string(239) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ESSPER' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1991' AND fasc_issn='00355054' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-26    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/26

Authors: Carraro, Carlo Agostini, Paola Botteon, Michele
Citation: Carlo Carraro et al., Fiscal Policy to Reduce Air Pollution in Italy, Ricerche economiche, (4), 1991, pp. 483

Authors: Lanza, Alessandro Scabellone, Pietro
Citation: Alessandro Lanza et Pietro Scabellone, Environmental Effects of the EC Energy Tax Harmonization Proposals: A Quantitative Study for the Italian Economy, Ricerche economiche, (4), 1991, pp. 529

Authors: Petrucci, Alberto
Citation: Alberto Petrucci, Aspettative razionali e tasso di cambio: un'applicazione del metodo di Dixit, Ricerche economiche, (4), 1991, pp. 553

Authors: Zhang, Wei Bin
Citation: Wei Bin Zhang, Technological Change and Urban Growth: A Neoclassical Urban Economic Approach, Ricerche economiche, (4), 1991, pp. 591

Authors: Peracchi, Franco
Citation: Franco Peracchi, Bootstrap Methods in Econometrics, Ricerche economiche, (4), 1991, pp. 609

Authors: Topa, Giorgio
Citation: Giorgio Topa, Strumenti di politica ambientale in presenza di informazione asimmetrica, Ricerche economiche, (4), 1991, pp. 623

Authors: Ito, Takatoshi
Citation: Takatoshi Ito, Strengths and Weaknesses of the Japanese Macro Economy, Ricerche economiche, (2/3), 1991, pp. 155

Authors: Asako, Kazumi
Citation: Kazumi Asako, The Land Price Bubble in Japan, Ricerche economiche, (2/3), 1991, pp. 167

Authors: Ariga, K. Namikawa, H. Okhusa, Y.
Citation: K. Ariga et al., The Japanese Distribution System, Ricerche economiche, (2/3), 1991, pp. 185

Authors: Turner, Philip
Citation: Philip Turner, Japan and Europe as a Trading Partners: Retrospects and Prospects, Ricerche economiche, (2/3), 1991, pp. 231

Authors: Ohtake, Fumio
Citation: Fumio Ohtake, Bequest Motives of Aged Households in Japan, Ricerche economiche, (2/3), 1991, pp. 283

Authors: Iwamoto, Yasushi
Citation: Yasushi Iwamoto, The Japanese Tax Reform and the Cost of Capital, Ricerche economiche, (2/3), 1991, pp. 307

Authors: Noland, Marcus
Citation: Marcus Noland, Macroeconomic Policy Coordination and the U.S.-Japan Trade Problem, Ricerche economiche, (2/3), 1991, pp. 329

Authors: Brunello, Giorgio
Citation: Giorgio Brunello, Introduction to the Microeconomic Section, Ricerche economiche, (2/3), 1991, pp. 339

Authors: Itoh, Hideshi
Citation: Hideshi Itoh, Japanese Human Resource Management from the Viewpoint of Incentive Theory, Ricerche economiche, (2/3), 1991, pp. 345

Authors: Brunello, Giorgio
Citation: Giorgio Brunello, Bonuses, Wages and Performance in Japan: Evidence from the Microdata, Ricerche economiche, (2/3), 1991, pp. 377

Authors: Kato, Takao
Citation: Takao Kato, Specific Human Capital and Worker Transfers as an Alternative to Layoffs: Theory and Evidence, Ricerche economiche, (2/3), 1991, pp. 397

Authors: Sheard, Paul
Citation: Paul Sheard, The Economics of Interlocking Shareholding in Japan, Ricerche economiche, (2/3), 1991, pp. 421

Authors: Sako, Mari
Citation: Mari Sako, The Role of 'Trust' in Japanese Buyer-Supplier Relationships, Ricerche economiche, (2/3), 1991, pp. 449

Authors: Brunello, Giorgio
Citation: Giorgio Brunello, Taxes on Labour and Capital in a Partially Unionized Economy with an Endogenous Unionization Rate, Ricerche economiche, (1), 1991, pp. 3

Authors: De Santis, Giorgio
Citation: Giorgio De Santis, Fitting the EGARCH Model to Italian Stock Returns, Ricerche economiche, (1), 1991, pp. 21

Authors: Cardani, Angelo M. Castagna, Maurizio Galeotti, Michele
Citation: Angelo M. Cardani et al., La misurazione dell'efficienza economica: un'applicazione al settore bancario italiano, Ricerche economiche, (1), 1991, pp. 57

Authors: Forni, Mario Brighi, Luigi
Citation: Mario Forni et Luigi Brighi, Aggregation Across Agents in Demand Systems, Ricerche economiche, (1), 1991, pp. 79

Authors: Forni, Mario
Citation: Mario Forni, Trend, Cycle and 'Fortuitous Cancellations': a Note on Trend-Cycle Decomposition of Economic Time Series, Ricerche economiche, (1), 1991, pp. 115

Authors: Gillen, W.J. Guccione, Antonio Miller, R.E.
Citation: W.J. Gillen et al., Multipliers and Feedback Effects in Interregional Input-Output Models: A Comment, Ricerche economiche, (1), 1991, pp. 121
Results: 1-25 | 26-26