string(236) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ICR' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1992' AND fasc_issn='00219398' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-28    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/28

Authors: Allan W. Kleidon
Citation: Allan W. Kleidon, Arbitrage, Nontrading, and Stale Prices: October 1987, The Journal of business, 65(04), 1992, pp. 483

Authors: Sanford J. Grossman
Citation: Sanford J. Grossman, The Informational Role of Upstairs and Downstairs Trading, The Journal of business, 65(04), 1992, pp. 509

Authors: David T. Brown Michael D. Ryngaert
Citation: David T. Brown et Michael D. Ryngaert, The Determinants of Tendering Rates in Interfirm and Self-Tender Offers, The Journal of business, 65(04), 1992, pp. 529

Authors: Jeremy J. Siegel
Citation: Jeremy J. Siegel, Equity Risk Premia, Corporate Profit Forecasts, and Investor Sentiment around the Stock Crash of October 1987, The Journal of business, 65(04), 1992, pp. 557

Authors: Francis A. Longstaff
Citation: Francis A. Longstaff, Are Negative Option Prices Possible? The Callable U.S. Treasury-Bond Puzzle, The Journal of business, 65(04), 1992, pp. 571

Authors: Yu-Min Chen Dipak C. Jain
Citation: Yu-Min Chen et Dipak C. Jain, Dynamic Monopoly Pricing under a Poisson-Type Uncertain Demand, The Journal of business, 65(04), 1992, pp. 593

Authors: Yu-Min Chen Dipak C. Jain
Citation: Yu-Min Chen et Dipak C. Jain, Dynamic Monopoly Pricing under a Poisson-Type Uncertain Demand, The Journal of business, 65(04), 1992, pp. 593

Authors: John E. Kwoka Jr
Citation: John E. Kwoka Jr, Price-Quality Schedules: Some Evidence from Automobiles, The Journal of business, 65(04), 1992, pp. 615

Authors: Robert Neal
Citation: Robert Neal, A Comparison of Transaction Costs between Competitive Market Maker and Specialist Market Structures, The Journal of business, 65(03), 1992, pp. 317

Authors: Mark Fedenia Theoharry Grammatikos
Citation: Mark Fedenia et Theoharry Grammatikos, Options Trading and the Bid-Ask Spread of the Underlying Stocks, The Journal of business, 65(03), 1992, pp. 335

Authors: Michael A. Mazzeo William T. Moore
Citation: Michael A. Mazzeo et William T. Moore, Liquidity Costs and Stock Price Response to Convertible Security Calls, The Journal of business, 65(03), 1992, pp. 353

Authors: Eugene Pilotte
Citation: Eugene Pilotte, Growth Opportunities and the Stock Price Response to New Financing, The Journal of business, 65(03), 1992, pp. 371

Authors: Martin Evans Paul Wachtel
Citation: Martin Evans et Paul Wachtel, Interpreting the Movements in Short-Term Interest Rates, The Journal of business, 65(03), 1992, pp. 395

Authors: Thomas E. Cooper
Citation: Thomas E. Cooper, Signal Facilitation: A Policy Response to Asymmetric Information, The Journal of business, 65(03), 1992, pp. 431

Authors: Gun-Ho Joh Chi-Wen Jevons Lee
Citation: Gun-Ho Joh et Chi-Wen Jevons Lee, Stock Price Response to Accounting, The Journal of business, 65(03), 1992, pp. 451

Authors: R. Glenn Hubbard Robert J. Weiner
Citation: R. Glenn Hubbard et Robert J. Weiner, Long-Term Contracting and Multiple-Price Systems, The Journal of business, 65(02), 1992, pp. 177

Authors: Blake LeBaron
Citation: Blake LeBaron, Some Relations between Volatility and Serial Correlations in Stock Market Returns, The Journal of business, 65(02), 1992, pp. 199

Authors: Eduardo S. Schwartz Walter N. Torous
Citation: Eduardo S. Schwartz et Walter N. Torous, Prepayment, Default, and the Valuation of Mortgage Pass-through Securities, The Journal of business, 65(02), 1992, pp. 221

Authors: Thomas E. Copeland Daniel Friedman
Citation: Thomas E. Copeland et Daniel Friedman, The Market Value of Information: Some Experimental Results, The Journal of business, 65(02), 1992, pp. 241

Authors: Robert M. Feinberg Seth Kaplan
Citation: Robert M. Feinberg et Seth Kaplan, The Response of Domestic Prices to Expected Exchange Rates, The Journal of business, 65(02), 1992, pp. 267

Authors: Hamid Baghestani
Citation: Hamid Baghestani, On the Formation of Expected Inflation under Various Conditions: SomeSurvey Evidence, The Journal of business, 65(02), 1992, pp. 281

Authors: Naoto Kunitomo
Citation: Naoto Kunitomo, Improving the Parkinson Method of Estimating Security Price Volatilities, The Journal of business, 65(02), 1992, pp. 295

Authors: Jonathan E. Ingersoll Jr. Stephen A Ross
Citation: Jonathan E. Ingersoll Jr. et Stephen A Ross, Waiting to Invest: Investment and Uncertainty, The Journal of business, 65(01), 1992, pp. 1

Authors: Cynthia A. Montgomery Birger Wernerfelt
Citation: Cynthia A. Montgomery et Birger Wernerfelt, Risk Reduction and Umbrella Branding, The Journal of business, 65(01), 1992, pp. 31

Authors: David Mayers Clifford W. Smith Jr
Citation: David Mayers et Clifford W. Smith Jr, Executive Compensation in the Life Insurance Industry, The Journal of business, 65(01), 1992, pp. 51
Results: 1-25 | 26-28