string(236) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ICR' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1992' AND fasc_issn='00071315' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-29    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/29

Authors: Steven Yearley
Citation: Steven Yearley, Green ambivalence about science: legal-rational authority and the scientific legimitation of a social movement, British journal of sociology, 43(04), 1992, pp. 511

Authors: John Hagan Bill McCarthy
Citation: John Hagan et Bill McCarthy, Streetlife and delinquency, British journal of sociology, 43(04), 1992, pp. 533

Authors: Maurice Roche
Citation: Maurice Roche, Mega-events and micro-modernisation: on the sociology of the new urban tourism, British journal of sociology, 43(04), 1992, pp. 563

Authors: Maurice Roche
Citation: Maurice Roche, Mega-events and micro-modernisation: on the sociology of the new urban tourism, British journal of sociology, 43(04), 1992, pp. 563

Authors: Andrew Travers
Citation: Andrew Travers, Strangers to themselves: how interactants are other than they are, British journal of sociology, 43(04), 1992, pp. 601

Authors: Liana Giorgi
Citation: Liana Giorgi, Religious involvement in a secularized society: an empirical confirmation of Martin's general theory of secularization, British journal of sociology, 43(04), 1992, pp. 639

Authors: Roger Penn Ann Gasteen Hilda Scattergood John Sewel
Citation: Roger Penn et al., Technical change and the division of labour in Rochdale and Aberdeen:evidence from the social change and economic life initiative, British journal of sociology, 43(04), 1992, pp. 657

Authors: Roger Homan
Citation: Roger Homan, The ethics of open methods, British journal of sociology, 43(03), 1992, pp. 321

Authors: R. C. Helmes-Hayes
Citation: R. C. Helmes-Hayes, `From universal history to historical sociology: by J. A. Banks a critical comment, British journal of sociology, 43(03), 1992, pp. 333

Authors: Antoine Joseph
Citation: Antoine Joseph, Modes of class formation, British journal of sociology, 43(03), 1992, pp. 345

Authors: David Zaret
Citation: David Zaret, Calvin, covenant theology, and the Weber thesis, British journal of sociology, 43(03), 1992, pp. 369

Authors: Bruce Talbot Coram
Citation: Bruce Talbot Coram, Spoiling the class divide: struggles within the working class over distribution, British journal of sociology, 43(03), 1992, pp. 393

Authors: Christie Davies
Citation: Christie Davies, The Protestant Ethic and the comic spirit of capitalism, British journal of sociology, 43(03), 1992, pp. 421

Authors: Paul Bagguley
Citation: Paul Bagguley, Protest, acquiescence and the unemployed: a comparative analysis of the 193Os and 1980s, British journal of sociology, 43(03), 1992, pp. 443

Authors: Bernadette C. Hayes F. L. Jones
Citation: Bernadette C. Hayes et F. L. Jones, Class identification among Australian couples: are wives' characteristics relevant?, British journal of sociology, 43(03), 1992, pp. 463

Authors: James Murphy
Citation: James Murphy, A most respectable prejudice - Boudon, British journal of sociology, 43(03), 1992, pp. 485

Authors: Valerie A. Haines
Citation: Valerie A. Haines, Spencer's philosophy of science, British journal of sociology, 43(02), 1992, pp. 155

Authors: Nikolas Rose Peter Miller
Citation: Nikolas Rose et Peter Miller, Political power beyond the State: problematics of government, British journal of sociology, 43(02), 1992, pp. 173

Authors: Clive Norris Nigel Fielding Charles Kemp Jane Fielding
Citation: Clive Norris et al., Black and blue: an analysis of the influence of race on being stoppedby the police, British journal of sociology, 43(02), 1992, pp. 207

Authors: A. Ben-Porat
Citation: A. Ben-Porat, Class structure in Israel: from statehood to the 1980s, British journal of sociology, 43(02), 1992, pp. 225

Authors: Stephen Gilliatt
Citation: Stephen Gilliatt, Consumers at work: theprivate life of public provision, British journal of sociology, 43(02), 1992, pp. 239

Authors: Nicos Mouzelis
Citation: Nicos Mouzelis, Social and system integration: Habermas' view, British journal of sociology, 43(02), 1992, pp. 267

Authors: Sam Whimster
Citation: Sam Whimster, Social theory and the decline of the public intellectual, British journal of sociology, 43(02), 1992, pp. 289

Authors: Elizabeth A. Weinberg
Citation: Elizabeth A. Weinberg, Perestroika and Soviet sociology, British journal of sociology, 43(01), 1992, pp. 1

Authors: Sasha Weitman
Citation: Sasha Weitman, Thinking the revolutions of 1989, British journal of sociology, 43(01), 1992, pp. 11
Results: 1-25 | 26-29