string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1995' AND fasc_issn='01687433' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-27    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/27

Authors: M.Thielscher,T.Schaub
Citation: M.thielscher,t.schaub, Commonsense and Nonmonotonic Reasoning: Default Reasoning by Deductive Planning, Journal of automated reasoning , 15(1), 1995, pp. 1-40

Authors: I.Niemela
Citation: I.niemela, Commonsense and Nonmonotonic Reasoning: Preface to the special Issue on Commonsense and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Journal of automated reasoning , 14(1), 1995, pp. 1-2

Authors: M.L.Ginsberg
Citation: M.l.ginsberg, Commonsense and Nonmonotonic Reasoning: A Decision Method for Nonmonotonic Reasoning Based on Autoepistemic Reasoning, Journal of automated reasoning , 14(1), 1995, pp. 3-42

Authors: F.Baader,B.Hollunder
Citation: F.baader,b.hollunder, Commonsense and Nonmonotonic Reasoning: Priorities on Defaults with Prerequisites, and Their Application in Treating Specificity in Terminological Default Logic, Journal of automated reasoning , 15(1), 1995, pp. 41-68

Authors: S.Subramanian
Citation: S.subramanian, Commonsense and Nonmonotonic Reasoning: Mechanical Verification of Strategies, Journal of automated reasoning , 15(1), 1995, pp. 69-93

Authors: J.J.Alferes,C.V.Damasio,L.M.Pereira
Citation: J.j.alferes,c.v.damasio,l.m.pereira, Commonsense and Nonmonotonic Reasoning: A Logic Programming System for Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Journal of automated reasoning , 14(1), 1995, pp. 93-147

Authors: T.I.Schaub
Citation: T.i.schaub, Commonsense and Nonmonotonic Reasoning: A New Methodology for Query Answering in Default Logics via Structure-Oriented Theorem Proving, Journal of automated reasoning , 15(1), 1995, pp. 95-165

Authors: F.Baader,B.Hollunder
Citation: F.baader,b.hollunder, Commonsense and Nonmonotonic Reasoning: Embedding Defaults into Terminological Knowledge Representation Formalism, Journal of automated reasoning , 14(1), 1995, pp. 149-180

Authors: L.C.Paulson
Citation: L.c.paulson, Set Theory for Verification.II:Induction and Recursion, Journal of automated reasoning , 15(2), 1995, pp. 167-215

Authors: A.Bouhoula,M.Rusinowitch
Citation: A.bouhoula,m.rusinowitch, Implicit Induction in Conditional Theories, Journal of automated reasoning , 14(2), 1995, pp. 189-235

Authors: K.Kunen
Citation: K.kunen, A Ramsey Theorem in Boyer-Moore Logic, Journal of automated reasoning , 15(2), 1995, pp. 217-235

Authors: A.Voronkov
Citation: A.voronkov, The Anatomy of Vampire, Journal of automated reasoning , 15(2), 1995, pp. 237-265

Authors: A.Ramsay
Citation: A.ramsay, Theorem Proving for Intensional Logic, Journal of automated reasoning , 14(2), 1995, pp. 237-255

Authors: S.C.Chou,X.S.Gao,J.Z.Zhang
Citation: S.c.chou,x.s.gao,j.z.zhang, Automated Production of Traditional Proofs in Solid Geometry, Journal of automated reasoning , 14(2), 1995, pp. 257-291

Authors: H.J.Ohlbach,C.Weidenbach
Citation: H.j.ohlbach,c.weidenbach, A Note on Assumptions about Skolem Functions, Journal of automated reasoning , 15(2), 1995, pp. 267-275

Authors: L.Wos
Citation: L.wos, Searching for Circles of Pure Proofs, Journal of automated reasoning , 15(3), 1995, pp. 279-315

Authors: D.Kapur,G.Sivakumar,H.Zhang
Citation: D.kapur,g.sivakumar,h.zhang, A Path Ordering for Proving Termination of AC Rewrite Systems, Journal of automated reasoning , 14(2), 1995, pp. 293-316

Authors: K.V.Vadaparty
Citation: K.v.vadaparty, On the Complexity of Nested-Object Matching, Journal of automated reasoning , 14(2), 1995, pp. 317-323

Authors: G.D'Agostino,A.Montanari,A.Policriti
Citation: G.d'Agostino,a.montanari,a.policriti, A Set-Theoretic Translation Method for Polymodal Logics, Journal of automated reasoning , 15(3), 1995, pp. 317-337

Authors: D.W.Loveland,D.W.Reed,D.S.Wilson
Citation: D.w.loveland,d.w.reed,d.s.wilson, SATCHMORE:SATCHMO with REIevancy, Journal of automated reasoning , 14(2), 1995, pp. 325-351

Authors: B.Beckert,J.Posegga
Citation: B.beckert,j.posegga, leanTAP: Lean Tableau-based Deduction, Journal of automated reasoning , 15(3), 1995, pp. 339-358

Authors: K.Schlechta
Citation: K.schlechta, Logic, Topology, and Integration, Journal of automated reasoning , 14(3), 1995, pp. 352-381

Authors: J.N.Hooker,V.Vinay
Citation: J.n.hooker,v.vinay, Branching Rules for Satisfiability, Journal of automated reasoning , 15(3), 1995, pp. 359-383

Authors: J.Hart,K.Kunen
Citation: J.hart,k.kunen, Single Axioms for Odd Exponent Groups, Journal of automated reasoning , 14(3), 1995, pp. 383-412

Authors: T.Jech
Citation: T.jech, OTTER Experiments in a System of Combinatory Logic, Journal of automated reasoning , 14(3), 1995, pp. 413-426
Results: 1-25 | 26-27