string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1995' AND fasc_issn='08859000' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-33    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/33

Authors: Northrup Fowler III Stephen E.Cross Chris Owens
Citation: Iii. Northrup Fowler et al., Guest editor's introduction:the ARPA-Rome knowledge-based planning and scheduling initiative, IEEE expert IEEE expert intelligent systems and their applications , 10(1), 1995, pp. 4-9

Authors: Ronald C.Arkin
Citation: Ronald C.arkin, Guest editor's introduction :intelligent robotic systems, IEEE expert IEEE expert intelligent systems and their applications , 10(2), 1995, pp. 6-8

Authors: Oscar Firschein
Citation: Oscar Firschein, Guest editor's introduction :the image understanding program at AR, IEEE expert IEEE expert intelligent systems and their applications , 10(5), 1995, pp. 8-10

Authors: Roderic A.Grupen Manfred Huber Jefferson A.Coelho Jr. Kamal Souccar
Citation: Roderic A.grupen et al., Distributed control representation for manipulation tasks, IEEE expert IEEE expert intelligent systems and their applications , 10(2), 1995, pp. 9-15

Authors: Jonathan Stillman Piero Bonissone
Citation: Jonathan Stillman et Piero Bonissone, Developing new technologies for the ARPA-Rome planning initiative, IEEE expert IEEE expert intelligent systems and their applications , 10(1), 1995, pp. 10-16

Authors: Oscar Firschein
Citation: Oscar Firschein, Defense applications of image understanding, IEEE expert IEEE expert intelligent systems and their applications , 10(5), 1995, pp. 11-17

Authors: Cindy Mason Stan Matwin
Citation: Cindy Mason et Stan Matwin, Guest editors' introduction:environmental applications of Al, IEEE expert IEEE expert intelligent systems and their applications , 10(6), 1995, pp. 12-13

Authors: Carol R.Stocker Donald R.Barch Butler P.Hine III James Barry
Citation: Carol R.stocker et al., Antartic undersea exploration using a robotic submarine with a telepresence user interface, IEEE expert IEEE expert intelligent systems and their applications , 10(6), 1995, pp. 14-23

Authors: James F.Montgomery Andrew H.Fagg George A.Bekey
Citation: James F.montgomery et al., The USC AFV-I:a behavior-based entry in the 1994 international aerial robotics competition, IEEE expert IEEE expert intelligent systems and their applications , 10(2), 1995, pp. 16-23

Authors: Mark H.Burstein Richard Schantz Marie A.Bienkowski Marie E.desJardins Stephen Smith
Citation: Mark H.burstein et al., The common prototyping environment:a framework for software technology integration,evaluation,and transition, IEEE expert IEEE expert intelligent systems and their applications , 10(1), 1995, pp. 17-26

Authors: W.E.L.Grimson
Citation: W.e.l.grimson, Medical applications of image understanding, IEEE expert IEEE expert intelligent systems and their applications , 10(5), 1995, pp. 18-29

Authors: Romiro Liscano Reda E.Fayek Allan Manz Elizabeth R.Stuck Jean-Yves Tigli
Citation: Romiro Liscano et al., Using a blackboard to integrate multiple activies and achieve strategic reasoning for mobile-robot navigation, IEEE expert IEEE expert intelligent systems and their applications , 10(2), 1995, pp. 24-36

Authors: Nicholas M.Short Robert F.Cromp William J.Campbell James C.Tilton Jacqueline J.LeMoigne Gyorgy Fekete Nathan S.Netanyahu
Citation: Nicholas M.short et al., Mission to planet earth:al views the world, IEEE expert IEEE expert intelligent systems and their applications , 10(6), 1995, pp. 24-34

Authors: Marie Bienkowski
Citation: Marie Bienkowski, Demostrating the operational feasibility of new technologies:the ARPI IFDs, IEEE expert IEEE expert intelligent systems and their applications , 10(1), 1995, pp. 27-33

Authors: Lawrence B.Wolff
Citation: Lawrence B.wolff, Applications of polarization camera technology, IEEE expert IEEE expert intelligent systems and their applications , 10(5), 1995, pp. 30-38

Authors: Michael DeBellis Christine Haapala
Citation: Michael Debellis et Christine Haapala, User-centric software engineering, IEEE expert IEEE expert intelligent systems and their applications , 10(1), 1995, pp. 34-41

Authors: Stan Matwin Daniel Charlesbois David G.Goodnough Pal Bhogal
Citation: Stan Matwin et al., Machine learning and planning for data management in forestry, IEEE expert IEEE expert intelligent systems and their applications , 10(6), 1995, pp. 35-41

Authors: Michael Kaiser Volker Klingspor Josè del R.Millan Marco Accame Frank Wallner Rudiger Dillman
Citation: Michael Kaiser et al., Using machine learning techniques in real-world mobile robots, IEEE expert IEEE expert intelligent systems and their applications , 10(2), 1995, pp. 37-45

Authors: Victor W.Zue
Citation: Victor W.zue, Navigating the information superhighway using spoken language interfaces, IEEE expert IEEE expert intelligent systems and their applications , 10(5), 1995, pp. 39-43

Authors: Cindy L.Mason
Citation: Cindy L.mason, An intelligent assistant for nuclear test ban treaty verification, IEEE expert IEEE expert intelligent systems and their applications , 10(6), 1995, pp. 42-49

Authors: William F.Punch Ronald C.Averill Erik D.Goodman Shyh-Chang Lin Ying Ding
Citation: William F.punch et al., Using genetic algorithms to design laminated composite structures, IEEE expert IEEE expert intelligent systems and their applications , 10(1), 1995, pp. 42-49

Authors: Christopher Toomey William Mark
Citation: Christopher Toomey et William Mark, Satellite image dissermination via software agents, IEEE expert IEEE expert intelligent systems and their applications , 10(5), 1995, pp. 44-50

Authors: Eric K.Jones Aaron Roydhouse
Citation: Eric K.jones et Aaron Roydhouse, Intelligent retrieval of archived meteorological data, IEEE expert IEEE expert intelligent systems and their applications , 10(6), 1995, pp. 50-58

Authors: Johan Vanwelkenhuysen
Citation: Johan Vanwelkenhuysen, Using DRE to Augment generic conceptual design, IEEE expert IEEE expert intelligent systems and their applications , 10(1), 1995, pp. 50-56

Authors: Kenneth R.Whitebread Steve Jameson
Citation: Kenneth R.whitebread et Steve Jameson, Information discovery in high-volume,frequently changing data, IEEE expert IEEE expert intelligent systems and their applications , 10(5), 1995, pp. 51-53
Results: 1-25 | 26-33