string(238) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1996' AND fasc_issn='00442798' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 50 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-80    

Articles table of contents

Results : 51-75/80

Citation: S. Albergaria Moreira M. Eugenia, Bio-erosional Forms in Beachrock Reefs at Coasts of Mozambique and Brazil, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 102, 1996, pp. 151-168

Authors: GARBA Zibo DURAND Alain LANG Jacques
Citation: Garba Zibo et al., Enregistrement sedimentaire des variations de la dynamique eolienne pedant la transition Tardiglaciaire/Holocene a la limite Sahara/Sahel (Termit, Bassin du lac Tchad), Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 103, 1996, pp. 159-178

Authors: SCHROTT Lothar
Citation: Schrott Lothar, Some geomorphological-hydrological aspects of rock glaciers in the Andes (San Juan, Argentina), Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 104, 1996, pp. 161-173

Authors: OGUCHI Takashi
Citation: Oguchi Takashi, Late Quaternary hillslope erosion rates in Japanese mountains estimated from landform classification and morphometry, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 106, 1996, pp. 169-181

Authors: FLOREK Waclaw
Citation: Florek Waclaw, Late Vistulian and Holocene Development of the North Pomeranian River Valleys and the Influence of South Baltic Neotectonics, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 102, 1996, pp. 169-183

Authors: TROMBOTTO Dario
Citation: Trombotto Dario, Fossiler kryogener Formenschatz des sudlichen Sudamerika, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 104, 1996, pp. 175-186

Authors: MAHANEY William C. ANDRES Wolfgang
Citation: C. Mahaney William et Andres Wolfgang, Scanning electron microscopy of quartz sand from the north-central Saharan desert of Algeria, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 103, 1996, pp. 179-192

Authors: WAINWRIGHT John
Citation: Wainwright John, A comparison of the interrill infiltration, runoff and erosion characteristics of two contrasting 'badland' areas in southern France, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 106, 1996, pp. 183-198

Citation: Bernier Paul et Dalongeville Remi, Mediterranean Coastal Changes Recorded in Beach-Rock Cementation, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 102, 1996, pp. 185-198

Authors: HEINE Klaus
Citation: Heine Klaus, The extent of the last glaciation in the Bolivian Andes (Cordillera Real) and paleoclimatic implications, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 104, 1996, pp. 187-202

Citation: L. Willems et al., Phenomenes karstiques en milieux non-carbonates. Estude de cavites et problematique de leur developpement au Niger Occidental, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 103, 1996, pp. 193-214

Authors: ALLISON Robert J. DAVIES Kate C.
Citation: J. Allison Robert et C. Davies Kate, Ploughing blocks as evidence of down-slope sediment transport in the English Lake District, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 106, 1996, pp. 199-219

Authors: DAWSON Allastair
Citation: Dawson Allastair, The Geological Significance of Tsunamis, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 102, 1996, pp. 199-210

Authors: PSUTY Norbert P.
Citation: P. Psuty Norbert, Coastal Foredune Development and Vertical Displacement, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 102, 1996, pp. 211-221

Authors: MOTTERSHEAD Derek
Citation: Mottershead Derek, A study of solution flutes (Rillenkarren) at Lluc, Mallorca, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 103, 1996, pp. 215-241

Authors: CHONGUICA Ebenizario
Citation: Chonguica Ebenizario, Estimating sediment transport and reservoir sedimentation in an EIA framework (a case study applied to the Pequenos Libombos Dam in Southern Mozambique), Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 106, 1996, pp. 221-237

Authors: MORNER Nils-Axel
Citation: Morner Nils-axel, Sea Level Variability, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 102, 1996, pp. 223-232

Authors: LIU Xilin
Citation: Liu Xilin, Morphologic characteristics of debris flow fans in Xiaojiang Valley of southwestern China, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 106, 1996, pp. 239-254

Citation: V. Sridhar et Chamyal L.s, Debris and sheet flow dominated gravels in the Sabarmati basin of Western India, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 103, 1996, pp. 243-248

Authors: SINHA Rajiv
Citation: Sinha Rajiv, Channel avulsion and floodplain structure in the Gandak-Kosi interfan, north Bihar plains, India, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 103, 1996, pp. 249-268

Citation: Wells A.w et Bennett M.r, A simple portable device for the measurement of ground loss and surface changes, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 106, 1996, pp. 255-265

Authors: ROMANESCU Gheorghe
Citation: Romanescu Gheorghe, L'evolution hydrogeomorphologique du delta du Danube Etape Pleistocene - Holocene inferieur, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 106, 1996, pp. 267-295

Authors: DUMONT Jean Francois MERING Catherine PARROT Jean Francois TAUD Hind
Citation: Dumont Jean Francois et al., Morphological and mathematical analysis of asymmetrical fluvial pattern: A study case from the Ucayali River (Peru), Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 103, 1996, pp. 269-282

Citation: Kumar Sudhir et al., Holocene landform and soil evolution of the western Gangetic Plains: Implications of neotectonics and climate, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 103, 1996, pp. 283-312

Authors: LUGO-HUBP Jose CORDOVA Carlos
Citation: Lugo-hubp Jose et Cordova Carlos, The geomorphological map of Mexico at scale 1:4000000, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 103, 1996, pp. 313-322
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-80