string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1999' AND fasc_issn='00264628' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-24    

Articles table of contents

Results : 24

Authors: MANDARINO Joseph A
Citation: A. Mandarino Joseph, The zeolite group, Mineralogical record , 30(1), 1999, pp. 5-6

Authors: WILSON Wendell E PETROV Alfredo
Citation: E. Wilson Wendell et Petrov Alfredo, Famous mineral localities: Cerro Rico de Potosi, Bolivia, Mineralogical record , 30(1), 1999, pp. 9-36

Citation: , What's new in minerals 1998, Mineralogical record , 30(1), 1999, pp. 37-54

Authors: MOORE Thomas
Citation: Moore Thomas, The Peabody Museum collection Yale University, Mineralogical record , 30(2), 1999, pp. 87-97

Authors: MORETON Stephen
Citation: Moreton Stephen, The Silvermines district, county Tipperary, Ireland, Mineralogical record , 30(2), 1999, pp. 99-106

Authors: JONES Casey JONES Jane Koepp LaBerge Gene
Citation: Jones Casey et al., The Flambeau mine Ladysmith, Wisconsin, Mineralogical record , 30(2), 1999, pp. 107-131

Authors: NICKEL Ernest H:GRICE Joel D
Citation: D. Nickel Ernest H:grice Joel, The IMA Commission on new minerals and mineral names: procedures and guidelines on mineral nomenclature 1998, Mineralogical record , 30(3), 1999, pp. 163-176

Authors: COOPER Mark A HAWTHORNE Frank C PINCH William W GRICE Joel D
Citation: A. Cooper Mark et al., Andyrobertsite and calcioandyrobertsite: two new minerals from the Tsumeb mine, Tsumeb, Namibia, Mineralogical record , 30(3), 1999, pp. 181-186

Authors: JENSEN Martin
Citation: Jensen Martin, The Meikle mine Elko county, Nevada, Mineralogical record , 30(3), 1999, pp. 187-196

Authors: LOOMIS Thomas A
Citation: A. Loomis Thomas, The Ross Hannibal mine Lawrence county south Dakota, Mineralogical record , 30(3), 1999, pp. 199-206

Authors: MOORE Tom
Citation: Moore Tom, What's new in minerals, Tucson show, 1999, Mineralogical record , 30(3), 1999, pp. 211-240

Authors: GAUTHIER Gilbert DELIENS Michel
Citation: Gauthier Gilbert et Deliens Michel, Cobalt minerals of the Katanga Crescent, Congo, Mineralogical record , 30(4), 1999, pp. 255-267

Citation: L. Douglass D, Cobaltoan calcites and dolomites from Katanga, Mineralogical record , 30(4), 1999, pp. 269-273

Authors: FOORD Eugene E SOREGAROLI Arthur E GORDON Harvey M
Citation: E. Foord Eugene et al., The Zapot pegmatite mineral county, Mineralogical record , 30(4), 1999, pp. 277-292

Authors: NIKISCHER Tony
Citation: Nikischer Tony, Modern mineral identification techniques. Part I. WDS and EDS, Mineralogical record , 30(4), 1999, pp. 297-300

Authors: WILSONN Wendell E
Citation: E. Wilsonn Wendell, Martin Zinn III: collector profile, Mineralogical record , 30(4), 1999, pp. 311-316

Authors: DE MARK Ramon S MASSIS Thomas M
Citation: S. De Mark Ramon et M. Massis Thomas, The Mex-Tex mine, Bingham, New Mexico, Mineralogical record , 30(5), 1999, pp. 335-344

Authors: CASSEDANNE Jacques P BAPTISTA Augusto
Citation: P. Cassedanne Jacques et Baptista Augusto, Famous mineral localities: the Sapucaia pegmatite Minas Gerais, Brazil, Mineralogical record , 30(5), 1999, pp. 347-360

Authors: WILSON Wendell E
Citation: E. Wilson Wendell, Famous mineral localities: Lavra Berilo Branco, the original "Sapucaia" rose quartz occurrence Minas Gerais, Brazil, Mineralogical record , 30(5), 1999, pp. 361-366

Authors: MINETTE James W
Citation: W. Minette James, Great pockets: the Carlsbad halite caves, Mineralogical record , 30(5), 1999, pp. 369-372

Authors: WHITE John S
Citation: S. White John, Gallery reviews, the new mineral and gem gallery at the British Museum, Mineralogical record , 30(5), 1999, pp. 373-377

Authors: DUNNING Gail E COOPER Joseph F
Citation: E. Dunning Gail et F. Cooper Joseph, Barium silicate, minerals from Trumbuli Peak, Mariposa county, California, Mineralogical record , 30(6), 1999, pp. 411-417

Authors: BURLAKOV Evgeni V
Citation: V. Burlakov Evgeni, The Dodo deposit subpolar Urals, Russia, Mineralogical record , 30(6), 1999, pp. 427-442

Authors: BURLAKOV Evgeni V
Citation: V. Burlakov Evgeni, The Puiva deposit subpolar Urals, Russia, Mineralogical record , 30(6), 1999, pp. 451-465
Results: 1-24