string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1998' AND fasc_issn='10182357' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-23    

Articles table of contents

Results : 23

Authors: Butcher R
Citation: R. Butcher, Stray dogs and cats - A challenge for animal welfare, European journal of companion animal practice EJCAP , 8(1), 1998, pp. 13-14

Citation: , The veterinary profession in Yugoslavia, European journal of companion animal practice EJCAP , 8(2), 1998, pp. 14-16

Authors: Nind F
Citation: F. Nind, European medicines legislation - A cause for anxiety?, European journal of companion animal practice EJCAP , 8(1), 1998, pp. 14-15

Citation: , The veterinary profession in Estonia, European journal of companion animal practice EJCAP , 8(2), 1998, pp. 16-16

Citation: , The veterinary profession in Slovenia, European journal of companion animal practice EJCAP , 8(1), 1998, pp. 17-18

Authors: Butcher R
Citation: R. Butcher, Dangerous dogs, European journal of companion animal practice EJCAP , 8(2), 1998, pp. 17-20

Citation: , The veterinary profession in Sweden, European journal of companion animal practice EJCAP , 8(1), 1998, pp. 18-19

Authors: Barber JS Payne-Johnson CE Trees AJ
Citation: Js. Barber et al., Distribution of Neospora caninum within the central nervous system and other tissues of six dogs with clinical neosporosis, European journal of companion animal practice EJCAP , 8(2), 1998, pp. 21-27

Authors: Rutgers HC Batt RM Proud FJ Sorensen SH Elwood CM Petrie G Matthewman LA Forster-van Hijfte MA Boswood A Entwistle M Fensome RH
Citation: Hc. Rutgers et al., Intestinal permeability and function in dogs with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, European journal of companion animal practice EJCAP , 8(1), 1998, pp. 21-27

Authors: Berger M Schawalder P Stich H Lussi A
Citation: M. Berger et al., Differential diagnosis of resorptive dental lesions (FORL) and caries, European journal of companion animal practice EJCAP , 8(2), 1998, pp. 29-33

Authors: Ottesen N Moe L
Citation: N. Ottesen et L. Moe, An introduction to computed tomography (CT) in the dog, European journal of companion animal practice EJCAP , 8(1), 1998, pp. 29-35

Authors: Heider HJ Pox C Loesenbeck G Egberink H
Citation: Hj. Heider et al., Ophthalmological findings in association with different virus infections in the cat, European journal of companion animal practice EJCAP , 8(2), 1998, pp. 35-42

Authors: Kiss G Radvanyi S Szigeti G
Citation: G. Kiss et al., New combination for the therapy of canine otitis externa. I. Microbiology of otitis externa, European journal of companion animal practice EJCAP , 8(1), 1998, pp. 37-42

Authors: Greisen A
Citation: A. Greisen, Dermatophytosis-incidence of subclinical dermatophytosis in cats living in households with human dermatophytosis, European journal of companion animal practice EJCAP , 8(2), 1998, pp. 43-48

Authors: Kiss G Radvanyi S Szigeti G Lukats B Nagy G
Citation: G. Kiss et al., New combination for the therapy of canine otitis externa. II. Efficacy in vitro and in vivo, European journal of companion animal practice EJCAP , 8(1), 1998, pp. 45-49

Authors: Borgarelli M Biller DS Goggin JM Bussadori C
Citation: M. Borgarelli et al., Ultrasonographic examination of the gastrointestinal system: Part 1. Ultrasonographic anatomy and normal findings, European journal of companion animal practice EJCAP , 8(2), 1998, pp. 49-55

Authors: Jaggy A Heynold Y
Citation: A. Jaggy et Y. Heynold, Idiopathic epilepsy in the dog, European journal of companion animal practice EJCAP , 8(1), 1998, pp. 51-57

Authors: Borgarelli M Biller DS Goggin JM Bussadori C
Citation: M. Borgarelli et al., Ultrasonographic examination of the gastrointestinal system: Part 2. Ultrasonographic identification of gastrointestinal disease, European journal of companion animal practice EJCAP , 8(2), 1998, pp. 57-65

Authors: Bigelbach A
Citation: A. Bigelbach, A combined tarsorrhaphy-canthoplasty technique for repair of entropion and ectropion, European journal of companion animal practice EJCAP , 8(1), 1998, pp. 59-63

Authors: Latte Y
Citation: Y. Latte, 75 applications of the Ilizarov method (part 2), European journal of companion animal practice EJCAP , 8(1), 1998, pp. 64-81

Authors: Rallis TS Adamama-Moraitou KK
Citation: Ts. Rallis et Kk. Adamama-moraitou, Diagnostic evaluation of liver diseases in dogs and cats, European journal of companion animal practice EJCAP , 8(2), 1998, pp. 67-72

Authors: Kneissl S Kopf N Probst A Schmidt A Schwendenwein I Reifinger M
Citation: S. Kneissl et al., Positive evaluation of the resectability of a hepatocellular carcinoma and curative lobectomy in an 11-year-old dog, European journal of companion animal practice EJCAP , 8(2), 1998, pp. 73-78

Authors: Rallis TS Adamama-Moraitou KK Mylonakis ME
Citation: Ts. Rallis et al., Endoscopic diagnosis of gastrointestinal disorders in dogs and cats, European journal of companion animal practice EJCAP , 8(1), 1998, pp. 83-89
Results: 1-23