string(238) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1992' AND fasc_issn='10505164' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 25 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-47    

Articles table of contents

Results : 26-47/47

Authors: Bramson, M. Ney, P. Tao, J.
Citation: M. Bramson, et al., The Population Composition of a Multitype Branching Random Walk, Annals of applied probability , 2(3), 1992, pp. 575-596

Authors: Devroye, Luc
Citation: Devroye, Luc, A Limit Theory for Random Skip Lists, Annals of applied probability , 2(3), 1992, pp. 597-609

Authors: Frigessi, Arnoldo Hwang, Chii-Ruey Younes Laurent
Citation: Frigessi, Arnoldo et al., Optimal Spectral Structure of Reversible Stochastic Matrices, Monte Carlo Methods and the Simulation of Markov Random Fields, Annals of applied probability , 2(3), 1992, pp. 610-628

Authors: Karatzas, Ioannis Ocone, Daniel L.
Citation: Karatzas, Ioannis et L. Ocone, Daniel, The Resolvent of a Degenerate Diffusion on the Plane, with Application to Partially Observed Stochastic Control, Annals of applied probability , 2(3), 1992, pp. 629-668

Authors: Kotelenez, Peter
Citation: Kotelenez, Peter, Fluctuations in a Nonlinear Reaction-Diffusion Model, Annals of applied probability , 2(3), 1992, pp. 669-694

Authors: Rhee, WanSoo T. Talagrand, Michel
Citation: T. Rhee, Wansoo et Talagrand, Michel, Matching Random Subsets of the Cube with a Tight Control on One Coordinate, Annals of applied probability , 2(3), 1992, pp. 695-713

Authors: Chang, Joseph T.
Citation: T. Chang, Joseph, On Moments of the First Ladder Height of Random Walks with Small Drift, Annals of applied probability , 2(3), 1992, pp. 714-738

Authors: Asmussen, Soren
Citation: Asmussen, Soren, On Coupling and Weak Convergence to Stationarity, Annals of applied probability , 2(3), 1992, pp. 739-751

Authors: Dalal, S. R. Mallows, C. L.
Citation: R. Dalal, S. et L. Mallows, C., Buying with Exact Confidence, Annals of applied probability , 2(3), 1992, pp. 752-765

Authors: Cvitanic, Jaksa Karatzas,Ioannis
Citation: Cvitanic, Jaksa et Karatzas,ioannis, Convex Duality in Constrained Portfolio Optimization, Annals of applied probability , 2(4), 1992, pp. 767-818

Authors: Holley, Richard Waymire, Edward C.
Citation: Holley, Richard et C. Waymire, Edward, Multifractal Dimensions and Scaling Exponents for Strongly Bounded Random Cascades, Annals of applied probability , 2(4), 1992, pp. 819-845

Authors: Talagrand, Michel
Citation: Talagrand, Michel, Matching Random Samples in Many Dimensions, Annals of applied probability , 2(4), 1992, pp. 846-856

Authors: Morrow, Gregory J.
Citation: J. Morrow, Gregory, Large Deviation Results for a Class of Markov Chains with Application to an Infinite Alleles Model of Population Genetics, Annals of applied probability , 2(4), 1992, pp. 857-905

Authors: Kroese, Dirk P. Schmidt, Volker
Citation: P. Kroese, Dirk et Schmidt, Volker, A Continuous Polling System with General Service Times, Annals of applied probability , 2(4), 1992, pp. 906-927

Authors: Ferrari, P. A. Ravishankar, K.
Citation: A. Ferrari, P. et K. Ravishankar,, Shocks in Asymmetric Exclusion Automata, Annals of applied probability , 2(4), 1992, pp. 928-941

Authors: Pinsky, Mark A.
Citation: A. Pinsky, Mark, Extremal Character of the Lyapunov Exponent of the Stochastic Harmonic Oscillator, Annals of applied probability , 2(4), 1992, pp. 942-950

Authors: Aalen, Odd O.
Citation: O. Aalen, Odd, Modelling Heterogeneity in Survival Analysis by the Compound Poisson Distribution, Annals of applied probability , 2(4), 1992, pp. 951-972

Authors: Kalvis M. Jansons, Rogers, L. C. G.
Citation: Kalvis M. Jansons, et G. Rogers, L. C., Decomposing the Branching Brownian Path, Annals of applied probability , 2(4), 1992, pp. 973-986

Authors: Daley, D. J. Rolski, T.
Citation: J. Daley, D. et T. Rolski,, Finiteness of Waiting-Time Moments in General Stationary Single-Server Queues, Annals of applied probability , 2(4), 1992, pp. 987-1008

Authors: Bollobas, Bela Brightwell, Graham
Citation: Bollobas, Bela et Brightwell, Graham, The Height of a Random Partial Order: Concentration of Measure, Annals of applied probability , 2(4), 1992, pp. 1009-1018

Authors: Benjamini, Yoav Krieger, Abba M.
Citation: Benjamini, Yoav et M. Krieger, Abba, Market Share Paradox and Heterogeneous Chains, Annals of applied probability , 2(4), 1992, pp. 1019-1023

Authors: Weber, Richard
Citation: Weber, Richard, On the Gittins Index for Multiarmed Bandits, Annals of applied probability , 2(4), 1992, pp. 1024-1033
Results: 1-25 | 26-47