string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1999' AND fasc_issn='03698963' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-18    

Articles table of contents

Results : 18

Authors: GUALTIERI Alessandro F
Citation: F. Gualtieri Alessandro, The aid of X-ray powder diffraction to the characterisation and treatment of asbestos containing materials, Periodico di mineralogia (Testo stampato) , 68(1), 1999, pp. 1-11

Authors: LUSTRINO Michele MELLUSO Leone MORRA Vincenzo
Citation: Lustrino Michele et al., Origin of glass and its relationships with phlogopite in mantle xenoliths from central Sardinia (Italy), Periodico di mineralogia (Testo stampato) , 68(1), 1999, pp. 13-42

Authors: ANDREOZZI Giovanni
Citation: Andreozzi Giovanni, Synthetic spinels in the (Mg,Fe2+,Zn)(Al,Fe3+)2O4 system: I. Flux growth of single crystals, Periodico di mineralogia (Testo stampato) , 68(1), 1999, pp. 43-51

Authors: TOMMASINI Simone POLI Giampiero GHEZZO Claudio
Citation: Tommasini Simone et al., Trace element inferences on the evolution and genesis of the Monte Pulchiana leucogranites, northern Sardinia, Italy, Periodico di mineralogia (Testo stampato) , 68(1), 1999, pp. 53-67

Citation: Marianelli Paola et Carletti Paolo, Genesis of Roccastrada volcanic rocks (central Italy): inferences from melt inclusions analyses, Periodico di mineralogia (Testo stampato) , 68(1), 1999, pp. 69-80

Authors: SUCHA Vladimir KRAUS Ivan SAMAJOVA Eva PUSKELOVA Lubica
Citation: Sucha Vladimir et al., Crystallite size distribution of kaolin minerals, Periodico di mineralogia (Testo stampato) , 68(1), 1999, pp. 81-92

Authors: ASTORRI Francesco LOMBARDI Salvatore PAOLONI Fabrizio
Citation: Astorri Francesco et al., Soil gas investigations over sulphide ore-bearing fractures - the Fontalcinaldo case study (Boccheggiano and Niccioleta mining district - southern Tuscany, Italy, Periodico di mineralogia (Testo stampato) , 68(2), 1999, pp. 93-108

Authors: FERRINI Vincenzo Sassano Giampaolo
Citation: Ferrini Vincenzo et Sassano Giampaolo, Nature, origin and age of diamonds: a state -of-the-art report, Periodico di mineralogia (Testo stampato) , 68(2), 1999, pp. 109-126

Authors: CAPPELLETTI Piergiulio LANGELLA Alessio COLELLA Abner DE GENNARO Roberto
Citation: Cappelletti Piergiulio et al., Mineralogical and technical features of zeolite deposits from northern Latium volcanic district, Periodico di mineralogia (Testo stampato) , 68(2), 1999, pp. 127-144

Authors: NEGRI ARNOLDI Cristina AZZARO Ettore BARBIERI Mario TUCCI Patrizia
Citation: Negri Arnoldi Cristina et al., Petrographic and geochemical features of the "Cipollino verde" marble from the Apuan Alps (northern Tuscany, Italy) and archaeometric implications, Periodico di mineralogia (Testo stampato) , 68(2), 1999, pp. 145-162

Citation: Busa Tiziana et al., "Low P" and "High P" alkaline magmas from Mt. Etna: their origin and evolution from the study of mineralogy and chemistry of lavas and of olivine-trapped inclusions, Periodico di mineralogia (Testo stampato) , 68(2), 1999, pp. 163-183

Authors: DE CAPITANI Luisa MORONI Marilena RODEGHERO Franco
Citation: De Capitani Luisa et al., Geological and geochemical characteristics of Permian tourmalinization at val Trompia (southern Alps, northern Italy) and relationship with the Orobic tourmalinites, Periodico di mineralogia (Testo stampato) , 68(2), 1999, pp. 185-212

Authors: CRAVERO Fernanda DOMINGUEZ Eduardo
Citation: Cravero Fernanda et Dominguez Eduardo, Origin of sedimentary kaolin in the Neuquen basin, Argentina as determined by oxygen isotopes, Periodico di mineralogia (Testo stampato) , 68(3), 1999, pp. 213-222

Citation: Lucchetti Gabriella et al., Minerogenetic activity of the marine sponge Chondrosia reniformis and local impact on sediment composition, Periodico di mineralogia (Testo stampato) , 68(3), 1999, pp. 223-230

Authors: RONCA Sara DEL MORO Aldo TRAVERSA Gianbosco
Citation: Ronca Sara et al., Geochronology, Sr-Nd isotope geochemistry and petrology of late-hercynian dyke magmatism from Sarrabus (SE Sardinia), Periodico di mineralogia (Testo stampato) , 68(3), 1999, pp. 231-260

Authors: GHIARA Maria Rosaria PETTI Carmela MORBIDELLI Paola
Citation: Ghiara Maria Rosaria et al., Analcimization processes in the pyroclastic rocks from Phlegraean fields (southern Italy): compositional variations and geochemical balances, Periodico di mineralogia (Testo stampato) , 68(3), 1999, pp. 261-273

Authors: FUMAGALLI Patrizia POLI Stefano
Citation: Fumagalli Patrizia et Poli Stefano, Phase relationships in hydrous peridotites at high pressure: preliminary results of multianvil experiments, Periodico di mineralogia (Testo stampato) , 68(3), 1999, pp. 275-286

Authors: MORBIDELLI Paola GHIARA Maria Rosaria LONIS Roberto SAU Antonio
Citation: Morbidelli Paola et al., Zeolitic occurrences from tertiary pyroclastic flows and related epiclastic deposits outcropping in northern Sardinia (Italy), Periodico di mineralogia (Testo stampato) , 68(3), 1999, pp. 287-313
Results: 1-18