string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1998' AND fasc_issn='09639462' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-15    

Articles table of contents

Results : 15

Authors: Hans J. Hummer
Citation: Hans J. Hummer, The fluidity of barbarian identity: the ethnogenesis of Alemanni and Suebi, AD 200-500, Early medieval Europe , 7(1), 1998, pp. 1-27

Authors: Danuta Shanzer
Citation: Danuta Shanzer, Dating the baptism of Clovis: the bishop of Vienne vs the bishop of Tours, Early medieval Europe , 7(1), 1998, pp. 29-57

Authors: Alan Thacker
Citation: Alan Thacker, Memorializing Gregory the Great: the origin and transmission of a papal cult in the seventh and early eighth centuries, Early medieval Europe , 7(1), 1998, pp. 59-84

Authors: Simon Coupland
Citation: Simon Coupland, From poachers to gamekeepers: Scandinavian warlords and Carolingian kings, Early medieval Europe , 7(1), 1998, pp. 85-114

Authors: Janet L. Nelson
Citation: Janet L. Nelson, Review article: Waiting for Alfred, Early medieval Europe , 7(1), 1998, pp. 115-124

Authors: Barbara Yorke
Citation: Barbara Yorke, The Bonifacian mission and female religious in Wessex, Early medieval Europe , 7(2), 1998, pp. 145-172

Authors: Charles Insley
Citation: Charles Insley, Charters and episcopal scriptoria in the Anglo-Saxon south-west, Early medieval Europe , 7(2), 1998, pp. 173-197

Authors: Ann Christys
Citation: Ann Christys, St-Germain des Prés, St-Vincent and the martyrs of Cordoba, Early medieval Europe , 7(2), 1998, pp. 199-216

Authors: Catherine Peyroux
Citation: Catherine Peyroux, Review article: Lands of women? Writing the history of early medieval women in Ireland and Europe, Early medieval Europe , 7(2), 1998, pp. 217-227

Authors: Mayke de Jong
Citation: Mayke De Jong, Rethinking early medieval christianity: a view from the Netherlands, Early medieval Europe , 7(3), 1998, pp. 261-275

Authors: Yitzhak Hen
Citation: Yitzhak Hen, The uses of the Bible and the perception of kingship in Merovingian Gaul, Early medieval Europe , 7(3), 1998, pp. 277-289

Authors: Ian Wood
Citation: Ian Wood, Incest, law and the Bible in sixth-century Gaul, Early medieval Europe , 7(3), 1998, pp. 291-303

Authors: Mary Garrison
Citation: Mary Garrison, Letters to a king and biblical exempla: the examples of Cathuulf and Clemens Peregrinus, Early medieval Europe , 7(3), 1998, pp. 305-328

Authors: Bart Jaski
Citation: Bart Jaski, Early medieval Irish kingship and the old testament, Early medieval Europe , 7(3), 1998, pp. 329-344

Authors: Rob Meens
Citation: Rob Meens, Politics, mirrors of princes and the Bible: sins, kings and the well-being of the realm, Early medieval Europe , 7(3), 1998, pp. 345-357
Results: 1-15