string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1999' AND fasc_issn='00357529' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-39    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/39

Citation: E. Back M et A. Mandarino J, Minerals for which Mexico is the type locality, Rocks and minerals , 74(1), 1999, pp. 12-14

Authors: WALLACE T C
Citation: C. Wallace T, The Miguel Romero Sanchez Mexican mineral collection, Rocks and minerals , 74(1), 1999, pp. 16-19

Citation: M. Megaw P K et D. Barton M, The geology and minerals of Cerro de Mercado, Durango, Mexico, Rocks and minerals , 74(1), 1999, pp. 20-28

Authors: SMITH Bill SMITH Carol
Citation: Smith Bill et Smith Carol, Tales from Mexico part 1, Rocks and minerals , 74(1), 1999, pp. 30-38

Authors: COOK Robert B
Citation: B. Cook Robert, Connoisseur's choice: adamite, Ojuela mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico, Rocks and minerals , 74(1), 1999, pp. 40-42

Authors: GAIT Robert I
Citation: I. Gait Robert, Who's who im mineral names: people after whom mexican minerals have been named, Rocks and minerals , 74(1), 1999, pp. 44-50

Authors: METROPOLIS William C
Citation: C. Metropolis William, Highlights of mexican minerals at Harvard university, Rocks and minerals , 74(1), 1999, pp. 56-61

Authors: HOWARD J. Michael
Citation: Howard J. Michael, Brookite, rutile paramorphs after brookite, and rutile twins from Magnet Cove, Arkansas, Rocks and minerals , 74(2), 1999, pp. 92-102

Authors: SMITH Bill SMITH Carol
Citation: Smith Bill et Smith Carol, Tales from Mexico part 2, Rocks and minerals , 74(2), 1999, pp. 103-109

Authors: BETTS John H
Citation: H. Betts John, The quarries and minerals of the Dayton road district, south Glastonbury, Connecticut, Rocks and minerals , 74(2), 1999, pp. 110-121

Authors: COOK Robert B
Citation: B. Cook Robert, Connoisseur's choice: anglesite in Galena, Touissit Mine, Oujda, Morocco, Rocks and minerals , 74(2), 1999, pp. 122-125

Authors: WIGHT Quintin
Citation: Wight Quintin, Through the 'scope: the year in micromounting, Rocks and minerals , 74(2), 1999, pp. 129-134

Authors: WRIGHT Fred Jr.
Citation: Wright Fred Jr, Florida's fantastic fulgurite find, Rocks and minerals , 74(3), 1999, pp. 156-159

Authors: ROSEMEYER Tom
Citation: Rosemeyer Tom, The history, geology, and mineralogy of the White Pine Mine, Ontonagon county, Michigan, Rocks and minerals , 74(3), 1999, pp. 160-176

Authors: COOK Robert B
Citation: B. Cook Robert, Connoisseur's choice: prehnite, Brandberg, Namibia, Rocks and minerals , 74(3), 1999, pp. 178-180

Citation: , Twenty-fifth Rochester Mineralogical Symposium: contributed papers in specimen mineralogy, Rocks and minerals , 74(3), 1999, pp. 181-191

Authors: TURZI Urban J
Citation: J. Turzi Urban, Through the 'scope: the Willet Raney Willis micromineral collection at the U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Rocks and minerals , 74(3), 1999, pp. 196-198

Authors: MUNTYAN Barbare L
Citation: L. Muntyan Barbare, Colorado sphalerite, Rocks and minerals , 74(4), 1999, pp. 220-235

Authors: CHAMBERLAIN Steven C KING Vandall T COOKE Donald ROBINSON George W HOLT Wayne
Citation: C. Chamberlain Steven et al., Minerals of the gouverneur talc company. No. 4 Quarry (Valentine deposit), Rocks and minerals , 74(4), 1999, pp. 236-249

Authors: COOK Robert B
Citation: B. Cook Robert, Connoisseur's choice: manganite, Ilfeld, Harz, Germany, Rocks and minerals , 74(4), 1999, pp. 250-252

Authors: BUCHHOLZ Thomas
Citation: Buchholz Thomas, Minerals of a Wausau pegmatite, Marathon county, Wisconsin, Rocks and minerals , 74(4), 1999, pp. 254-258

Citation: V. Dietrich R, Rock chips: carbonate concretions part 1, Rocks and minerals , 74(4), 1999, pp. 266-269

Authors: LIEBER Werner
Citation: Lieber Werner, Twins: crystal curiosities, Rocks and minerals , 74(5), 1999, pp. 300-307

Authors: RICHARDS R Peter
Citation: Richards R Peter, The four twin laws of calcite and how to recognize them, Rocks and minerals , 74(5), 1999, pp. 308-317

Authors: WHITE John S RICHARDS R Peter
Citation: S. White John et Richards R Peter, Chinese beryl crystals mimic twinning, Rocks and minerals , 74(5), 1999, pp. 318-320
Results: 1-25 | 26-39