string(239) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ESSPER' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1995' AND fasc_issn='11217081' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-37    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/37

Authors: Freeman, Richard
Journal: Labour
Citation: Richard Freeman, 'If it's Monday, we must be in...' Labour relations around the world in nine papers, Labour, (special is), 1995, pp. 5-18

Authors: Boyer, Robert
Journal: Labour
Citation: Robert Boyer, Wage austerity and/or an educational push: the french dilemma, Labour, (special is), 1995, pp. 19-65

Authors: Marsden, David
Journal: Labour
Citation: David Marsden, Deregulation or cooperation? The future of Europe's Labour Markets, Labour, (special is), 1995, pp. 67-91

Authors: Houseman, Susan N.
Journal: Labour
Citation: Susan N. Houseman, Job growth and the quality of jobs in the U.S. economy, Labour, (special is), 1995, pp. 93-124

Authors: Gunderson, Morley Craigg Riddel, W.
Journal: Labour
Citation: Morley Gunderson et W. Craigg Riddel, Job, labour standards and promoting competitive advantage: Canada's policy challenge, Labour, (special is), 1995, pp. 125-148

Authors: Brunetta, Renato Tronti, Leonello
Journal: Labour
Citation: Renato Brunetta et Leonello Tronti, The social consequences of economic and monetary union, Labour, (special is), 1995, pp. 149-201

Authors: Gregory, R.G.
Journal: Labour
Citation: R.G. Gregory, Wages and Job creation in Australia and the U.S., Labour, (special is), 1995, pp. 203-222

Authors: Lee, Joseph S. Park, Young-Bum
Journal: Labour
Citation: Joseph S. Lee et Young-Bum Park, Employment, labour standards and economic development in Taiwan and Korea, Labour, (special is), 1995, pp. 223-242

Authors: Rama, Martin
Journal: Labour
Citation: Martin Rama, Do labour market policies and Institutions matter? The adjustment experience in Latin America and the Caribbean, Labour, (special is), 1995, pp. 243-268

Authors: Aparicio-Valdez, Luis
Journal: Labour
Citation: Luis Aparicio-Valdez, Employment and competitiveness: the Peruvian case, Labour, (special is), 1995, pp. 269-283

Authors: Buchele, Robert Christiansen, Jens
Journal: Labour
Citation: Robert Buchele et Jens Christiansen, Productivity, real wages and worker rights: a cross-national comparison, Labour, (special is), 1995, pp. 405-422

Authors: Buchele, Robert Christiansen, Jens
Journal: Labour
Citation: Robert Buchele et Jens Christiansen, Productivity, real wages and worker rights: a cross-national comparison, Labour, 9(3), 1995, pp. 405-422

Authors: Corvers, Frank Van Veen, Tom
Journal: Labour
Citation: Frank Corvers et Tom Van Veen, On the measurement of corporatism, Labour, 9(3), 1995, pp. 423-442

Authors: Erickson, Christopher L. Mitchell, Daniel J.B.
Journal: Labour
Citation: Christopher L. Erickson et Daniel J.B. Mitchell, Labour market regulation, flexibility and employment, Labour, 9(3), 1995, pp. 443-462

Authors: Scoville, James G.
Journal: Labour
Citation: James G. Scoville, New tasks for a theory of the labor movement: new beginnings in eastern Europe, Labour, 9(3), 1995, pp. 463-480

Authors: Lalla, Michele
Journal: Labour
Citation: Michele Lalla, Modelling incomplete spells of unemployment and employment, Labour, 9(3), 1995, pp. 481-506

Authors: Leslie, Derek Pu, Yonghao Wharton, Alexander
Journal: Labour
Citation: Derek Leslie et al., Hysteresis vs. persistence in unemployment: a sceptical note on unit root tests, Labour, 9(3), 1995, pp. 507-523

Authors: Zighera, Jacques Athanassouli, Kyriaki
Journal: Labour
Citation: Jacques Zighera et Kyriaki Athanassouli, Regional dispersion of industrial labour costs in the European Community, Labour, 9(3), 1995, pp. 525-538

Authors: Steiner, Viktor Bellmann, Lutz
Journal: Labour
Citation: Viktor Steiner et Lutz Bellmann, The east German wage structure in the transition to a market economy, Labour, 9(3), 1995, pp. 539-560

Authors: Lucifora, Claudio
Journal: Labour
Citation: Claudio Lucifora, Union density and relative wages: what is the relationship?, Labour, 9(3), 1995, pp. 561-585

Authors: Van Gompel, Johan
Journal: Labour
Citation: Johan Van Gompel, Unemployment and monetary integration: on the relevance of wage-formation characteristics in a target-zone regime versus an irrevocably fixed exchange-rate regime, Labour, 9(2), 1995, pp. 171-188

Authors: Mihail, Dimitrios
Journal: Labour
Citation: Dimitrios Mihail, The Productivity slowdown in postwar Greece, Labour, 9(2), 1995, pp. 189-205

Authors: Cebrian, Inmaculada Moreno, Gloria
Journal: Labour
Citation: Inmaculada Cebrian et Gloria Moreno, The incidence of household characteristics on labour decisions: the case of Spain, Labour, 9(2), 1995, pp. 207-231

Authors: Vijlbrief, Hans Van De_Wijngaert, Rob
Journal: Labour
Citation: Hans Vijlbrief et Rob Van De_Wijngaert, Unemployment Insurance policy and union wage formation, Labour, 9(2), 1995, pp. 233-251

Authors: Sanchez, Rosario Urbano, Amparo Ortì, Angel
Journal: Labour
Citation: Rosario Sanchez et al., Wage premium in the industrial sector of the spanish economy: empirical evidence, Labour, 9(2), 1995, pp. 253-274
Results: 1-25 | 26-37