string(236) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ICR' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1992' AND fasc_issn='02678373' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-36    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/36

Journal: Work and stress
Citation: Stress, safety and well-being in the 199Os, Work and stress, 6(04), 1992, pp. 345

Authors: K. Daniels A. Guppy
Journal: Work and stress
Citation: K. Daniels et A. Guppy, Control, information-seeking preferences, occupational stressors and psychological well-being, Work and stress, 6(04), 1992, pp. 347

Authors: P. K. Schweitzer M.J. Muehlbach J.K. Walsh
Journal: Work and stress
Citation: P. K. Schweitzer et al., Countermeasures for night work performance deficits: the effect of napping or caffeine on continuous performance at night, Work and stress, 6(04), 1992, pp. 355

Authors: M. Murray R. Millar
Journal: Work and stress
Citation: M. Murray et R. Millar, Lay explanations of and solutions to unemployment in Northern Ireland, Work and stress, 6(04), 1992, pp. 367

Authors: J. F. DeJoseph
Journal: Work and stress
Citation: J. F. DeJoseph, Work, pregnancy, and distress, Work and stress, 6(04), 1992, pp. 379

Journal: Work and stress
Citation: Editorial: Organizational issues in hospitals, Work and stress, 6(03), 1992, pp. 211

Journal: Work and stress
Citation: ENOP: Organizational issues in hospitals, Work and stress, 6(03), 1992, pp. 215

Journal: Work and stress
Citation: ENOP: Aspectos organizacionales en los hospitales, Work and stress, 6(03), 1992, pp. 217

Authors: Tom Cox Michael Leiter
Journal: Work and stress
Citation: Tom Cox et Michael Leiter, The health of health care organizations, Work and stress, 6(03), 1992, pp. 219

Authors: Jesús Rodríguez-Marín José J. Mira Jesus Aranaz Julian Vitaller
Journal: Work and stress
Citation: Jesús Rodríguez-Marín et al., Satisfaction of health care providers and quality assurance in Spanish hospitals, Work and stress, 6(03), 1992, pp. 229

Authors: André Büssing
Journal: Work and stress
Citation: André Büssing, A dynamic view of job satisfaction in psychiatric nurses in Germany, Work and stress, 6(03), 1992, pp. 239

Authors: P. Valcárcel J. Ramos J. M. Peiró V. Gonzáléz-Romá
Journal: Work and stress
Citation: P. Valcárcel et al., The disenchantment of professionals in a new, implemented model of primary health care in Spain: a structural equations model, Work and stress, 6(03), 1992, pp. 261

Authors: C. Gadbois P. Bourgeois M. M. Goeh-Akue- Gad J. Guillaume M. A. Urbain
Journal: Work and stress
Citation: C. Gadbois et al., Hospital design and the temporal and spatial organization of nursing activity, Work and stress, 6(03), 1992, pp. 277

Authors: Michael A. West Neil Anderson
Journal: Work and stress
Citation: Michael A. West et Neil Anderson, Innovation, cultural values, and the management of change in British hospitals, Work and stress, 6(03), 1992, pp. 293

Authors: H. F. J. M. van Tuijl
Journal: Work and stress
Citation: H. F. J. M. van Tuijl, The application of a performance management system in hospitals: a hypothetical example, Work and stress, 6(03), 1992, pp. 311

Authors: Charles J. de Wolff Jo G. Schopman-Geurts van Kessel
Journal: Work and stress
Citation: Charles J. de Wolff et Jo G. Schopman-Geurts van Kessel, The recruitment and selection of hospital medical consultants, Work and stress, 6(03), 1992, pp. 327

Journal: Work and stress
Citation: Editorial Occupational health: past, present and future, Work and stress, 6(02), 1992, pp. 99

Authors: John W. Hinton Richard F. Burton
Journal: Work and stress
Citation: John W. Hinton et Richard F. Burton, How can stress be taken seriously? A reply to Richard Graveling, Work and stress, 6(02), 1992, pp. 103

Authors: Michael P. Leiter
Journal: Work and stress
Citation: Michael P. Leiter, Burn-out as a crisis in self-efficacy: Conceptual and practical implications, Work and stress, 6(02), 1992, pp. 107

Authors: Karyl E. MacEwen Julian Barling E. Kevin Kelloway
Journal: Work and stress
Citation: Karyl E. MacEwen et al., Effects of short-term role overload on marital interactions, Work and stress, 6(02), 1992, pp. 117

Authors: Cary L. Cooper Rosalind S. Bramwell
Journal: Work and stress
Citation: Cary L. Cooper et Rosalind S. Bramwell, A comparative analysis of occupational stress in managerial and shopfloor workers in the brewing industry: mental health, job satisfaction and sickness, Work and stress, 6(02), 1992, pp. 127

Authors: Peter Totterdell Lawrence Smith
Journal: Work and stress
Citation: Peter Totterdell et Lawrence Smith, Ten-hour days and eight-hour nights: can the Ottawa Shift System reduce the problems of shiftwork?, Work and stress, 6(02), 1992, pp. 139

Authors: Mandira Sen
Journal: Work and stress
Citation: Mandira Sen, Retrospected and anticipated fits: an exploration into their differential effects in a sample of Indian managers, Work and stress, 6(02), 1992, pp. 153

Authors: A. Knutsson T. Akerstedt
Journal: Work and stress
Citation: A. Knutsson et T. Akerstedt, The healthy-worker effect: self-selection among Swedish shift workers, Work and stress, 6(02), 1992, pp. 163

Authors: Dorothy Lang
Journal: Work and stress
Citation: Dorothy Lang, Preventing short-term strain through time-management coping, Work and stress, 6(02), 1992, pp. 169
Results: 1-25 | 26-36