string(239) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ESSPER' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1999' AND fasc_issn='11228792' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-20    

Articles table of contents

Results : 20

Authors: Gootzeit, Michael J.
Citation: Michael J. Gootzeit, Fisher and Bohm-Bawerk on Rae's version of classical interest theory, History of economic ideas, 7(3), 1999, pp. 7-32

Authors: Dimand, Robert J.
Citation: Robert J. Dimand, Beveridge on unemployment and cycles before 'The general theory', History of economic ideas, 7(3), 1999, pp. 33-51

Authors: Nuti, Pierluigi
Citation: Pierluigi Nuti, Sraffa's surplus vs. Georgescu-Roegen's entropy - A survey of energy issues and complexity in the history of economic thought, History of economic ideas, 7(3), 1999, pp. 53-78

Authors: Fiorito, Luca
Citation: Luca Fiorito, The present significance of Thorstein Verblen's contribution in the centennial of 'The theory of the leisure class' - Foreword, History of economic ideas, 7(3), 1999, pp. 81-83

Authors: Klein. Philip A.
Citation: Klein. Philip A., The theory of the Leisure Class, inspiration for the new millennium, History of economic ideas, 7(3), 1999, pp. 85-98

Authors: Edgell, Stephen
Citation: Stephen Edgell, Veblen's theory of conspicuous consumption after 100 years, History of economic ideas, 7(3), 1999, pp. 99-125

Authors: Bush, Paul D.
Citation: Paul D. Bush, Veblen's 'olympian detachment' reconsidered, History of economic ideas, 7(3), 1999, pp. 127-151

Authors: Ohara, Phillip Anthony
Citation: Phillip Anthony Ohara, Thorstein Veblen's theory of collective social wealth, instincts and property relations, History of economic ideas, 7(3), 1999, pp. 153-179

Authors: Joosung, Rhie
Citation: Rhie Joosung, Labour intensity and surplus value in Karl Marx. A note, History of economic ideas, 7(3), 1999, pp. 181-191

Authors: Di Martino, Paolo
Citation: Paolo Di Martino, A re-discovered approach : Irving, Fisher's debt-deflation theory, History of economic ideas, 7(3), 1999, pp. 193-207

Authors: Rizzello, Salvatore
Citation: Salvatore Rizzello, The endogenous asymmetrical information: the market for 'lemons' according to Hayek's legacy, History of economic ideas, 7(1/2), 1999, pp. 13-41

Authors: Birner, Jack
Citation: Jack Birner, The surprising place of cognitive psychology in the work of F.A. Hayek, History of economic ideas, 7(1/2), 1999, pp. 43-84

Authors: Garrouste, Pierre
Citation: Pierre Garrouste, Is the Haykeian evolutionism coherent ?, History of economic ideas, 7(1/2), 1999, pp. 85-103

Authors: Zappia, Carlo
Citation: Carlo Zappia, The economics of information, market socialism and Hayek's legacy, History of economic ideas, 7(1/2), 1999, pp. 105-138

Authors: Aimar, Thierry
Citation: Thierry Aimar, Time, coordination and ignorance: a comparison between Hayek and Lachmann, History of economic ideas, 7(1/2), 1999, pp. 139-165

Authors: Gloria-Palermo, Sandye
Citation: Sandye Gloria-Palermo, On the limits of the modern Austrian revival, History of economic ideas, 7(1/2), 1999, pp. 167-194

Authors: Rosner, Peter
Citation: Peter Rosner, The Austrian research on business cycles, History of economic ideas, 7(1/2), 1999, pp. 195-226

Authors: Arena, Richard
Citation: Richard Arena, The Hayek Keynes controversy in the light of modern business cycle theory, History of economic ideas, 7(1/2), 1999, pp. 227-253

Authors: McCann, Charles R. jr
Citation: Charles R. jr McCann, 'Strong' uncertainty and the Keynesian uncertainty: a rejonder, History of economic ideas, 7(1/2), 1999, pp. 253-254

Authors: Samuels, Warren J.
Citation: Warren J. Samuels, The Nash of Nash equilibrium: a review essay, History of economic ideas, 7(1/2), 1999, pp. 255-264
Results: 1-20