string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1993' AND fasc_issn='01635700' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-58    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/58

Authors: Hemaspaandra
Journal: SIGACT news
Citation: Hemaspaandra, Complexity theory column, SIGACT news , 24(4), 1993, pp. 2-13

Authors: Weiss
Journal: SIGACT news
Citation: Weiss, Journal backlog report, SIGACT news , 24(2), 1993, pp. 2-3

Journal: SIGACT news
Citation: , Minute from 9th ACM symposium on computational geometry, SIGACT news , 24(3), 1993, pp. 3-4

Authors: Weiss
Journal: SIGACT news
Citation: Weiss, Technical report column, SIGACT news , 24(2), 1993, pp. 4-9

Authors: Hemaspaandra
Journal: SIGACT news
Citation: Hemaspaandra, Complexity theory column, SIGACT news , 24(3), 1993, pp. 5-15

Authors: Hemaspaandra
Journal: SIGACT news
Citation: Hemaspaandra, Complexity theory column, SIGACT news , 24(2), 1993, pp. 10-14

Authors: O'Rourke
Journal: SIGACT news
Citation: O'Rourke, Computational geometry column, SIGACT news , 24(4), 1993, pp. 14-15

Authors: O'Rourke
Journal: SIGACT news
Citation: O'Rourke, Computational geometry column, SIGACT news , 24(2), 1993, pp. 15-17

Authors: Brassard
Journal: SIGACT news
Citation: Brassard, Cryptology column, SIGACT news , 24(3), 1993, pp. 16-20

Authors: Goodrich
Journal: SIGACT news
Citation: Goodrich, Parallel algorithm column, SIGACT news , 24(4), 1993, pp. 16-21

Authors: Berman
Journal: SIGACT news
Citation: Berman, CRA status of women column, SIGACT news , 24(2), 1993, pp. 18-21

Authors: O'Rourke
Journal: SIGACT news
Citation: O'Rourke, Computational geometry column, SIGACT news , 24(3), 1993, pp. 21-23

Authors: Loui
Journal: SIGACT news
Citation: Loui, Reprints from "Computing reviews", SIGACT news , 24(2), 1993, pp. 22-23

Authors: Weiss
Journal: SIGACT news
Citation: Weiss, Journal backlog report, SIGACT news , 24(4), 1993, pp. 22-26

Authors: Weiss
Journal: SIGACT news
Citation: Weiss, Journal backlog report, SIGACT news , 24(3), 1993, pp. 23-24

Authors: Jacob
Journal: SIGACT news
Citation: Jacob, Book reviews column, SIGACT news , 24(2), 1993, pp. 24-26

Authors: Jacob
Journal: SIGACT news
Citation: Jacob, Book reviews column, SIGACT news , 24(3), 1993, pp. 24-24

Authors: Weiss
Journal: SIGACT news
Citation: Weiss, Technical report column, SIGACT news , 24(3), 1993, pp. 25-27

Authors: Weiss
Journal: SIGACT news
Citation: Weiss, Technical report column, SIGACT news , 24(4), 1993, pp. 27-33

Authors: Ross
Journal: SIGACT news
Citation: Ross, Organizer's column, SIGACT news , 24(2), 1993, pp. 27-29

Authors: Loui
Journal: SIGACT news
Citation: Loui, Reprints from "Computing reviews", SIGACT news , 24(3), 1993, pp. 28-29

Authors: Richards
Journal: SIGACT news
Citation: Richards, NSF report, SIGACT news , 24(3), 1993, pp. 30-30

Journal: SIGACT news
Citation: , Textbook information, SIGACT news , 24(2), 1993, pp. 30-39

Authors: Jacob
Journal: SIGACT news
Citation: Jacob, Book reviews, SIGACT news , 24(4), 1993, pp. 34-38

Authors: Ross
Journal: SIGACT news
Citation: Ross, Organizer's column, SIGACT news , 24(3), 1993, pp. 38-42
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-58