string(239) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ESSPER' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1992' AND fasc_issn='0012981X' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-19    

Articles table of contents

Results : 19

Authors: Alsadek, J. A. Darrat, A. F. Suliman, M. O.
Citation: J. A. Alsadek et al., Economic Growth and the Role of Private Sector: Some Empirical Results, Economia internazionale, (3/4), 1992, pp. 277

Authors: Belton, W. Cebula, R. J.
Citation: W. Belton et R. J. Cebula, Deficits and Real Interest Rates in the United States: A Note on the Barro Theory versus the Cuckierman-Meltzer Theory of Government Debt and Deficits in a Neo-Ricardian Framework, Economia internazionale, (3/4), 1992, pp. 289

Authors: Galeazzi, G.
Citation: G. Galeazzi, Scelte ottimali di risparmio/investimento, esternalità di produzione e partite correnti, Economia internazionale, (3/4), 1992, pp. 296

Authors: Gift, R. E.
Citation: R. E. Gift, Unstable Transfer Policy, Threat Perception and the Legal Foundations, Economia internazionale, (3/4), 1992, pp. 318

Authors: Karunaratne, N. D.
Citation: N. D. Karunaratne, The Twin Deficits Hypothesis in the Australian Context, Economia internazionale, (3/4), 1992, pp. 330

Authors: Sundararajan, S.
Citation: S. Sundararajan, Effects of Monetary and Import Price Changes on the Dynamics of Inflation in Six Asian Countries, Economia internazionale, (3/4), 1992, pp. 351

Authors: Zizmond, E.
Citation: E. Zizmond, Price Levels and Price Disparities in Slovenia, Economia internazionale, (3/4), 1992, pp. 364

Authors: Alexakis, P. Xanthakis, M.
Citation: P. Alexakis et M. Xanthakis, Export Performance of Greek Manufacturing Companies. Export Subsidies and Other Factors, Economia internazionale, (2), 1992, pp. 143

Authors: Al-Saji, Amer K.
Citation: Amer K. Al-Saji, The Impact of Government Budget Deficits on Ex Post Real Long Term Interest Rates in the United Kingdom, 1960: 1 -1990: 2, Economia internazionale, (2), 1992, pp. 158

Authors: Balkan, E. M. Erol, U.
Citation: E. M. Balkan et U. Erol, Inflation and Nominal Interest Rates in the United States, Economia internazionale, (2), 1992, pp. 164

Authors: Bleaney, M.F.
Citation: M.F. Bleaney, A Test of Long-Run Purchasing Power Parity Using Annual Data for Seven Countries, 1900-88, Economia internazionale, (2), 1992, pp. 180

Authors: Cifarelli, G.
Citation: G. Cifarelli, Exchange Rate Market Efficiency Tests and Cointegration Analysis, Economia internazionale, (2), 1992, pp. 197

Authors: Medhora, R.
Citation: R. Medhora, Reserve Pooling in the West African Monetary Union, Economia internazionale, (2), 1992, pp. 209

Authors: Potiowski, T. Qayum, Abdul
Citation: T. Potiowski et Abdul Qayum, Effect of Domestic Capital Formation and Foreign Assistance on Rate of Economic Growth, Economia internazionale, (2), 1992, pp. 223

Authors: Carrier, Bruno
Citation: Bruno Carrier, Changements structurels et investissement multidimensionnel, Economia internazionale, (1), 1992, pp. 1

Authors: Mitra, P. K.
Citation: P. K. Mitra, The Analytical Aspects of Adjustment Programs, Economia internazionale, (1), 1992, pp. 26

Authors: Paramithiotti, G.
Citation: G. Paramithiotti, L'evoluzione degli scambi intra-CEE ed extra-CEE di servizi: alcune osservazioni empiriche, Economia internazionale, (1), 1992, pp. 42

Authors: Tamberi, M.
Citation: M. Tamberi, How much is Backwardness an Advantage? Further Reflections on the Road from Backwardness Advantages to Convergence, Economia internazionale, (1), 1992, pp. 59

Authors: Tronzano, M.
Citation: M. Tronzano, Long-Run Purchasing Power Parity and Mean-Reversion in Real Exchange Rates: A Further Assessment, Economia internazionale, (1), 1992, pp. 77
Results: 1-19