string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1992' AND fasc_issn='00031305' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-70    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/70

Authors: Cox, D. R. Wermuth, Nanny
Citation: R. Cox, D. et Wermuth, Nanny, A Comment on the Coefficient of Determination for Binary Responses, American statistician , 46(1), 1992, pp. 1-4

Authors: Waller, Lance A. Turnbull, Bruce W.
Citation: A. Waller, Lance et W. Turnbull, Bruce, Probability Plotting with Censored Data, American statistician , 46(1), 1992, pp. 5-12

Authors: Goldman, Anne I.
Citation: I. Goldman, Anne, Eventcharts: Visualizing Survival and other Timed-Events Data, American statistician , 46(1), 1992, pp. 13-18

Authors: Moser, Barry K. Stevens, Gary R.
Citation: K. Moser, Barry et R. Stevens, Gary, Homogeneity of Variance in the Two-Sample Means Test, American statistician , 46(1), 1992, pp. 19-21

Authors: Boullion, Thomas L. Seaman, John W. Young, Dean M.
Citation: L. Boullion, Thomas et al., Moments of Discrete Probability Distributions Derived Using a Differential Operator, American statistician , 46(1), 1992, pp. 22-24

Authors: Arnold, Barry C. Brockett, Patrick L.
Citation: C. Arnold, Barry et L. Brockett, Patrick, On Distributions Whose Component Ratios are Cauchy, American statistician , 46(1), 1992, pp. 25-26

Authors: Oehlert, Gary W.
Citation: W. Oehlert, Gary, A Note on the Delta Method, American statistician , 46(1), 1992, pp. 27-29

Authors: Clason, Dennis L. Murray, Leigh W.
Citation: L. Clason, Dennis et W. Murray, Leigh, Exponential Families and Variance Component Models, American statistician , 46(1), 1992, pp. 29-31

Authors: Flury, Bernard D. Narayanan, A.
Citation: D. Flury, Bernard et A. Narayanan,, A Mixture Approach to Multivariate Analysis of Variance, American statistician , 46(1), 1992, pp. 31-34

Authors: Kopas, Dale A. McAllister. Paul R.
Citation: A. Kopas, Dale et R. Mcallister. Paul, Process Improvement Exercises for the Chemical Industry, American statistician , 46(1), 1992, pp. 34-41

Authors: Martz, H. F. Zimmer, W. J.
Citation: F. Martz, H. et J. Zimmer, W., The Risk of Catastrophic Failure of the Solid Rocket Boosters on the Space Shuttle, American statistician , 46(1), 1992, pp. 42-47

Authors: Ling, Robert F.
Citation: F. Ling, Robert, Just Say no to Binomial (and other Discrete Distributions) Tables, American statistician , 46(1), 1992, pp. 53-54

Authors: Gastwirth, Joseph L.
Citation: L. Gastwirth, Joseph, Statistical Reasoning in the Legal Setting, American statistician , 46(1), 1992, pp. 55-69

Authors: Hettmansperger, Thomas P. Sheather, Simon J.
Citation: P. Hettmansperger, Thomas et J. Sheather, Simon, A Cautionary Note on the Method of Least Median Squares, American statistician , 46(2), 1992, pp. 79-83

Authors: Smith, A. F. M. Gelfand, A. E.
Citation: M. Smith, A. F. et E. Gelfand, A., Bayesian Statistics without Tears: A Sampling.Resampling Perspective, American statistician , 46(2), 1992, pp. 84-88

Authors: Gregoire, Timothy G. Arabatzis, Alexandros A. Reynolds, Marion R.
Citation: G. Gregoire, Timothy et al., Mean Squared Error Performance of Simple Linear Regression Conditional upon the Outcome of Pretesting the Intercept, American statistician , 46(2), 1992, pp. 89-93

Authors: Piegorsch, Walter W.
Citation: W. Piegorsch, Walter, Complementary Log Regression for Generalized Linear Models, American statistician , 46(2), 1992, pp. 94-99

Authors: Cohen, Steven B. Johnson, Ayah E.
Citation: B. Cohen, Steven et E. Johnson, Ayah, Address Sample Effects in the National Medical Expenditure Survey, American statistician , 46(2), 1992, pp. 100-105

Authors: Wright, Tommy
Citation: Wright, Tommy, Lagrange's Identity Reveals Correlation Coefficient and Straight-Line Connection, American statistician , 46(2), 1992, pp. 106-107

Authors: Samaniego, Francisco J.
Citation: J. Samaniego, Francisco, Elementary Derivations of Geometric Moments, American statistician , 46(2), 1992, pp. 108-109

Authors: Stefansk, Leonard A.
Citation: A. Stefansk, Leonard, Monotone Likelihood Ratio of a .Faulty-Inspection. Distribution, American statistician , 46(2), 1992, pp. 110-114

Authors: Angus, John E.
Citation: E. Angus, John, Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimator of the Probability of an Odd Number of Successes, American statistician , 46(2), 1992, pp. 115-117

Authors: Bailey, Ralph W.
Citation: W. Bailey, Ralph, Distributional Identities of Beta and Chi-Squared Variates: A Geometrical Interpretation, American statistician , 46(2), 1992, pp. 117-120

Authors: Hu, Inchi
Citation: Hu, Inchi, An Elementary Solution to a Traffic Problem, American statistician , 46(2), 1992, pp. 120-121

Authors: Moser, Barry Kurt Lin, Yuh-Ren
Citation: Moser, Barry Kurt et Lin, Yuh-ren, Equivalence of the Corrected F Test and the Weighted Least Squares Procedure, American statistician , 46(2), 1992, pp. 122-124
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-70