string(239) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ESSPER' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1992' AND fasc_issn='00355054' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-19    

Articles table of contents

Results : 19

Authors: Capobianco, Enrico
Citation: Enrico Capobianco, Previsione finanziaria attraverso la rappresentazione state space dei modelli ARIMA in ipotesi di variabilità dei parametri, Ricerche economiche, (3/4), 1992, pp. 165

Authors: Croda, Enrica
Citation: Enrica Croda, The Impact of Fiscal Policy and Inflation on National Saving: A Bayesan Analysisi of the Italian Case, Ricerche economiche, (3/4), 1992, pp. 191

Authors: Ferrando, Annalisa
Citation: Annalisa Ferrando, Patent Policy and Vertical Product Differentiation, Ricerche economiche, (3/4), 1992, pp. 221

Authors: Graziano, Clara
Citation: Clara Graziano, Dynamic Incentive Contracts with Two-Sided Private Information, Ricerche economiche, (3/4), 1992, pp. 243

Authors: Luna, Francesco
Citation: Francesco Luna, Currency Substitution: Remarks on the Stochastic Case, Ricerche economiche, (3/4), 1992, pp. 267

Authors: Polo, Michele Tedeschi, Piero
Citation: Michele Polo et Piero Tedeschi, Managerial Contracts Collusion and Mergers, Ricerche economiche, (3/4), 1992, pp. 281

Authors: Rindi, Barbara Corielli, Francesco
Citation: Barbara Rindi et Francesco Corielli, Le regolarità di calendario dei rendimenti azionari: il caso italiano, Ricerche economiche, (3/4), 1992, pp. 303

Authors: Brunello, Giorgio
Citation: Giorgio Brunello, Is there a Trade-Off between Supervision and Pay? A Note, Ricerche economiche, (3/4), 1992, pp. 327

Authors: Gilli, Mario Battigalli, Pierpaolo Molinari, M. Cristina
Citation: Mario Gilli et al., Learning and Convergence to Equilibrium in Repeated Strategic Interactions: An Introductory Survey, Ricerche economiche, (3/4), 1992, pp. 335

Authors: Urga, Giovanni
Citation: Giovanni Urga, The Econometrics of Panel Data: A Selective Introduction, Ricerche economiche, (3/4), 1992, pp. 379

Authors: Mossetto, Gianfranco
Citation: Gianfranco Mossetto, Why Have Economists Been Concerned with the Arts?, Ricerche economiche, (1/2), 1992, pp. 5

Authors: Hutter, Michael
Citation: Michael Hutter, Art as an Exhaustible Social Resource, Ricerche economiche, (1/2), 1992, pp. 29

Authors: Villani, Andrea
Citation: Andrea Villani, Rational Addiction in the Arts, Ricerche economiche, (1/2), 1992, pp. 41

Authors: Towse, Ruth
Citation: Ruth Towse, The Labour Market for Artists, Ricerche economiche, (1/2), 1992, pp. 55

Authors: Puu, Tönu
Citation: Tönu Puu, On Progress and Perfection in the Arts and Sciences, Ricerche economiche, (1/2), 1992, pp. 75

Authors: Scandizzo, Pasquale Lucio
Citation: Pasquale Lucio Scandizzo, Cultural Goods and Economic Growth, Ricerche economiche, (1/2), 1992, pp. 91

Authors: Throsby, David
Citation: David Throsby, The Economics of the Visual Arts, Ricerche economiche, (1/2), 1992, pp. 111

Authors: Mossetto, Gianfranco
Citation: Gianfranco Mossetto, The Economics of the Cities of Art: The Tale of Two Cities, Ricerche economiche, (1/2), 1992, pp. 121

Authors: Netzer, Dick
Citation: Dick Netzer, Principles and Policies for Optimizing Use of Venice by Rationing Access, Ricerche economiche, (1/2), 1992, pp. 141
Results: 1-19