string(236) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ICR' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1992' AND fasc_issn='00213624' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-21    

Articles table of contents

Results : 21

Authors: Anne Mayhew Sven-Erik Sjöstrand
Citation: Anne Mayhew et Sven-Erik Sjöstrand, Introduction, Journal of economic issues, XXVI(04), 1992, pp. 1003

Authors: Sven-Erik Sjöstrand
Citation: Sven-Erik Sjöstrand, On the Rationale behind, Journal of economic issues, XXVI(04), 1992, pp. 1007

Authors: Ramana Ramaswamy
Citation: Ramana Ramaswamy, Wage Bargaining Institutions, Adaptability, and Structural Change: The Swedish Experience, Journal of economic issues, XXVI(04), 1992, pp. 1041

Authors: Atle Midttun
Citation: Atle Midttun, The European Market for Aviation: A Sociological Inquiry into the Political Economy of a Complexly, Journal of economic issues, XXVI(04), 1992, pp. 1063

Authors: Otto Singer
Citation: Otto Singer, Constructing the Economic Spectacle: The Role of Cur rency Union in the German Unification Process, Journal of economic issues, XXVI(04), 1992, pp. 1095

Authors: Ove K. Pedersen Niels A. Andersen, Peter Kjaer
Citation: Ove K. Pedersen et al., Private Policies and the Autonomy of Enterprise Danish Local and National Industrial Policy, Journal of economic issues, XXVI(04), 1992, pp. 1117

Authors: L. Randall Wray
Citation: L. Randall Wray, Alternative Approaches to Money and Interest Rates, Journal of economic issues, XXVI(04), 1992, pp. 1145

Authors: E. Ray Canterbery A. Marvasti
Citation: E. Ray Canterbery et A. Marvasti, The Coase Theorem as a Negative Externality, Journal of economic issues, XXVI(04), 1992, pp. 1179

Authors: J. Paul Leigh
Citation: J. Paul Leigh, Distribution of Lifetime Income Allowing for VaryingMortality Rates among Women, Men, Blacks, and Whites, Journal of economic issues, XXVI(04), 1992, pp. 1191

Authors: Rey Koslowski
Citation: Rey Koslowski, Market Institutions, East European Reform, and Economic Theory, Journal of economic issues, 26(03), 1992, pp. 673

Authors: A. Allan Schmid
Citation: A. Allan Schmid, Legal Foundations of the Market: Implications for the Formerly Socialist Countries of Eastern Europe and Africa, Journal of economic issues, 26(03), 1992, pp. 707

Authors: J. A. Kregel
Citation: J. A. Kregel, Some Considerations on the Causes of Structural Change in Financial Markets, Journal of economic issues, 26(03), 1992, pp. 733

Authors: Geoffrey M. Hodgson
Citation: Geoffrey M. Hodgson, The Reconstruction of Economics: Is There Still a Place for Neoclassical Theory?, Journal of economic issues, 26(03), 1992, pp. 749

Authors: David Berry
Citation: David Berry, The Structure of Electric Utility Least Cost Planning, Journal of economic issues, 26(03), 1992, pp. 769

Authors: John T. Harvey Michael A. Katovich
Citation: John T. Harvey et Michael A. Katovich, Symbolic Interactionism and Institutionalism: Common Roots, Journal of economic issues, 26(03), 1992, pp. 791

Authors: R. A. Gonce
Citation: R. A. Gonce, F.H. Knight on Capitalism and Freedom, Journal of economic issues, 26(03), 1992, pp. 813

Authors: Alberto Supelano
Citation: Alberto Supelano, The Political Economy of Latin America: The Columbian Experience during the 1980s, Journal of economic issues, 26(03), 1992, pp. 845

Authors: Richard X. Chase
Citation: Richard X. Chase, Keynes's Principle(s) of Effective Demand: Redefining His Revolution, Journal of economic issues, 26(03), 1992, pp. 865

Authors: Wendell Gordon
Citation: Wendell Gordon, The Implication of Process, Journal of economic issues, 26(03), 1992, pp. 891

Authors: Neva Seidman Makgetla
Citation: Neva Seidman Makgetla, A Note on Gary Becker's Use of Metaphor, Journal of economic issues, 26(03), 1992, pp. 900

Authors: Charles J. Whalen
Citation: Charles J. Whalen, John R. Commons and Endogenous Money: A Comment on Niggle, Journal of economic issues, 26(03), 1992, pp. 904
Results: 1-21