string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1992' AND fasc_issn='00018678' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-58    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/58

Authors: Watterson, G. A.
Citation: A. Watterson, G., The mean number of alleles in multigene families, Advances in applied probability , 24(1), 1992, pp. 1-19

Authors: Bunge, J. A. Nagaraja, H. N.
Citation: A. Bunge, J. et N. Nagaraja, H., Exact distribution theory for some point process record models, Advances in applied probability , 24(1), 1992, pp. 20-44

Authors: Kuroda, Koji Tanemura, Hideki
Citation: Kuroda, Koji et Tanemura, Hideki, Limit theorem and large deviation principle for the Voronoi tessellation generated by a Gibbs point process, Advances in applied probability , 24(1), 1992, pp. 45-70

Authors: Rychlik, Igor
Citation: Rychlik, Igor, The two-barrier problem for continuously differentiable processes, Advances in applied probability , 24(1), 1992, pp. 71-94

Authors: Tory, E. M. Pickard, D. K.
Citation: M. Tory, E. et K. Pickard, D., Unilateral Gaussian fields, Advances in applied probability , 24(1), 1992, pp. 95-112

Authors: Karlin, Samuel Dembo, Amir
Citation: Karlin, Samuel et Dembo, Amir, Limit distributions of maximal segmental score among Markov-dependent partial sums, Advances in applied probability , 24(1), 1992, pp. 113-140

Authors: Csenki, Attila
Citation: Csenki, Attila, The joint distribution of sojourn times in finite Markov processes, Advances in applied probability , 24(1), 1992, pp. 141-160

Authors: Boland, Philip J. El-Neweihi, Emad Proschan, Frank
Citation: J. Boland, Philip et al., Stochastic order for redundancy allocations in series and parallel systems, Advances in applied probability , 24(1), 1992, pp. 161-171

Authors: Asmussen, Søren Rubinstein, Reuven Y.
Citation: Asmussen, Søren et Y. Rubinstein, Reuven, The efficiency and heavy traffic properties of the score function method in sensitivity analysis of queueing models, Advances in applied probability , 24(1), 1992, pp. 172-201

Authors: Daley, D. J. Rolski, T.
Citation: J. Daley, D. et T. Rolski,, Light traffic approximations in many-server queues, Advances in applied probability , 24(1), 1992, pp. 202-218

Authors: Tong, H. Cheng, B.
Citation: H. Tong, et B. Cheng,, A note on one-dimensional chaotic maps under time reversal, Advances in applied probability , 24(1), 1992, pp. 219-220

Authors: Ball, Frank Blackwell, Paul
Citation: Ball, Frank et Blackwell, Paul, A finite form for the wrapped Poisson distribution, Advances in applied probability , 24(1), 1992, pp. 221-222

Authors: Manoharan, M. Singh, Harshinder Misra, Neeraj
Citation: M. Manoharan, et al., Preservation of phase-type distributions under Poisson shock models, Advances in applied probability , 24(1), 1992, pp. 223-225

Authors: Finkelstein, M. S.
Citation: S. Finkelstein, M., Some notes on two types of minimal repair, Advances in applied probability , 24(1), 1992, pp. 226-228

Authors: Henderson, W. Taylor, P. G.
Citation: W. Henderson, et G. Taylor, P., Discrete-time queueing networks with geometric release probabilities, Advances in applied probability , 24(1), 1992, pp. 229-233

Authors: Hordijk, Arie Koole, Ger
Citation: Hordijk, Arie et Koole, Ger, The µc-rule is not optimal in the second node of the tandem queue: a counterexample, Advances in applied probability , 24(1), 1992, pp. 234-237

Authors: Singh, Harshinder Gupta, R. D.
Citation: Singh, Harshinder et D. Gupta, R., On the probability that the kth customer finds an M/M/1 queue empty, Advances in applied probability , 24(1), 1992, pp. 238-239

Authors: Kennedy, Douglas P. Kertz, Robert P.
Citation: P. Kennedy, Douglas et P. Kertz, Robert, Limit theorems for suprema, threshold-stopped random variables and last exits of i.i.d. random variables with costs and discounting, with applications to optimal stopping, Advances in applied probability , 24(2), 1992, pp. 241-266

Authors: Roginsky, Allen L.
Citation: L. Roginsky, Allen, A central limit theorem by remainder term for renewal processes, Advances in applied probability , 24(2), 1992, pp. 267-287

Authors: Jalali, Assad Hawkes, Alan G.
Citation: Jalali, Assad et G. Hawkes, Alan, The distribution of apparent occupancy times in a two-state Markov process in which brief events cannot be detected, Advances in applied probability , 24(2), 1992, pp. 288-301

Authors: Jalali, Assad Hawkes, Alan G.
Citation: Jalali, Assad et G. Hawkes, Alan, Generalised eigenproblems arising in aggregated markov processes allowing for time interval omission, Advances in applied probability , 24(2), 1992, pp. 302-321

Authors: Borovkov, A. A. Fayolle, G. Korshunov, D. A.
Citation: A. Borovkov, A. et al., Transient phenomena for Markov chains and applications, Advances in applied probability , 24(2), 1992, pp. 322-342

Authors: Hordijk, Arie Spieksma, Flora
Citation: Hordijk, Arie et Spieksma, Flora, On ergodicity and recurrence properties of a Markov chain by an application to an open jackson network, Advances in applied probability , 24(2), 1992, pp. 343-376

Authors: Brémaud, Pierre Kannurpatti, Raghavan Mazumdar, Ravi
Citation: Brémaud, Pierre et al., Event and time averages: a review, Advances in applied probability , 24(2), 1992, pp. 377-411

Authors: Ljung, Lennart Wahlberg, Bo
Citation: Ljung, Lennart et Wahlberg, Bo, Asymptotic properties of the least-squares method for estimating transfer functions and disturbance spectra, Advances in applied probability , 24(2), 1992, pp. 412-440
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-58