string(236) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ICR' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1992' AND fasc_issn='0309166X' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-22    

Articles table of contents

Results : 22

Authors: Massimo Pivetti
Citation: Massimo Pivetti, Military spending as a burden on growth: an `underconsumptionist' critique, Cambridge journal of economics, 16(04), 1992, pp. 373

Authors: Peter Turnbull Syd Weston
Citation: Peter Turnbull et Syd Weston, Employment regulation, state intervention and the economic per formance of European ports, Cambridge journal of economics, 16(04), 1992, pp. 385

Authors: Pichit Likitkijsomboon
Citation: Pichit Likitkijsomboon, The Hegelian dialectic and Marx's Capital, Cambridge journal of economics, 16(04), 1992, pp. 405

Authors: Andrea Maneschi
Citation: Andrea Maneschi, Ricardo's international trade theory: beyond the comparative cost example, Cambridge journal of economics, 16(04), 1992, pp. 421

Authors: Michael Williams
Citation: Michael Williams, Marxists on money, value and labour-power: a response to Cartelier, Cambridge journal of economics, 16(04), 1992, pp. 439

Authors: Renee Prendergast
Citation: Renee Prendergast, Increasing returns and competitive equilibrium-the content and development of Marshall's theory, Cambridge journal of economics, 16(04), 1992, pp. 447

Authors: Mo-huan Hsing
Citation: Mo-huan Hsing, On the measurement of aggregate production functions, Cambridge journal of economics, 16(04), 1992, pp. 463

Authors: Denis Conniffe
Citation: Denis Conniffe, Keynes on probability and statistical inference and the links to Fisher, Cambridge journal of economics, 16(04), 1992, pp. 475

Authors: Alaka Malwade Basu
Citation: Alaka Malwade Basu, The status of women and the quality of life among the poor, Cambridge journal of economics, 16(03), 1992, pp. 249

Authors: Nance Goldstein
Citation: Nance Goldstein, Gender and the restructuring of high-tech multinational corporations:new twists to an old story, Cambridge journal of economics, 16(03), 1992, pp. 269

Authors: Geoffrey M. Hodgson
Citation: Geoffrey M. Hodgson, Thorstein Veblen and post-Darwinian economics, Cambridge journal of economics, 16(03), 1992, pp. 285

Authors: Pan A. Yotopoulos Sagrario L. Floro
Citation: Pan A. Yotopoulos et Sagrario L. Floro, Income distribution, transaction costs and market fragmentation in informal credit markets, Cambridge journal of economics, 16(03), 1992, pp. 303

Authors: Guy Standing
Citation: Guy Standing, Do unions impede or accelerate structural adjustment? Industrial versus company unions in an industrialising labour market, Cambridge journal of economics, 16(03), 1992, pp. 327

Authors: Asu Aksoy Kevin Robins
Citation: Asu Aksoy et Kevin Robins, Hollywood for the 21st century: global competition for critical mass in image markets, Cambridge journal of economics, 16(01), 1992, pp. 1

Authors: Gavin Peebles
Citation: Gavin Peebles, Why the quantity theory of money is not applicable to China, togetherwith a tested theory that is, Cambridge journal of economics, 16(01), 1992, pp. 23

Authors: Takuo Dome
Citation: Takuo Dome, Ricardo's theory of tax incidence: a Sraffian reinterpretation, Cambridge journal of economics, 16(01), 1992, pp. 43

Authors: W. B. Gaynor
Citation: W. B. Gaynor, The transformation of the natural rate of interest into The General Theory's state of long-term expectations, Cambridge journal of economics, 16(01), 1992, pp. 55

Authors: L. Randall Wray
Citation: L. Randall Wray, Alternative theories of the rate of interest, Cambridge journal of economics, 16(01), 1992, pp. 69

Authors: Harvey Gram
Citation: Harvey Gram, Dependent and self-reliant growth with foreign borrowing: a comment, Cambridge journal of economics, 16(01), 1992, pp. 91

Authors: David Young
Citation: David Young, Problems in reconciling neoclassical and Marxian models of pro duction: a comment on Green, Cambridge journal of economics, 16(01), 1992, pp. 101

Authors: Francis Green
Citation: Francis Green, Neoclassical and Marxian models of production: a reply to Young, Cambridge journal of economics, 16(01), 1992, pp. 109

Authors: Jorge F.Pérez-López
Citation: Jorge F.Pérez-López, The Cuban economy: rectification in a changing world, Cambridge journal of economics, 16(01), 1992, pp. 113
Results: 1-22