string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1997' AND fasc_issn='13548166' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25    

Articles table of contents

Results : 25

Authors: James Myers Peter Forsberg Donald Holecek
Citation: James Myers et al., A framework for monitoring global travel and tourism taxes: the WTTC Tax Barometer, Tourism economics , 3(1), 1997, pp. 5-20

Authors: Larry Dwyer Peter Forsyth
Citation: Larry Dwyer et Peter Forsyth, Impacts and benefits of MICE tourism: a framework for analysis, Tourism economics , 3(1), 1997, pp. 21-38

Authors: Lindsay W. Turner N. Kunlendran H. Fernando
Citation: Lindsay W. Turner et al., Univariate modelling using periodic and non-periodic analysis: inbound tourism to Japan, Australia and New Zealand compared, Tourism economics , 3(1), 1997, pp. 39-56

Authors: Guy R. West Ari Gamage
Citation: Guy R. West et Ari Gamage, Differential multipliers for tourism in Victoria, Tourism economics , 3(1), 1997, pp. 57-68

Authors: Christine Lim
Citation: Christine Lim, An econometric classification and review of international tourism models, Tourism economics , 3(1), 1997, pp. 69-82

Authors: John Fletcher John Latham
Citation: John Fletcher et John Latham, Databank - Global tourism trends, Tourism economics , 3(1), 1997, pp. 83-88

Authors: Lorn R. Sheehan J.R. Brent Ritchie
Citation: Lorn R. Sheehan et J.r. Brent Ritchie, Financial management in tourism: a destination perspective, Tourism economics , 3(2), 1997, pp. 93-118

Authors: Carmelo J. Leon
Citation: Carmelo J. Leon, Valuing international tourism benefits from natural areas, Tourism economics , 3(2), 1997, pp. 119-136

Authors: Richard A. Holmes Abul F.M. Shamsuddin
Citation: Richard A. Holmes et Abul F.m. Shamsuddin, Short- and long-term effects of World Exposition 1986 on US demand for British Columbia tourism, Tourism economics , 3(2), 1997, pp. 137-160

Authors: Terance J. Rephann Margaret Dalton
Citation: Terance J. Rephann et Margaret Dalton, Casino gambling as an economic development strategy, Tourism economics , 3(2), 1997, pp. 161-184

Authors: Kevin K.F. Wong
Citation: Kevin K.f. Wong, An investigation of the time series behaviour of international tourist arrivals, Tourism economics , 3(2), 1997, pp. 185-200

Authors: John Fletcher John Latham
Citation: John Fletcher et John Latham, Databank: East Asia and the Pacific, Tourism economics , 3(2), 1997, pp. 201-205

Authors: Chris Gratton Greg Richards
Citation: Chris Gratton et Greg Richards, Structural change in the European package tour industry: UK/German comparison, Tourism economics , 3(3), 1997, pp. 213-226

Authors: Jack Carlsen
Citation: Jack Carlsen, Economic evaluation of recreation and tourism in natural areas: a case study in New South Wales, Australia, Tourism economics , 3(3), 1997, pp. 227-240

Authors: Daniel Lee Burns
Citation: Daniel Lee Burns, Developing representation of user pays strategies in nature-based tourism settings, Tourism economics , 3(3), 1997, pp. 241-248

Authors: Stephen J. Smith David Wilton
Citation: Stephen J. Smith et David Wilton, TSAs and the WTTC/WEFA methodology: different satellites or different planets?, Tourism economics , 3(3), 1997, pp. 249-264

Authors: Zvi Schwartz
Citation: Zvi Schwartz, The economics of tipping: profits and the market's demand-supply equilibrium, Tourism economics , 3(3), 1997, pp. 265-280

Authors: Raphael R. Bar-On
Citation: Raphael R. Bar-on, Databank: Global tourism trends - to 1996, Tourism economics , 3(3), 1997, pp. 289-300

Authors: L.Turner,N.Kulendran,H.Fernando
Citation: L.turner,n.kulendran,h.fernando, The use of composite national indicators for tourism forecasting, Tourism economics , 3(4), 1997, pp. 309-318

Authors: Nader Asgary Gilberto de los Santos Vern Vincent
Citation: Nader Asgary et al., The determinants of expenditures by Mexican visitors to the border cities of Texas, Tourism economics , 3(4), 1997, pp. 319-328

Authors: Woo Gon Kim
Citation: Woo Gon Kim, The determinants of capital structure choice in the US restaurant industry, Tourism economics , 3(4), 1997, pp. 329-340

Authors: Daniel Freeman Esther Sultan
Citation: Daniel Freeman et Esther Sultan, The economic of tourism in Israel: a multi-regional input-output analysis, Tourism economics , 3(4), 1997, pp. 341-360

Authors: Harry Clarke
Citation: Harry Clarke, Australian tourism industry policy: a new view, Tourism economics , 3(4), 1997, pp. 361-378

Authors: David Airey C.J.S. Burger Mirko Dohnal
Citation: David Airey et al., Common-sense analysis for tourism: a theoretical discussion, Tourism economics , 3(4), 1997, pp. 379-398

Authors: Raphael Raymond Bar-On
Citation: Raphael Raymond Bar-on, Databank: Europe, Tourism economics , 3(4), 1997, pp. 399-411
Results: 1-25