string(239) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ESSPER' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1993' AND fasc_issn='00166987' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-11    

Articles table of contents

Results : 11

Authors: Caselli, G. Cerbara, L. Leti, G.
Journal: Genus
Citation: G. Caselli et al., The geography of adult mortality: results from the fuzzy clumping method, Genus, (1/2), 1993, pp. 1

Authors: Grummer Strawn, Laurence Trussell, James
Journal: Genus
Citation: Laurence Grummer Strawn et James Trussell, Computing the mean duration of breastfeeding from current-status data, Genus, (1/2), 1993, pp. 25

Authors: Manfredi, Pietro
Journal: Genus
Citation: Pietro Manfredi, Problemi di ingombro nel modello interattivo con legge di formazione delle coppie a 'media armonica', Genus, (1/2), 1993, pp. 43

Authors: Izsak, Janos
Journal: Genus
Citation: Janos Izsak, Comparative analysis of death cause diversity curves in various countries, Genus, (1/2), 1993, pp. 67

Authors: Castro Martin, Teresa
Journal: Genus
Citation: Teresa Castro Martin, Changing nuptiality patterns in contemporary Spain, Genus, (1/2), 1993, pp. 79

Authors: Marr, William l. Mccready, Douglas
Journal: Genus
Citation: William l. Marr et Douglas Mccready, Aging of the population and speding patterns in Canada: 1984 and 1986, Genus, (1/2), 1993, pp. 97

Authors: Hans Dinkel, Reiner Milenovic, Ina
Journal: Genus
Citation: Reiner Hans Dinkel et Ina Milenovic, Male and female fertility: a comparison of age-specific and cohort fertility of both sexes in Germany, Genus, (1/2), 1993, pp. 147

Authors: Van Reek, Jan
Journal: Genus
Citation: Jan Van Reek, Mortality by social class among mates in the Netherlands since the nineteenth century, Genus, (1/2), 1993, pp. 159

Authors: Ramakumar, R. Sathi, Devi K. Suchindran, C.M.
Journal: Genus
Citation: R. Ramakumar et al., Family size, sex composition of children and contraceptive use: a case study of Kerala, Genus, (1/2), 1993, pp. 165

Authors: Campbell, Eugene K.
Journal: Genus
Citation: Eugene K. Campbell, Family size preferences of men in the Western Area of Sierra Leone. Methods and determinants, Genus, (1/2), 1993, pp. 181

Authors: Kehinde, Omidey Adekunbi
Journal: Genus
Citation: Omidey Adekunbi Kehinde, The emergence of the nuclear family: its effect on women's roles and fertility change in Nigeria, Genus, (1/2), 1993, pp. 201
Results: 1-11