string(239) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ESSPER' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1990' AND fasc_issn='11207019' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-17    

Articles table of contents

Results : 17

Authors: Da Empoli, Domenico
Citation: Domenico Da Empoli, The Italian Law for the Protection of Competition and the Market, Economia delle scelte pubbliche, (2/3), 1990, pp. 69

Authors: Menis, Claudio
Citation: Claudio Menis, Les rapports entre le droit communautaire et la nouvelle loi italienne relative à la protection de la concurrence, Economia delle scelte pubbliche, (2/3), 1990, pp. 79

Authors: Van Meerhaeghe, Marcel A. G.
Citation: Marcel A. G. Van Meerhaeghe, Protection of Competition in Belgium, Economia delle scelte pubbliche, (2/3), 1990, pp. 93

Authors: Charrier, Guy
Citation: Guy Charrier, Parallèle entre la loi italienne pour la protection de la concurrence et le systme franìais, Economia delle scelte pubbliche, (2/3), 1990, pp. 103

Authors: Charrier, Guy
Citation: Guy Charrier, Parallèle entre la loi italienne pour la protection de la concurrence et le système francais, Economia delle scelte pubbliche, (2/3), 1990, pp. 103

Authors: Ruppelt, Hans-Jurgen
Citation: Hans-Jurgen Ruppelt, Competition Law and its Application in Germany, Economia delle scelte pubbliche, (2/3), 1990, pp. 117

Authors: Canivell, Joaquin Martin
Citation: Joaquin Martin Canivell, L'esperienza spagnola nella difesa della concorrenza, Economia delle scelte pubbliche, (2/3), 1990, pp. 125

Authors: Baldi, Marino
Citation: Marino Baldi, La legge italiana sulla concorrenza nell'ottica svizzera, Economia delle scelte pubbliche, (2/3), 1990, pp. 129

Authors: Howe, Martin
Citation: Martin Howe, Reflections on the Italian Law for the Protection of Competition and the Market, Economia delle scelte pubbliche, (2/3), 1990, pp. 135

Authors: Howe, Martin
Citation: Martin Howe, Reflections on the italian law for the protection of competition and market, Economia delle scelte pubbliche, (2/3), 1990, pp. 135

Authors: Lacey, Eric F.
Citation: Eric F. Lacey, The italian competition law compared with other OECD countries' competition laws, Economia delle scelte pubbliche, (2/3), 1990, pp. 147

Authors: Kimenyi, Mwangi S.
Citation: Mwangi S. Kimenyi, The Causal Relationship Between Revenues and Expenditures: A Developing Country Case Study, Economia delle scelte pubbliche, (1), 1990, pp. 3

Authors: Tollison, Robert D. Golf, Brian
Citation: Robert D. Tollison et Brian Golf, Why is the Media so Liberal?, Economia delle scelte pubbliche, (1), 1990, pp. 13

Authors: Lingle, Christopher
Citation: Christopher Lingle, Rent-Seeking and the EC Social Charter, Economia delle scelte pubbliche, (1), 1990, pp. 23

Authors: Pasouf, Ernest C. Jr.
Citation: Ernest C. Jr. Pasouf, External Effects and the Work Ethic: Does Society Gain When an Individual Works Harder?, Economia delle scelte pubbliche, (1), 1990, pp. 35

Authors: Leccisotti, Mario Fausto, Domenicantonio
Citation: Mario Leccisotti et Domenicantonio Fausto, Individual and Social Vale of Voluntary Action in Health Care, Economia delle scelte pubbliche, (1), 1990, pp. 43

Authors: Leccisotti, Mario Domenicantonio, Fausto
Citation: Mario Leccisotti et Fausto Domenicantonio, Individual and social value of voluntary action in health care, Economia delle scelte pubbliche, (1), 1990, pp. 43
Results: 1-17