounting horizons , 4(4), 1990, pp. 117-120
Results: 1-10