string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1995' AND fasc_issn='08899932' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-36    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/36

Authors: M.Pietrek
Citation: M.pietrek, An exlusive tour of the new Toolhelp32 functions for Windows 95, Microsoft systems journal , 10(9), 1995, pp. 15-33

Authors: D,Edson
Citation: D,edson, The game SDK for Windows 95 gives you direct hardware control for speedy animation, Microsoft systems journal , 10(11), 1995, pp. 15-39

Authors: P.DiLascia
Citation: P.dilascia, Meandering throught the maze of MFC Message and Command Routing, Microsoft systems journal , 10(7), 1995, pp. 17-36

Authors: A.Holub
Citation: A.holub, Rewriting MFC scribble programs using an Object-oriented design approach, Microsoft systems journal , 10(8), 1995, pp. 17-38

Authors: J.Richter
Citation: J.richter, Add growable memory-mapped files to your app with our exlusive GMMF API, Microsoft systems journal , 10(10), 1995, pp. 17-33

Authors: B.Chiverton
Citation: B.chiverton, MFC 4.0 delivers OCX containers improved DLL models, and new classes, Microsoft systems journal , 10(12), 1995, pp. 19-33

Authors: W.Oney
Citation: W.oney, Building device drivers that conform to Windows 95 plug and play standards, Microsoft systems journal , 10(12), 1995, pp. 35-51

Authors: J.Prosise
Citation: J.prosise, Programming windows 95 with MFC, Part IV: Contending with the keyboard, Microsoft systems journal , 10(9), 1995, pp. 35-50

Authors: J.Trupin
Citation: J.trupin, Visual Basic 4.0 provides easy entry to the advantaged features of Windows 95, Microsoft systems journal , 10(10), 1995, pp. 35-62

Authors: J.Prosise
Citation: J.prosise, Programming Windows 95 with MFC, Part II: Working with Display Context, Pens, and Brushes, Microsoft systems journal , 10(7), 1995, pp. 38-63

Authors: M.Heller
Citation: M.heller, Tips and tricks on developing killer server applications for Windows NT, Microsoft systems journal , 10(8), 1995, pp. 41-54

Authors: J.Prosise
Citation: J.prosise, Programming Windows 95 with MFC, Part V: Menus, Toolbars, and status bars, Microsoft systems journal , 10(11), 1995, pp. 41-58

Authors: J.Finnegan
Citation: J.finnegan, Developing a client/server multimedia app using RPCs and video for Windows 1.1, Microsoft systems journal , 10(9), 1995, pp. 53-70

Authors: J.Prosise
Citation: J.prosise, Programming Windows 95 with MFC, Part VI: Dialog Boxes, Property sheets, and controls, Microsoft systems journal , 10(12), 1995, pp. 53-72

Authors: J.Prosise
Citation: J.prosise, Programming Windows 95 with MFC, Part III: Processing Mouse Input, Microsoft systems journal , 10(8), 1995, pp. 57-74

Authors: S.Meyers
Citation: S.meyers, How to navigate the treacherous waters of C++ exception hadling, Microsoft systems journal , 10(11), 1995, pp. 61-74

Authors: M.McKeown
Citation: M.mckeown, How to get your Windows 95 OLE controls refined, robust, and ready to ship, Microsoft systems journal , 10(10), 1995, pp. 67-81

Authors: H.Custer
Citation: H.custer, Design and Implementation Details of the Windows NT Virtual Block Manager, Microsoft systems journal , 10(7), 1995, pp. 67-79

Authors: M.Pietrek
Citation: M.pietrek, Under the Hood, Microsoft systems journal , 10(9), 1995, pp. 73-79

Authors: M.Pietrek
Citation: M.pietrek, Under the Hood, Microsoft systems journal , 10(12), 1995, pp. 75-80

Authors: M.Pietrek
Citation: M.pietrek, Under the Hood, Microsoft systems journal , 10(11), 1995, pp. 77-82

Authors: D.Box
Citation:, Q & A OLE, Microsoft systems journal , 10(8), 1995, pp. 77-88

Authors: J.Richter
Citation: J.richter, Q & A Win32, Microsoft systems journal , 10(9), 1995, pp. 81-87

Authors: D.Box
Citation:, Q & A OLE, Microsoft systems journal , 10(12), 1995, pp. 83-97

Authors: M.Pietrek
Citation: M.pietrek, Under the Hood, Microsoft systems journal , 10(10), 1995, pp. 83-89
Results: 1-25 | 26-36